Mystery Babylon is well known, less well known is the human personification of her and her part in current events.
This continues until i finish sealing.
Jerusalem follows the mysteries because she has no choice (thats me and Melissa, as Rio) Israel will be chosen again (i WAS israel, then tits rodgers got involved) Amanda is the traditional Israel, however married David (Covenant of David) to complicate matters David & I were baptized in the same bath, so the covenant still holds (proven again today) however may not after 10 am tomorrow, will see?
Ok, so, I was conceived when the keystone was laid for Sacred heart cathedral in my home town, i've never been catholic, howver i was reading a catholic bible when i met yahweh, then i was blessed to see Elohims face, was given the sword, many events happened and now im here.
The point is, we burnt down Notre Dame and started a fire on the dome of the rock, just dancin'
I was given BOTH my sisters cups to drink, not just since 2018, this whole life span, that is the confusion.
There are certain characteristics, skills that are entirely mine, speakin' in tongues, speakin' other languages, the ocean, workin' with military, Athena, wikileaks, livin' in Qld, Fashion design, that type of thing
Long story short, the Paris agreement is the choice made between Hera, Aphrodite & Athena, when trump didnt honour that it spawned what is happenin' now. Paris was my ..
When he crowned me (Esther) he lifted me to Aphrodite (my eldest sister venus) probably because she had lost her own cup & i was there
By refusin' to return to SA (she will not return to the one who hit her) Events turned nasty and I have had to stand as Athena
Pope Francis (france) , I WAS the pope, Malachi's last, that was stolen from me, here in Australia there are spirits, older than others know
"She thought she would always been Queen" refers to that negative spirit that has … warped prophecy , i am innocent of the charges against me, but people much higher placed than me require a scapegoat for their antichrist rebirth.
The battle is many pronged