Basically three major players. The beast, the anti-Christ and the false prophet.
The beast seems to represent a government, in this case, an amalgamation of the countries that were part of the old Roman Empire, we see that happening now. It's not like the other beasts in that it seems to be more of an economic empire, rather than a purely political one like in ancient times, when they just rolled in their armies and took over.
The anti-Christ has a couple possible meanings or interpretations. Against Christ is one. In place of, is another. So, one possibility could possibly involve Israel because to be honest, they are probably the most anti-Christ of anyone else in the world. The other possibility is the, in place of, definition, which I would suspect is the papacy. Or, it could be a combination of both, who knows.
I've recently considered that the false prophet could be Islam in general, think about it, who was Mohammad?
Now, view the prophetic scripts with this info in mind and see if it makes any sense. What is the anti-Christ going to pull off? Somehow, at least by most interpretations, he will allow the Jews to rebuild the temple, that means he is going to have to get the Moslems to go along with it. Who might have the ability to do that? You realize the Moslems are waiting for their Mahdi right? What if he is the false prophet? I suspect the papacy and Mahdi are going to work together with the anti-Christ and, "bring world peace," but it won't last long.
Then, all hell will literally break loose. At some point, Israel will be invaded and God Himself will step in and save them, but not because they have been such good little boys and girls, but because He made a promise and His name is on the deal, and God honors His promises.