Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:38 a.m. No.13917516   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8037 >>8253 >>8282 >>8285 >>8290

Chinese ministry dismisses CNN report on radioactive leak at nuclear power plant as ‘NOT TRUE’


This week’s report by CNN of a leak at China’s Taishan Nuclear Power Plant, and of authorities raising radiation limits outside the facility has been dismissed as “not true” by China’s Ministry of Ecology and Environment.


The ministry published an interview with “the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (National Nuclear Safety Administration)” who answered questions from reporters, on its website on Wednesday, without giving the name of the official. The publication refers to CNN's report on the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong province that was released on Monday.


In the report, CNN said that the US government had been assessing a reported leak at a Chinese nuclear power plant, after a “French company that part owns and helps operate the facility warned of an imminent radiological threat.” The report went on to claim that China’s Nuclear Safety authority was raising the acceptable limits for radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in order to avoid having to shut it down, citing a letter from the French company to the US Department of Energy.


The Chinese ministry has refuted the claim of a radioactive leak. The official in the interview confirmed that an increase in the level of radioactivity has been recorded in one of the units of the plant (the primary circuit of Unit 1) and “is completely different from a radiological leakage accident.” The ministry explains that the increase is inside a reactor and is mainly related to the damage of the fuel rods, which is an unavoidable and common phenomenon that happens during fuel manufacturing, transportation and loading. The two radioactive safety barriers of the reactor – the coolant system and the containment tightness – meet the requirements and are safe, which means there is no threat of a radioactive leak, it insists. The ministry says the radiation level outside the plant is normal which confirms there’s been no leak and it has guaranteed the operational safety of the nuclear power plant.


The ministry has also dismissed CNN’s claim that the National Nuclear Safety Administration approved an increase in the acceptable limit of radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in order to avoid having to shut it down as “not true.”


The National Nuclear Safety Administration has not approved an increase in the acceptable limit of radiation detection outside the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant.


It explains that the National Nuclear Safety Administration reviewed and approved the relevant limits for the specific activity of the noble gas used as a coolant in the reactor – “a limit used for operation management that has nothing to do with the external radiation detection of the nuclear power plant. The concept in the CNN report is wrong,” reads the statement.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:40 a.m. No.13917530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7539 >>7673 >>7683 >>8039

“I Actually Don’t Remember That” – Putin When Asked About Time When Biden Looked at Him and Said He Saw “No Soul”


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday evening gave a solo press conference in Geneva after his meeting with Joe Biden.


Putin met with Biden for under 4 hours on Wednesday.


Little is known about the meeting because the US media was tossed out of the room, forcing us to rely on the Russian foreign ministry’s reporting.


A reporter asked Putin about the time when Joe Biden supposedly looked at him and said he’s a ‘killer with no soul.’


Earlier this year Joe Biden told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos that he looked Vladimir Putin in the eye and told him “I don’t think you have a soul and he looked back at me and said we understand each other.”


Putin said he doesn’t remember that incident.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:41 a.m. No.13917535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin Rips ABC Hack and Biden Admin Over Illegal Detention of Jan. 6 Protesters – Ashli Babbitt Murder – Black Lives Matter Destruction


Russian President spoke with reporters after his less than four-hour summit with Joe Biden.

The meeting with Biden was supposed to last 5 hours, it lasted less than four.


During his press conference following the bilateral meeting, ABC hack Rachel Scott asked Putin about how his political opponents turned up dead.


This was after Vladimir Putin ripped the Black Lives Matter movement for its massive path of destruction across the US following George Floyd’s death – something the liberal media lies about to this day. The Russian leader said he does not want that to happen in Russia!


Putin pointed out to Rachel Scott that hundreds of Americans today are sitting in jail without a fair trial – political opponents of the current regime.


Putin also mentioned the shooting of veteran Ashli Babbitt in the US Capitol, although he did not mention her name.


Of course, Putin is right. And he appears to be more honest than the Pravda media we have here at home in the US.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:42 a.m. No.13917546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

FBI Operatives Likely 'Unindicted Co-Conspirators', Organizers Of Capitol Riot: Report


Tucker Carlson dropped several bombshells on his show Tuesday night, chief among them was from a Revolver News report that the FBI was likely involved in organizing the Jan. 6 Capitol 'insurrection,' and were similarly involved in the kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchin Whitmer.


"Why are there so many factual matters that we don't understand about that day?" asked Carlson.


"Why is the Biden administration preventing us from knowing? Why is the administration still hiding more than 10,000 hours of surveillance tape from the US capitol on January 6th? What could possibly be the reason for that - even as they call for more openness… they could release those tapes today, but they're not. Why?"


Carlson notes that Revolver News has dissected court filings surrounding the Capitol riot, suggests that unindicted co-conspirators in the case are likely to have been federal operatives.


We at Revolver News have noticed a pattern from our now months-long investigation into 1/6 — and in particular from our meticulous study of the charging documents related to those indicted. In many cases the unindicted co-conspirators appear to be much more aggressive and egregious participants in the very so-called “conspiracy” serving as the basis for charging those indicted.


The question immediately arises as to why this is the case, and forces us to consider whether certain individuals are being protected from indictment because they were involved in 1/6 as undercover operatives or confidential informants for a federal agency.


Key segment from Tucker:


"We know that the government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers that were present at the Capitol on January 6th, not just the one that killed Ashli Babbitt. According to the government's own court filing, those law enforcement officers participated in the riot - sometimes in violent ways. We know that because without fail, the government has thrown the book at most people who were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6. There was a nationwide dragnet to find them - and many are still in solitary confinement tonight. But strangely, some of the key people who participated on Jan. 6 have not been charged."


Look at the documents, the government calls those people 'unindicted co-conspirators.' What does that mean? Well it means that in potentially every case they were FBI operatives… in the Capitol, on January 6th."

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:45 a.m. No.13917568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7575 >>7595 >>7608 >>7634 >>7687 >>7718 >>8253 >>8285

Perfect: “Trump Won” Banner Makes Appearance in Switzerland During Biden-Putin Meeting


Osama Bin Laden’s niece Noor Bin Laden made an appearance outside the Putin-Biden Summit in Switzerland today.


Noor Bin Laden, a Trump supporter, flashed a large “Trump Won” banner from her boat.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:46 a.m. No.13917574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7616 >>8253 >>8285

ARIZONA AUDIT UPDATE: Handcount Is COMPLETED – Paper Ballot Examination Continues – 100 THOUSAND Ballots Inspected per Day


On Tuesday, The Arizona Audit Twitter page announced that the hand count was finally completed on Monday, President Donald Trump’s birthday!


The Gateway Pundit accurately reported this on Monday, when Senate President Karen Fann and a Wyoming delegation toured the historic process.


The Maricopa Arizona Audit Twitter page posted the following tweet on Tuesday afternoon.


“Audit Update: Hand count of ballots was completed yesterday with the exception of Braille ballots. The paper examination phase continues and we are examining over 100k ballots per day!”


This is another MAJOR update.


The hand counting process has finally concluded, except for braille ballots but Ken Bennett told us that there were only 3 braille ballot boxes on Monday. Because these ballots are about 3/4ths of an inch thick, the 3 boxes totaled only about 50 or 60 at the time.


TGP’s Jordan Conradson learned that those still counting ballots on the floor are performing “quality control” measures to ensure accuracy. This is just another example of the immense security involved in this audit.


The paper examination phase will finish by the end of June at the current rate.


At you can find the live stream of the audit. Cameras 3 and 5 show the corral of completed and examined boxes. Camera 7 shows the corral which contains boxes that have been counted but not examined yet.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:47 a.m. No.13917582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7804 >>7886 >>8253 >>8285

Police charge man over mob’s chase of BBC journalist through London at anti-lockdown demo


One man has been charged after a BBC journalist was chased through central London during a protest against the government prolonging England’s Covid-19 restrictions, the Metropolitan Police has said.


Martin Hockridge, 57, from Harpenden, north of London has been charged under the Public Order Act, the Met said in a statement on Wednesday.


In footage of the incident on Monday, a number of protesters can be seen heckling and chasing BBC Newsnight’s political editor Nicholas Watt near Downing Street.


Police claim Hockridge was among the group who pursued the journalist, and that he used “threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour towards another person with the intention to cause them harassment, alarm or distress.” He is due to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on June 29.


The charge comes after a police investigation into the incident was launched and the Met called on the public to help them identify possible offenders from footage of the protest.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:50 a.m. No.13917594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7609 >>7661 >>7788 >>8253 >>8285

Fox Affiliate Fires Reporter After Release Of "Censorship" Clips Via Project Veritas


A Fox affiliate station has fired a reporter after she went off-script during a weather segment on Monday saying she is being allegedly muzzled by Fox News, and later shared with Project Veritas recordings she says show the network’s censorship and corruption.


Ivory Hecker, 32, who formerly worked for Fox 26 in Houston, has been let go by the station, a representative confirmed in a statement to several news outlets Tuesday.


Hecker during the live segment claimed that Fox Corporation has been “muzzling” her to “keep certain information from you, the viewer.”


“And from what I am gathering I am not the only reporter being subjected to this. I am going to be releasing some recordings about what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you, the viewers. I found a nonprofit journalism group called Project Veritas that’s going to help put that out tomorrow so tune into them,” she said, before proceeding with the weather report.


The 32-year-old, according to Fox 26’s website, was a general assignment reporter and fill-in anchor. She previously worked for KARE-11, an NBC affiliate station in Minneapolis. Hecker’s Instagram says she is a music recording artist who has released several songs.


Hecker took her clips to investigative journalism nonprofit Project Veritas. In an Instagram story on her personal account, she said that she had made it clear to her bosses that she was recording them.


She told Project Veritas that the Fox affiliate station “came at my throat for standing up against censorship.”


“What’s happening within Fox Corp is an operation of prioritizing corporate interests above the viewer’s interest and, therefore, operating in a deceptive way,” Hecker told Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe.


“It is unspoken, but if you accidentally step outside the narrative, if you don’t sense what that narrative is, and go with it, there will be great consequences for you,” she continued. “My newsroom kind of groups everyone into racial groups.”


In one of the clips Hecker shared with Project Veritas, Lee Meier, an assistant news director with the station can be heard saying: “It’s not just about the viewers; it’s about what our CEO reads; it’s about what our GM [general manager] reads.”

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:51 a.m. No.13917602   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7626 >>8253 >>8285

Rand Paul Demands Exclusion Of Wuhan Lab Funders From Investigations


Senator Rand Paul urged Wednesday that those involved in funding the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s coronavirus ‘gain of function’ research cannot be allowed to be a part of investigations again.


Appearing on Fox News, Paul said “Here’s the problem. The WHO investigated this the first time, we suggested three people to send to China. They rejected all three and they accepted a guy named Peter Daszak who was the one that funded the lab.”


The Senator continued “So you can’t have the people—like Anthony Fauci or Peter Daszak—who are part of the funding mechanism to send these funds to Wuhan lab. You can’t have them investigating themselves.”


“They have a definite conflict of interest because if this pandemic started in a lab that the U.S. was funding, the people advocating for the funding obviously will have culpability—at least moral culpability,” Paul asserted.


Referring to the World Health organisation’s 3 hour visit to the Wuhan lab in February, Paul stated “The WHO did a terrible job the first time. There needs to be an investigation but I’ve been advocating for a congressional investigation.”




Paul was one of five GOP Senators to put his name to a letter made public this week demanding the unreacted release of “all records” from Fauci, his deputy Hugh Auchincloss, NIH Director Francis Collins and several other officials “referring or relating to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, COVID-19, coronavirus, EcoHealth Alliance, or Dr. Baric’s 2015 coronavirus study.”


The Senators noted that “release of approximately 4,000 pages of NIH email communications and other documents from early 2020 has raised serious questions about NIH’s handling of COVID-19.”

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:55 a.m. No.13917641   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7676

Arrest Warrant Issued Swalwell Team Member Who Entered Mo Brooks’ Home


An arrest warrant has been issued for the Swalwell team member who entered Mo Brooks' home without permission


On June 6, Rep. Mo Brooks, now running for the U.S. Senate, revealed that a private investigator paid by Eric Swalwell entered his home without his permission and confronted his wife to serve Brooks with a lawsuit related to January 6. Brooks said that the entry was illegal, and slammed Swalwell for sending his team to his home.


In a press release, Brooks’ office now says “Tuesday, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Congressman Eric Swalwell teammate Christian Seklecki of Georgia for the Class A misdemeanor of 1st Degree Criminal Trespass. Christian Seklecki illegally entered Congressman Mo Brooks’ (AL-05) home and accosted his wife, Martha Brooks, on June 6, 2021. On June 7, Congressman Brooks released home surveillance video proving Seklecki stalked Martha Brooks and ran into the Brooks’ home without the Brooks’ knowledge or permission.”


Brooks said, “Congressman Eric Swalwell lied in his politically motivated, meritless lawsuit against President Donald Trump and me when he falsely claimed I incited the January 6th Capitol violence. Swalwell’s attorneys lied again when they strutted in front of the news media like peacocks in heat and falsely accused me of avoiding Swalwell’s lawsuit service when the fact is they could have served me roughly a hundred times before, during or after both Swalwell and I voted together on the House floor, or served me by U.S. Mail to my home address. In fact, when they finally got serious about serving me with the lawsuit, they served me not once, not twice, but three times, all within one week! So much for avoiding service or being difficult to find!”


Brooks also noted both in his original tweets and subsequent media appearances that he was not at his Alabama home when Swalwell’s team member entered without permission. In fact, his wife was home alone.


“My wife, Martha, was scared to death when she discovered a stranger in our home hovering over her like a hawk! Fortunately, the fright soon turned into anger and Martha chased Swalwell’s teammate out of our house like a stray, scalded dog,” said Brooks. “You don’t mess with Martha! I am proud as can be to have her as my wife!”

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 10:59 a.m. No.13917671   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Peter Daszak Headlined Wuhan Lab Conference 2 Months Before Serving On World Health Organization COVID-19 Origins Team.


Peter Daszak spoke at a Wuhan Institute of Virology-sponsored conference chaired by “bat woman” Shi Zhengli months before serving as an “impartial” COVID-19 origins investigator for the World Health Organization.


The unearthed event follows extensive National Pulse reporting on Daszak’s conflicts of interest with the Chinese Communist Party and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, believed by many to be the source of COVID-19. Aided by taxpayer-funded grants from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Daszak’s nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to collaborate on “killer” bat coronavirus research.


Adding to a long list of conflicts that prevented Daszak from serving as an impartial World Health Organization (WHO) COVID-19 investigator, The National Pulse can also reveal that he spoke at a conference hosted by the Wuhan Institute of Virology roughly two months before he visited the facility to conduct the WHO inquiry in February. Daszak had served on the WHO COVID-19 origins team since January.


The conference – the 9th International Symposium on Emerging Viral Diseases – was hosted by the Wuhan Institute of Virology and “Bat woman” Shi Zhengli, who describes Daszak as her “longtime collaborator,” served as the “chairperson” of the conference. The three-day event starting November 26, 2020 “was conducted in the form of a combination of on-site reports and online reports,” according to an online summary.


The Wuhan lab’s website also details Shi’s speech opening the event:


Shi Zhengli delivered a speech at the opening ceremony and extended a warm welcome to the experts and representatives who attended the meeting and online. She emphasized that the emerging viral disease represented by the new coronavirus pneumonia is a common test faced by all countries in the world. Although rapid progress has been made in the research of the new crown virus in the past ten months, the current understanding of this virus is still very limited.


Also speaking at the Chinese Communist Party-run lab’s event was Vincent Munster, the Virus Ecology Chief for Fauci’s NIAID.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:01 a.m. No.13917691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

About Obama’s Creepy Dogwhistles to UFO Cults…


As the COVID “crisis” wanes, the media is directing our attention to the heavens in search of a higher power. An upcoming intelligence report on unexplained aerial phenomena, to be delivered to Congress on June 25, has UFO enthusiasts going crazy. In the absence of solid evidence, the imagination runs wild. We now have a beloved president-turned-celebrity fanning those flames—for reasons we can only speculate on.


In the old days, UFO cultists would flip through The Weekly World News for validation. Today, they read the New York Times.


As the news media fuel their expectations, I wonder how long it’ll be before one of these sects loses it completely.


Back in 1997, we saw 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate cult castrate themselves and commit mass suicide. They were convinced that a spacecraft hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet would pick up their souls on its way to the stars.


Such tragedies only matter when they happen, though. Until then, public fantasies about super-intelligent beings with advanced technology can be harnessed for power, profit, or fun.


The 2020 release of The Phenomenon was a naked attempt to steer this growing UFO craze leftward. The riveting documentary features retired Democratic senator Harry Reid, Democratic New Mexico governor Bill Richardson, and Bill Clinton’s White House chief of staff, John Podesta. The film opens with oligarchic heir Christopher Mellon—former Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary for Intelligence under Clinton—who gives the modern world a new reason to believe:


“We need to begin to prepare to accept and understand that we are not alone in the universe [and] have not been at all throughout this time.”


At the film’s conclusion, we learn that UFOs descended on Zimbabwe in 1994, where they stirred up religious zeal.


“They are saying that Jesus is passing through Africa,” a Zimbabwean man tells the camera, “That’s what they are saying.” This visitation culminates with creepy aliens landing on a playground to inform school children, telepathically, that technology is destroying our planet.


The scenario raises some thorny questions. Why didn’t these ET environmentalists contact oil tycoons or the logging companies instead of some kids in the middle of nowhere? If these aliens are smart enough for space travel, shouldn’t they have a better PR strategy? Then again, maybe they had something else in mind. The fact that these bug-eyed weirdos tried to lure the kids into their flying saucer is presented in the film without comment.


The narrator closes by saying, “We may be sharing this fragile blue-green oasis with an unknown other—one with a mysterious relationship to humanity, and its own interest in our world.”

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:03 a.m. No.13917693   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

New Jersey teacher who raped students reportedly faces three new accusers


A New Jersey high school teacher who pleaded guilty to sexually abusing students is facing three new accusers, who allege she showered them with gifts, changed their grades and cleared truancy records as part of a years-long grooming process, reports said.


Nicole Dufault, whose attorney blamed her actions on brain surgery she recently underwent, and the South Orange-Maplewood School District are facing three new lawsuits from the accusers in Essex County Superior Court, reported.


The suits, two of which were filed earlier this month and another that was made public Tuesday, outline the abuse that sparked the criminal probe into Dufault and eventually led to her arrest in 2014 on 40 counts of aggravated sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child.


At the time, a video depicting Dufault orally raping a student spread on social media and attorneys for the accusers are blaming the school district for not doing enough to prevent it from happening in the first place.


“She was just out of control with her behavior,” John Baldante, the lawyer representing the victims in the new suits, told the outlet, adding that Dufault’s actions were so blatant, it’s difficult to comprehend how administrators didn’t know about them.


“The question here is, what did the school know directly or what should they have known?”


The former language arts teacher at Columbia High School in Maplewood and divorced mother of two allegedly told one victim that she’d been sexually abusing her students as long as she worked for the school — nine years, the new suits allege, according to the outlet.


That former student claims he was in eighth grade when he first started hearing about a Columbia teacher who had sex with students, helped them cut class and took them out in her car for illicit lunches, among other favors, records obtained by the outlet show.


He said Dufault’s reign of abuse started as soon as he got to the school in the summer of 2013 when he was 14 and attending a program for kids with learning disabilities, the suit claims.


When his freshman year began that fall, he claims in his suit, Dufault’s abuse quickly escalated from molestation to rape and he was “hand-picked” to be in her class, the lawsuit alleges.


She soon started showering him with cash and other gifts, including a brand new pair of expensive sneakers, which he told her was “one of the best gifts he had ever received,” the suit claims.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:05 a.m. No.13917713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

Once a ‘Conspiracy Theory’, Vaccine Passports Just Deployed in Europe… and CNN Wants Americans to Sign Up Too.


The idea of “vaccine” or “health passports” was once labelled a “conspiracy theory.” For millions of Europeans, it is an authoritarian nightmare now coming true.


The “EU Digital COVID certificate” or “EUDCC” was unveiled in June to little fanfare and scarce media scrutiny.


The digital version can be stored on a mobile device and EU citizens request a paper version. Both contain a QR code with extremely private information, as well as a digital signature.


European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen curiously announced: “Today the European Digital COVID certificate reassures us of this spirit of an open Europe. A Europe without barriers. But also a Europe that is slowly but surely opening up after most difficult times of pandemic. This certificate is a symbol of an open and digital Europe. We developed this certificate in record time. It will make travel in our union easier and it will give Europeans back the freedoms they value and cherish so much.”


The curious part? Claiming that movement is “free” when it literally costs hundreds of millions in taxpayer cash to develop, and, as Von der Leyen even admits in the latter part of her statement: freedom.



The digital certificate will:


Cover Covid-19 vaccination, test, and recovery;

Be free of charge and available in all EU languages;

Be available in a digital and paper-based format;

Be secure and include a digitally signed QR code.


Nine member states originally signed up, with 12 announced on June 14th. A further three are expected to join the ranks soon, with some outlets such as CNN even considering American citizens joining the scheme.


“Right now if you’re an American, not living in the EU, you could get the certificate if you ask the national authorities of a member state to give you that certificate based on some proof that you’ve been vaccinated, or had a recent Covid test,” an EU spokesman told CNN.


Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, and Spain are currently deploying the system, with the rest of the 27 total EU member nations set to begin from July 1st.


The United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union on June 23rd 2016, and will therefore not be part of the EU’s authoritarian measure.


The news comes despite columnists raging against vaccine passports as a “conspiracy theory”:


The Times of London’s Hugo Rifkind railed against liberty-minded citizens using the cringeworthy portmanteau “Covidiot.”


Now, his claims of just seven months ago have proved who the real “Covidiot” is.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:06 a.m. No.13917720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Risk Of Being Bitten By Bats Still Exists’: Wuhan Lab ERASED Reports Of Bats Biting Researchers.


The Wuhan Institute of Virology – believed by many to be a potential source for COVID-19 – wiped articles from its website detailing researchers getting “bitten” by wild bats.


The article – “Batwoman” team found the source of SARS virus” – was erased from the Wuhan lab’s website between May and August of 2020. The last available archive of the article, dated May 5th, 2020, details how a team led by the lab’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases Director Shi Zhengli collects bats for sampling.


While interacting with wild bats for SARS research – likely funded by U.S. taxpayers – a Wuhan Institue of Virology scientists revealed he was “bitten by a bat” in a now-deleted article from December 14th, 2017:


“Despite wearing gloves, the risk of being bitten by a bat still exists. Fan Yibi, a member of the research team, drew the length of a bat’s teeth. Not long ago, his index finger was bitten by a bat.


“Before sampling in the wild, we will inject rabies vaccine in advance. Among the viruses carried by bats, this is the most dangerous.” Fan Yi said.”


“Shi Zhengli, a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Zhang Shuyi, a researcher at the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences at the time, embarked on a journey to trace the source of the SARS coronavirus,” the China Youth Daily article prefaces its explanation of the Wuhan lab’s fieldwork protocols:


“As the research team leader, Shi Zhengli often leads teams to climb mountains and drill holes. Sampling work is usually a group of 4 people. The team members wear N95 masks, gloves, headlights, and coats, and set up bird nets at the entrance of the bat cave in the evening. At night, they took the bats in the falling net from the bird-catching net, and performed anal swab sampling overnight on a temporary workbench in the wild. They caught the bat, swabbed it with a cotton swab soaked in saline, and inserted it into the anus of the bat to take a sample.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:08 a.m. No.13917731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Soros, Bezos, Buffett, Bloomberg Paid Almost ZERO in Tax While Wrecking America.


Data from the IRS and other sources shows that America’s richest men are often paying the lowest taxes percentage-wise, with high-tax advocates like Warren Buffett at the top of the tax-avoidance list.


In 2007, Jeff Bezos – who is now the richest man in the world but even then was a multibillionaire – did not pay a single penny of federal income tax. In 2011, Bezos paid no taxes again. Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and the third-richest man worldwide, did not pay any federal income taxes in 2018. Michael Bloomberg, Carl Icahn, and George Soros all managed to pay zero percent federal income taxes, with Soros managing the feat for three years in a row.


ProPublica used “a vast trove of Internal Revenue Service data,” spanning 15 years and covering thousands of people, they obtained to analyze and compare “how much in taxes the 25 richest Americans paid each year to how much Forbes estimated their wealth grew in that same time period.”


In the ground-breaking report, ProPublica determined both the “true tax rate” of America’s “ultrarich” as well as what their taxes ought to be. They further compared the data on the billionaires to what the average American has been paying (percentage-wise) in taxes in the same amount of time.


The data reveals investments, stock trades, audit results, income, gambling winnings, and taxes. It shows that while couples earning more than $628,300 are supposed to pay 37 percent federal income taxes this year, the richest Americans are essentially unaffected by the tax system–including Biden’s projected tax hikes.


According to ProPublica, after an analysis of the data they have obtained on the 25 richest Americans:


“The results are stark. According to Forbes, those 25 people saw their worth rise a collective $401 billion from 2014 to 2018. They paid a total of $13.6 billion in federal income taxes in those five years, the IRS data shows. That’s a staggering sum, but it amounts to a true tax rate of only 3.4%.


It’s a completely different picture for middle-class Americans, for example, wage earners in their early 40s who have amassed a typical amount of wealth for people their age. From 2014 to 2018, such households saw their net worth expand by about $65,000 after taxes on average, mostly due to the rise in value of their homes. But because the vast bulk of their earnings were salaries, their tax bills were almost as much, nearly $62,000, over that five-year period.


By the end of 2018, the 25 were worth $1.1 trillion.


For comparison, it would take 14.3 million ordinary American wage earners put together to equal that same amount of wealth.


The personal federal tax bill for the top 25 in 2018: $1.9 billion.


The bill for the wage earners: $143 billion.”


The multibillionaire who has most avoided taxes is Warren Buffett, ironically a very public advocate of making the rich pay higher taxes. Between 2014 and 2018, even as his wealth rose $24.3 billion, Buffett only paid $23.7 million in taxes, which is a 0.1 percent tax – less than ten cents in taxes paid for every $100 added to Buffett’s fortune.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.13917755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7764 >>7855 >>8253 >>8285

Ad Council, CDC Launch Campaign to Urge Americans to Mask Up Until They’re Vaccinated


The Ad Council, in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has launched a campaign urging Americans to continue to wear a mask until they are vaccinated.


Per a Tuesday press release detailing the campaign:


The campaign, supported by a grant from The Rockefeller Foundation, is an extension of the national ‘Mask Up America’ campaign, which throughout the pandemic has aimed to increase compliance and acceptance of wearing masks and face coverings as one of the main prevention behaviors in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, and including vaccination, social distancing, and hand washing.


The Ad Council’s press release cites the CDC recommendations easing mask requirements for vaccinated people but notes that “roughly 50% of the US population still has not received at least one dose.”


“For these individuals, it is still critical for them to continue masking up until vaccinated in order to protect themselves and loved ones from COVID-19,” the press release states.


The current campaign features a few 30-second spots, each urging Americans to wear a mask until they are vaccinated for the Chinese coronavirus.


One ad, titled “Swim,” features Olympic gold medalist and member of the International Swimming Hall of Fame Rowdy Gaines. “This is no time to mess around,” the chyron reads in the ad featuring the gold medalist, who randomly stops in the middle of a race.


“Until you’re vaccinated, keep wearing a mask,” the ad states. “Mask up. Let’s finish strong”:

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:12 a.m. No.13917762   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

Fauci: ‘Distortion to Say that We Deliberately Suppressed’ COVID Lab Leak Theory


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr. Anthony Fauci said Wednesday on “CBS This Morning” that it was “a bit of a distortion to say that we deliberately suppressed” the so-called lab leak theory that coronavirus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China.


Co-host Tony Dokoupil said, “We also asked Dr. Fauci about competing theories on the origin of the coronavirus, including the idea that it started not in nature but in a lab in Wuhan, China.”


Fauci said, “Well, first of all, Tony, most of the scientists who know about virus phylogeny and biology will stay from a biological standpoint. It’s still more likely this is a natural occurrence. We have always kept an open mind. End of January, beginning of February, when people looked at the virus and said, this could be something that came from a lab, I brought together a group of scientists. I let people know about it. People forget that, but if you go back then, even though you lean towards feeling this is more likely a natural occurrence, we’ve always felt you’ve got to keep an open mind, all of us. We didn’t get up and started announcing it, but we’ve always said keep an open mind and continue to look.”


He continued, “So I think it’s a bit of a distortion to say that we deliberately suppressed that. When you’re a scientist until you definitively prove something, the nature of science, Tony, is to always keep an open mind, and that’s what we did. You can feel from a virological standpoint looking at things that this is going to be more likely a natural occurrence.”


Fauci added, “In addition to there being a lab in Wuhan, there are these wet markets where you have the human-animal interface that is a perfect set-up for the animal-to-human jump. You keep open the possibilities, and you can have a strong opinion of one without closing your mind. That’s what I and many of the scientists have done.”

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:14 a.m. No.13917773   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7799 >>8253 >>8285

WALL: ProPublica’s ‘Bombshell’ IRS Leak Shows Exactly Why H.R. 1 Is So Dangerous


On June 8, ProPublica published a “bombshell” report that was shared by many Democrats and media figures. The story details what ProPublica characterizes as troubling tax avoidance by the twenty-five richest Americans, and on top of this, the article falsely declares that the wealthy in the United States “aren’t paying their fair share.”


The most troubling part of ProPublica’s purported exposé isn’t actually the information it reveals, it’s how that information was obtained. Billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk legally reduced their tax burden by exploiting loopholes in a deeply flawed tax code. But the unlawful leak of these Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents is an unprecedented breach of privacy, and shows that no American is safe from targeting by left-wing bureaucrats.


This is exactly why legislation like H.R. 1, which has been relentlessly promoted by President Biden and his leftist allies, is so dangerous. Among other provisions, H.R. 1 would require organizations involved in “campaign-related disbursements” to disclose the names of donors who give $10,000 or more.


While Democrats claim this is meant to root out corruption, it would prevent countless Americans from participating in the political process due to fear of harassment. Intimidation of Americans due to their political affiliation is something that leftists have tried before, and they aren’t shy about their desire to do it again. Illegal leaks from the IRS to ProPublica offer a sneak peek at what Americans would face if H.R. 1 was passed. The disclosure of donor lists would open up millions of people who participate in our civic process to ridicule.


Even the liberal American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has pointed out that political donors could face threats of harassment or violence if their information is released. Individuals and groups of all political stripes know that the disclosure of donor rolls under H.R. 1 would violate privacy rights and scare our fellow citizens out of donating to political causes.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:16 a.m. No.13917784   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

Populist Senator Salvini: Vaccines for Those Not at Risk ‘Is Not Good’


Populist Italian Senator Matteo Salvini has come out against vaccinating people he says are not at risk of serious complications of the Wuhan coronavirus, stressing that Italy must ease lockdown restrictions.


Salvini, who leads Italy’s most popular political party, the League, told reporters this week in Rome: “I think that vaccinating those who are not at risk is not good.”


Adding: “We must do as other countries, such as Germany, do.”


“The vaccine secures the elderly and those with other conditions. There can be no AstraZeneca every other day,” he said, according to newspaper Il Giornale.


On Friday, Italy halted the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine for those under the age of 60. The decision followed the death of 18-year-old Camilla Canepa, who died last week of a rare form of blood clotting and a brain haemorrhage after receiving the AstraZeneca shot on the 25th of May.


Populist Senator Matteo Salvini’s League, along with their allies Forza Italia, has called on the Italian government to suspend taxes in areas under lockdown to save local businesses.


— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) November 8, 2020


Salvini also stated that he wanted to get rid of more Wuhan coronavirus restrictions, saying: “We have reopened, and now we want it to be no longer mandatory to wear anti-Covid face masks in the open air.”


The League leader, who has been seen as a possible future prime minister of Italy, has pushed for a loosening of lockdown restrictions since last year and has even called on the government to not charge taxes to businesses forced to close their doors due to the restrictions.


In March, after joining the grand coalition government of Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Salvini called for “surgical” lockdowns rather than a general lockdown of the country, which he said would be “punitive”.


Salvini’s centre-right ally Giorgia Meloni, meanwhile, decided to stay in opposition to Draghi’s government and has seen a rapid rise in the polls, becoming the second-largest party, behind the League, in several recently released surveys.


A poll released earlier this month revealed that Salvini’s centre-right coalition maintained a 52 per cent lead over left-wing party rivals, which have largely floundered during the reign of Prime Minister Draghi, with the two largest leftist parties totalling just 18 and 16 per cent.


Salvini Coalition Polling at 52 Per Cent as Italian Left Flounders


— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) June 6, 2021

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:19 a.m. No.13917812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

Gaming Giant CD Projekt Red Admits Ransomware Hackers Are Leaking Data


Polish game developer CD Projekt Red, the popular company behind the Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077, has revealed this week that proprietary data taken in a ransomware attack disclosed four months ago is circulating online.


Ars Technica reports that CD Projekt Red, the Polish game developer behind the Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077, has revealed that data stolen during a ransomware attack it disclosed four months ago is being circulated online.


Company officials said in a statement:


Today, we have learned new information regarding the breach and now have reason to believe that internal data illegally obtained during the attack is currently being circulated on the Internet.


We are not yet able to confirm the exact contents of the data in question, though we believe it may include current/former employee and contractor details in addition to data related to our games.


The update is a swift backtrack on claims made in February that the stolen data did not include the personal information of employees or customers. A week after disclosing the attack, CD Projekt Red maintained that the probability of employee personal data being disclosed was “low” and went on to say that “after our investigation, we have not found any evidence that any personal data was actually transferred outside the company network” and that “due to the attackers’ course of action, we may never be able to say for certain if they actually copied any personal data.”


It is currently unclear why it took CD Projekt Red four months to determine that employee data was likely affected by the ransomware attack. Shortly after CD Projekt Red’s initial disclosure of the hack, researchers said that they uncovered data showing that source code for games in including Cyberpunk 2077, Gwent, and The Witcher 3 had been put up for auction with a starting bid of $1 million.


Security researchers believe that the ransomware attack was carried out by HelloKitty, a smaller ransomware group sometimes referred to as DeathRansom.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:24 a.m. No.13917839   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The CIA Attempts Coups in Nicaragua with Tax Dollars Through US Agencies and Corporate Foundations: USAID Does Not Provide Aid – It Carries Out Coups


Since the Sandinistas won the 2006 election their anti-poverty policies have had enormous success.


The country is 90% self-sufficient in food. 99% of the population have electricity in their homes that is now generated with 70+% green energy; International financial Institutions including the World Bank, the International Development Bank and The Central American Bank for Economic Integration praise Nicaragua for its excellent, efficient project execution. it has one of the best health systems in Latin America praised by the International Monetary Fund, with 20 new state of the art hospitals since 2007 achieving one of the lowest Covid mortality rates in the world. Poverty, extreme poverty, maternal, child and infant mortality have all been cut at least in half. Nicaragua is number one in the world in both women in politics and women in ministerial positions and it is fifth in gender equity behind the Nordic nations.


Many more advances for the majority of the population in education, housing and infrastructure have resulted in huge wins for the FSLN in the last two elections (2011 and 2016) and polls indicate that in the Nov. 7 presidential elections they will garner at least 60% of the vote with at least 70% voter turn-out. Some 95% of the adult population have identity cards needed for voting. If the US public knew what this nation, impoverished by nearly 200 years of US war and aggression, has been able to achieve in fourteen years it would surely encourage them to demand better education, infrastructure and universal health care in the United States.


To prevent similar acts of sovereignty by small nations still considered colonies by the United States, the CIA prepared the way for the 2018 coup attempt and has never stopped trying to overthrow the Sandinista government since. The CIA uses US agents, many who pass themselves off as journalists or activists, as well as those eternally stationed at the US embassy; it has provided millions of dollars to hundreds of Nicaraguans acting as foreign agents as well as their nonprofit organizations that conspire against the Sandinista government like those recently arrested for money laundering, fraud and requesting foreign intervention.


The US helped grow the pro-US anti-Sandinista media in Nicaragua


Much of the US-directed propaganda apparatus was designed and funded by the US after the FSLN won the 2006 elections ending 17 years of three US-directed governments. A subversive front of newspapers, magazines, television stations, radio stations, websites, news agencies, and social media pages was formed. Journalists and media outlets were paid by the US (millions through the USAID, NED, IRI and US foundations) and much of it was administered by the Chamorro family media cartel, specializing in fake media campaigns to try to promote anti-Sandinista hatred and mistrust of the government.


Part of this has been known for some time. For example, in May, 2018 during the coup, Tom Ricker of the Quixote Institute described 55 NED grants awarded between 2014 and 2017 for US$4.2 million “as part of a U.S. government-funded campaign to provide a coordinated strategy and media voice for opposition groups in Nicaragua. NED grants fund media (radio, social media and other web-based news outlets) and opposition research. In addition, strategies targeting youth get substantial funding, along with programs seeking to mobilize women’s and indigenous organizations. Though the language is of support for “civil society” and “pro-democracy” groups, the focus on funding is specifically to build coordinated opposition to the government.”

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:33 a.m. No.13917915   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Cargo Ship Carrying 350 Tonnes of Military Equipment Docks in Ukraine's Odessa, Reports Say


A US cargo ship docked in Ukraine's Odessa port carrying 350 tonnes of military equipment and vehicles for the country's armed forces, local media reported on Thursday.


The cargo ship under the American flag entered the port on Wednesday evening, Dumskaya news agency said. Among 350 tonnes worth of military equipment, the ship carried 35 HMMWV military trucks for Ukraine's armed forces.


All equipment is expected to be unloaded by mid-Friday, the news agency stated.


Earlier in March, the US Department of Defence announced additional $125 million package for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative to cover training, equipment, and advisory support. The remaining $150 million appropriated by Congress will be provided to Ukraine in 2021 once Pentagon certifies the country's progress on key defense reforms.


In total, the US has committed over $2 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since 2014.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:37 a.m. No.13917934   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tony Blair replaces Gates. Pushes for more restrictions

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:40 a.m. No.13917951   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

Former Leader of New Bedford Latin Kings Chapter Pleads Guilty to Racketeering and Cocaine Conspiracy


Plea marks the 45th defendant to plead guilty in the case

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:41 a.m. No.13917955   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7979

Arkansas Man Pleads Guilty To Soliciting And Paying For The Production Of A Video Depicting A 9-Year-Old Child Being Molested

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:42 a.m. No.13917964   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7982

Rochester Man Indicted for Possession of Child Pornograph

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:43 a.m. No.13917975   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian National Convicted of Charges Relating to Kelihos Botnet


Helped Hackers Evade Defenses of U.S. Businesses and Conduct Malicious Cyber Attacks

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:46 a.m. No.13917994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

630 potential victims of exploitation identified during Europe-wide coordinated action days


73 suspected human traffickers arrested in one-week operation


Between 31 May and 6 June 2021, Europol supported Europe-wide coordinated action days against human trafficking for labour exploitation. The operation, led by the Netherlands, involved a wide range of law enforcement authorities including police, immigration and border guards, labour inspectorates and tax authorities. In total, 23* countries took part in the coordinated operational activities.

The action week resulted in:


229 arrests (73 for trafficking of human beings);

630 possible victims of different types of exploitation identified;

4 890+ locations checked;

16 530+ vehicles checked;

56 250+ people checked;

~750 new investigations initiated, 150 related to trafficking of human beings.


Focus on labour-intensive sectors and domestic workers


Law enforcement authorities carried out inspections in labour-intensive sectors, which require low-skilled workers. Employees in sectors such as transport, logistics and construction are more vulnerable to exploitation due to the lower level of education and awareness required with regard to labour rights and human trafficking. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has also reinforced certain vulnerabilities. For example, victims accept employment in working conditions that may threaten their health. These endangering factors include overcrowded working environments, low hygiene arrangements and no health supervision.


Exploitation risks vary among sectors. Transport industries employ many third-country nationals, exposed to the exploitation risks related to overtime shifts and very low wages. The inspections also targeted the labour exploitation of domestic workers employed as 24/7 caregivers for humans and animals. Some labour sectors such as nail salons have been linked to the exploitation of victims of Vietnamese origin. Their vulnerability is often increased by debt bondage related to their travel to the European Union. Authorities also focused on the possible exploitation of migrants applying for refugee status during their asylum procedures. Another focus was on enablers involved in the trafficking of human beings, specifically through the use of fraudulent and false documents.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:47 a.m. No.13918005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Costa Rica Arrests Officials, Construction Company Leaders for Graft


Wood decays, iron rusts, and apparently, concrete corrupts.


Costa Rican authorities arrested on Monday 28 employees at various public offices and prominent construction companies as part of an investigation into illegal kickback schemes involving public works projects.


Those detained are suspected of bribery, fraud and influence peddling, and include senior businessmen of several construction companies and various officials connected to the National Highway Council (CONAVI). Also implicated is top presidential aide Camilo Saldarriaga, who had served as President Carlos Alvadaro’s campaign manager in 2018.


Though Saldarriaga was not arrested, he announced his resignation from his advisory post on Monday, which the President promptly acknowledged.


The sweeping investigation involved a total of 650 agents of the country’s Judicial Investigation Organization (OIJ) and the Deputy Prosecutor’s Office, who participated in 57 simultaneous raids carried out across the country to collect evidence.


Cases are being built against 40 more, head judicial investigator Walter Espinoza told local media outlets.


The raids were carried out in MECO — the largest construction company in Central America — and HSOLÍS, another mega-construction company based in San Jose that has completed more than 1,000 public works projects.


Investigators also raided ITP, CASISA, Constructora Herrera, Constructora Montedes, and Alsofrutales as well as private residences and the offices of the CONAVI.


MECO and HSOLÍS representatives did not respond to a request for comment.


In a public address, President Quesada firmly condemned corruption and offered his support to judicial authorities.


“Where there is a corrupt person, there is also a corrupter, and both must be punished,” Quesada said. “It is my wish, like that of the rest of the Costa Ricans, that the bottom of the matter be reached and that responsibilities and sanctions be felt.”


Saldarriaga reportedly said in a statement to El Mundo that he resigned to dedicate himself fully to proving his innocence without affecting the work of the executive branch. Saldarriaga maintained his innocence and indicated that he has not received any gifts or bribes for his work.


Investigator Espinoza said that the OIJ probe had started in 2019 after tips that CONAVI officials had been prioritising select companies in public works and highway projects in exchange for favors, including money, vehicles, property, travel and personal gains. He called the investigation “one of the most important in recent months.”


The scheme is estimated to have created a budget deficit of US$127 million between 2018 and 2020.


According to local media, investigators obtained court permission to install wiretaps in the fall of 2019, which allowed them to gather evidence over 19 months of a bribery network between private companies and public officials.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:50 a.m. No.13918025   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

Greek Captagon Bust Leads to a Criminal Gang and the Port at the Heart of Syria’s Booming New Drug Trade


In late 2018, Greek authorities busted a freighter carrying over $100 million worth of cannabis and the speed-like drug Captagon, evidence of a booming Mediterranean drug trade fueled by Syria’s civil war. An investigation into the vessel reveals a network of criminals associated with the shipment — with connections to the Assad family, a gang in Libya, and London-registered shell companies.


Taher al-Kayali, owner of the cargo ship Noka, has connections to a cousin of Bashar Al-Assad and convictions in Italy for smuggling stolen cars and yachts.

Kayali and others linked to the Noka registered shell companies in the U.K. and elsewhere to facilitate their operations.

The Noka shipment was allegedly destined for a smuggling gang in eastern Libya.

The web of connections shows how the booming trade in this little-known drug is being run from Latakia, a Syrian port under direct regime control.

The largest shipment of Captagon ever busted — in Italy in summer 2020 — and the largest busted in Romania also originated from Latakia.


On the evening of December 2, 2018, the cargo ship Noka set sail from the Syrian port of Latakia, bound for eastern Libya.


The vessel was packed with goods sent by two agents outside Damascus. Its real cargo, however, wouldn’t show up on any official ledger.


Stashed in double-bottom shipping containers amid spices, coffee, and sawdust lay over $100 million worth of hashish and Captagon, a synthetic stimulant wildly popular in parts of the Middle East.


Just past Cyprus, the Noka switched off its automatic identification system, a device that announces its position to other ships and is used to avoid collisions. But following a tip-off and aided by aircraft from Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Greece’s Hellenic Coast Guard intercepted the Syrian-flagged ship on December 5 as it passed the island of Crete. After a search they seized the drugs and arrested its crew of 11.


At the time, the Noka haul was Greece’s largest-ever seizure of Captagon and its second-largest seizure of cannabis in at least 25 years, evidence of a bustling maritime drug trade that has flourished in the Mediterranean basin since the chaos of the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings.


“Captagon” is a brand name for the drug compound fenethylline hydrochloride, produced in West Germany in the 1960s as a treatment for attention deficit disorder, narcolepsy, and depression. Banned in the 1980s, counterfeit Captagon pills developed a following in the Middle East, particularly in Gulf states like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar — and more recently among fighters in Syria.



Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:51 a.m. No.13918036   🗄️.is 🔗kun

All Banks Are Bankrupt! The Whole System Will Collapse If Just 3% of Depositors Remove Their Money! - Atlantis Report Must Video


All Banks are Insolvent and Bankrupt!


The whole banking system is one big octopus with its slimy tentacles in everything. The existence of the central bank and fractional reserve banking permits commercial banks to generate credit, which is not backed up by real funding. It is credit created out of thin air. All banks are today insolvent, hence the Repo Markets now being run by Central Bank money. A bank has current creditors: on the whole, these are people like you and me who have our salaries or savings paid or deposited into our accounts on our behalf. We do not actually own our money that is stored in the bank. The bank does. This may come as a surprise to you. However, this is a very well-established point of law. Since 1811, this has been the case. So you and I are the current creditors to the bank, i.e., we are owed money by the bank. In fact, your bank statement is just an IOU from the bank; acknowledging that it owes you however much it says on the statement on demand. Depositors are unsecured creditors on the bank’s balance sheet. Riddle me this: when you take out a credit card, the bank is the unsecured creditor, and the debt is unsecured. They charge us quite a bit of interest, from 19 percent to 22 percent, Yet when we loan the bank our cash via deposits, what is the interest that we unsecured creditors receive? 1 percent at best! The assets of the bank are those people to whom the bank has lent its Your money to, i.e., all the borrowers of loans. As has been so clearly displayed during the 2008 crisis, they have lent their money out (formerly your money) over 33 times on average to borrowers. So when more than 1 of 33 of us clients of a bank wish to withdraw our money that is on-demand, the bank cannot pay it back as it does not have it. As for banks, deposits are loans from the depositor to the bank. They represent the liabilities of the bank. It is true that the assets of the bank (such as loans, securities, and reserves) are assets of the bank. Banks are solvent only if the assets are more significant than the liabilities. The idea that a bank, or any other firm, is insolvent only because something might happen is absurd.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:55 a.m. No.13918069   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No-confidence vote filed against new government


One was filed by Likud faction chairman Miki Zohar, another was filed by Shas and United Torah Judaism.


The first two no-confidence votes against the new government of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett were filed on Wednesday.

The Likud wrote in its no-confidence motion that “the government was formed with lies and tricking the public, and has no mandate from the public.” The motion was filed by Likud faction chairman Miki Zohar and will be presented on Monday by MK Ofir Akunis.


A separate no-confidence motion, filed by Shas and United Torah Judaism, relates to matters of religion and state.


“For the first time in the history of Israel, a government was founded that sees Judaism as an obstacle, as superfluous and redundant

weight that needs to be removed,” it said.


Zohar announced that there would be no pairing off of coalition and opposition MKs that enables MKs to miss votes in the Knesset.


“If you treat us disrespectfully, we will treat you disrespectfully,” Zohar told coalition MKs at a meeting of the Knesset Arrangements Committee on Wednesday.


The opposition also did not help the coalition pass the extension of an ordinance preventing family reunification of Palestinians and Israeli Arabs.

The coalition needed right-wing opposition MKs because Ra'am (United Arab List) does not support the ordinance. But the Likud responded it would only help if the coalition would authorize outposts in return.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 11:58 a.m. No.13918096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8253 >>8285

CBP Field Operations at Pharr International Bridge Seizes $6.5 Million in Hard Narcotics in Commercial Shipment


PHARR, Texas—U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Office of Field Operations (OFO) at the Pharr International Bridge cargo facility intercepted a load of mixed hard narcotics containing alleged cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin worth $6,582,600 in a commercial shipment arriving from Mexico.


“This seizure was accomplished due to great all around teamwork, beginning with analytical research, use of technology and the endless commitment to the border security mission of keeping dangerous drugs from continuing their trek into our communities,” said Port Director Carlos Rodriguez, Port of Hidalgo/Pharr/Anzalduas.

Packages containing 203 pounds of methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Pharr International Bridge.

Packages containing 203 pounds of

methamphetamine seized by CBP officers at Pharr

International Bridge.


On June 14, 2021, CBP officers assigned to the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge cargo facility encountered a tractor/trailer hauling a commercial shipment of floor tile and a non-intrusive imaging (NII) inspection allowed the officers to discover packages of suspected narcotics hidden within the shipment. Officers removed 162 packages of alleged methamphetamine weighing 203 pounds (92 kg), 40 packages of alleged heroin weighing 47.39 pounds (21.4 kg) and 31 packages of alleged cocaine weighing 78 pounds (35.5 kg). Officers also discovered over 5,100 assorted pills of alleged fentanyl, oxycodone and methamphetamine.


CBP OFO seized all the narcotics, the tractor/trailer and the case remains under investigation by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI).


For more information about CBP, please click on the attached link.


Follow the Director of CBP’s Laredo Field Office on Twitter at @DFOLaredo and on Instagram at @dfolaredo and also U.S. Customs and Border Protection at @CBPSouthTexas for breaking news, current events, human interest stories and photos.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 12:02 p.m. No.13918114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Military Situation In The Gaza Strip And West Bank On June 16, 2021 (Map Update)


On June 16, Israeli warplanes attacked several targets in east of Khan Yunis

On June 15, at least 40 Palestinian were injured in Jerusalem

On June 15, at least 25 fires were reported in southern occupied Palestine by incendiary balloons launched from Gaza.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 12:03 p.m. No.13918125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

MSM Claims Russia To Provide Iran With Satellite Tech, Putin Slams It As Fake News


Beginning around June 10th, MSM was flooded with reports that Russian plans to supply Iran with satellite technology.


The latter will then be able to hack various sensitive military facilities of its adversary states.


The plan would deliver a Russian-made Kanopus-V satellite equipped with a high-resolution camera which could be launched from Russia within months, the Washington Post said.


The satellite would allow “continuous monitoring of facilities ranging from Persian Gulf oil refineries and Israeli military bases to Iraqi barracks that house U.S. troops,” said the paper, which cited three unnamed sources – a current and a former U.S. official and a senior Middle Eastern government official briefed on the sale.


The satellite would feature Russian hardware, the Post said, “including a camera with a resolution of 1.2 meters — a significant improvement over Iran’s current capabilities, though still far short of the quality achieved by U.S. spy satellites.”


Then reports began circulating that the US and the Middle East fear that Iran is going to use the Russian satellite for military purposes


In February, General Designer of the BARL Research and Production Corporation Valery Labutin, whose company agreed with the Iranians to create a complex for remote sensing of the planet for them, said that the device would be launched in the summer of 2021.


US administration officials and US allies in the Middle East fear that the Earth observation satellite, which Russia, according to the agreement, will launch for use by Iran, will give the Iranian side an unprecedented ability to track military targets in the region, according to the Washington Post.


Days later, on June 15th, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an exclusive interview to NBC.


In the interview he was asked the following question:


“In the U.S. it’s reported that Russia is preparing, perhaps within months, to supply Iran with an advanced satellite system, enabling Tehran to track military targets. Is that true?”


To which Putin said that these reports were nonsense, through laughter.


“No. No. We don’t have that kind of programs with Iran. No, it’s just nonsense all over again, yet again. We have cooperation plans with Iran, including the military and technical cooperation. And all of this fits the framework of the decisions that were agreed upon in our program in regard to Iran’s nuclear program in the context of U.N. decisions together with our partners in the preparation of the JCPOA whereby some point sanctions, including in the area of military and technical cooperation, should be lifted from Iran.


We have certain programs which — concern conventional weapons, if it gets that far. However, we haven’t even gone to that stage yet. We don’t even have any kind of real cooperation even in the conventional weapons area. So if — if anybody is — inventing something regarding — modern space-based technology, this is just — plain fiction. This is just — fake news. At the very least, I don’t know anything about this kind of thing. Those who are speaking about it probably know more about it. It’s just nonsense, garbage.”


Then interviewer Keir Simmons asked whether giving such satellite technology to Iran would be dangerous, as it would be able to track US servicemen in the Middle East, also help the Houthis in Yemen.

Anonymous ID: ddecd1 June 16, 2021, 12:06 p.m. No.13918141   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Attorney Sidney Powell Joins Steve Bannon on The War Room after Mail Chimp De-Platforms her Email Account


Attorney and author Sidney Powell joined Steve Bannon on The War Room on Wednesday morning after Mail Chimp de-platformed her account late last night.


Sidney Powell: Mail Chimp just de-platformed my law firm last emails from because apparently we were talking about defending the republic. And, they just can’t stand the truth, Steve! That’s all it is. They want to suppress free speech. They can’t stand the truth. They are absolutely terrified of it… They don’t know what to do so they lash out at us with labels like conspiracy theorists or racists, or mock us. And that’s because they have absolutely nothing…


Steve Bannon: Andrew Weissmann is a sociopath… Why has he not been charged with anything?… People need to understand, when we take over in ’22 and ’24 – New deal. No more like it was in ’16. The same people who were around Trump talking and everything. They’re all gone… They’re all gone. They ran for the hills.


Via The War Room: