Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 12:39 p.m. No.13918365   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

‘Operation Lost Souls’ Results In 24 Missing Children Found Alive In Joint Operation


EL PASO – (HSI) – A multi-agency effort, led by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), has resulted in the recovery of 24 missing children throughout El Paso County and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.


The following agencies assisted in the effort, dubbed Operation Lost Souls: El Paso Police Department, El Paso Sheriff’s Office, Socorro, Ysleta and El Paso Independent School District Police departments, U.S. Marshals Service, El Paso County Juvenile Probation Department, Ysleta Del Sur Tribal Police Division, Texas Anti-Gang Center, the Border Prosecution Unit for the District Attorney’s Office for the 34th Judicial District, El Paso County Attorney’s Office, Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice Parole Division.


The week-long operation conducted in mid-May is ongoing.


This is the first time that more than 15 area agencies and non-governmental organizations collaborated to locate missing children reported through the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and local law enforcement agencies.


As a result of the operation:


24 missing or runaway children were located or recovered.


Of the 24, four missing children were located or recovered internationally – three in Mexico and one in Puerto Rico.


Two of the missing children were located or recovered out-of-state – one each in California and Oklahoma.


A child sexual assault and a human trafficking case are under investigation.


“Runaway children are at high risk of becoming trafficking victims and falling prey to individuals who want to hurt them and jeopardize their health and safety,” said Erik P. Breitzke, special agent in charge for HSI El Paso. “I commend the law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations that participated in this operation that very well may have helped save lives. We will continue to collaborate and work tirelessly to identify and recover missing children.”

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 12:40 p.m. No.13918375   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Meet NATO, the Dangerous “Defensive” Alliance Trying to Run the World


In a stop last week on his way to Belgium for Monday’s NATO summit, President Joe Biden visited a Royal Air Force base in eastern England. “In Brussels,” he told the assembled crowd, “I will make it clear that the United States’s commitment to our NATO alliance and Article 5 is rock solid. It’s a sacred obligation that we have under Article 5.”


These lines were aimed at a tiny number of human beings. Certainly almost no Americans have any idea what “Article 5” is part of or what it says.


But Biden’s words were genuinely significant. Article 5 is a clause in the North Atlantic Treaty, the founding document of NATO, which states that any armed attack against any member of the alliance “shall be considered an attack against them all.”


This is at the core of how the U.S. runs the world and intends to keep running it in the future. It also signifies that should we face the prospect of sharing power with others — today that mostly means China — we may end up destroying the world.


The North Atlantic Treaty is also known as the Washington Treaty, which tells you most of what you need to know about it. It was written in 1949, a time when U.S. power was so overweening that it could simply dictate terms to its allies. Most of whatever little discussion there was with other countries’ diplomats took place in secret over two weeks at the Pentagon. It was co-written by the delightfully-named Thomas Achilles, a State Department official who later said his boss had told him, “I don’t care whether entangling alliances have been considered worse than original sin ever since George Washington’s time. We’ve got to negotiate a military alliance with Western Europe in peacetime and we’ve got to do it quickly.”


The public rationale for NATO was that it was a defensive alliance necessary to stop the Soviet Union from invading Western Europe. The private rationale, as articulated by Achilles, was somewhat different:


At that point Western Europe was devastated, prostrate and demoralized and it badly needed confidence and energy within. With the Soviet armies halfway across Europe and still at their full wartime strength and the Communist parties the largest single political elements in France and Italy, something to inspire Soviet respect was equally essential.


Some top U.S. officials did honestly think that the Soviet Union was poised to stage a military attack. Whether that belief had any basis in reality is extremely debatable; about 27 million Russians, or 1 in every 6 people in the country, had just died in World War II. The equivalent for the U.S. today would be 50 million dead Americans. Even Joseph Stalin might have had a tough time motivating the country to immediately embark on another such event.


A more reasonable concern for the American government was a political, rather than military, threat. As Achilles said, there were powerful communist parties across Europe, especially in France and Italy — ones that could plausibly win honest elections. The anti-communist forces in those countries needed the “confidence and energy” of NATO to fight back. Meanwhile, NATO would “inspire Soviet respect” that would hopefully lessen Russian support, material and moral, for Europe’s communist parties.


Something else is notable about NATO’s founding. The original 12 members were Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the U.K., and the U.S. — in hindsight, something of an all-star league of European colonialism. It’s difficult today not to notice the blindingly alabaster complexion of the officials who signed the treaty. The original version of the treaty even specifies that it applied to any attack on “the Algerian Departments of France.”


A fuller reading of history suggests that the formation of NATO helped intensify and institutionalize the Cold War.


In any case, the architects of NATO would say that they were simply responding to the Cold War, already in progress at the instigation of the Soviets. A fuller reading of history suggests that the formation of NATO helped intensify and institutionalize the Cold War. The Warsaw Pact, after all, was not created until 1955, six years later, and its text is in many ways a replica of that of NATO’s treaty. It even has its own Article 5 language, except it’s in Article 4.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.13918380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8400 >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244 >>9250



William Barr, Amy Coney Barrett land book deals


But other Trump-era figures are having trouble selling their memoirs.




While some veterans of Donald Trump’s administration are having a tough time selling memoirs about their time in power, others with ties to Trump who didn’t embrace his election conspiracy theories have sold book deals.


William Barr, Trump’s former attorney general who resigned two days before Christmas after disagreeing publicly with Trump’s voter fraud conspiracy theories, recently sold a book about his time at the Justice Department, according to three people familiar with the deal.


This will be Barr’s first book and he started writing it within the last two months, according to one of the people.


Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Trump’s last pick for the Supreme Court, has also sold a book — garnering a $2 million advance for a tome about how judges are not supposed to bring their personal feelings into how they rule, according to three publishing industry sources. The figure was “an eye-raising amount” for a Supreme Court justice and likely the most since book deals won by Clarence Thomas and Sandra Day O’Connor, one of the people added.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 12:41 p.m. No.13918384   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Scotland Yard will review claims of Ghislaine Maxwell sex abuse: Dossier of allegations that the socialite and her former lover Jeffrey Epstein trafficked, groomed and abused girls in the UK is to be reviewed by the Met


At least half a dozen women have come forward with allegations of abuse by Maxwell and Epstein, including serious sexual assault and rape


Evidence of the alleged offences is said to be a combination of court papers, witness accounts and interviews


Maxwell is currently in the US awaiting trial on charges of recruiting and grooming teenage girls from 1994 to 1997 for Epstein


A dossier of allegations that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein trafficked, groomed and abused girls and young women in the UK will be reviewed by the Metropolitan Police.


At least half a dozen women have come forward with allegations of abuse by the pair, including serious sexual assault and rape, spanning more than a decade in the 1990s and 2000s.


Evidence of the alleged offences, compiled by Channel 4 News, is said to be a combination of court papers, witness accounts and interviews.


Scotland Yard was asked to investigate claims by Virginia Giuffre that she had been trafficked to London when she was 17 and pressured by Epstein and Maxwell into having sexual relations with Prince Andrew. The Duke of York has vehemently denied the allegations.


The force reviewed the evidence but decided not to proceed with a full investigation in 2016.


In August 2019, following the death of Epstein, officers reviewed the decision from 2016 and concluded that the position should remain unchanged.


Nazir Afzal, the former Chief Crown Prosecutor for north west England at the CPS, said: 'From what I've seen, there is clearly enough evidence for the police to investigate more thoroughly than they have done up to now.


'It's concerning, because we've got potential victims here. And maybe other victims or alleged victims who may, if an investigation follows its course, be identified.'


Also among the alleged victims is a woman known as Minor Victim 3 who claims she was 'groomed' by Maxwell and sexually abused by Epstein from 1994-1995.


Another woman, referred to as Jane Doe, claims she was abused by Epstein at his Florida home and his private Caribbean island after being groomed by both him and Maxwell in 2001.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 12:56 p.m. No.13918462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Americans for Peace Now Is First U.S. Zionist Group to Back Conditioning Israel Aid


Group's president says conditioning aid to Israel goes further than restricting it, which carries no consequences for human rights violations


WASHINGTON - Americans for Peace Now on Wednesday rolled out a new position supporting the conditioning of U.S. military aid to Israel — the first U.S. Zionist organization to do so.


“What has become abundantly clear, underscored by the horrifying images coming out of Gaza, East Jerusalem and inside Israel last month, is that continuing to give Israel military aid without conditions neither serves U.S. policy interests—nor, I would argue, does it serve Israel,” APN President and CEO Hadar


Americans for Peace Now


Believe in Israel. Believe in Peace.


About Us: Mission Statement


APN is the sister organization of Shalom Achshav, Israel's preeminent peace movement. APN's mission is to educate and persuade the American public and its leadership to support and adopt policies that will lead to comprehensive, durable, Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace, based on a two-state solution, guaranteeing both peoples' security, and consistent with U.S. national interests. We also work to ensure Israel's future and the viability of Israel's democracy and Jewish character through education, activism and advocacy in the United States, and by mobilizing American support for Shalom Achshav.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 12:59 p.m. No.13918472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8485 >>8511 >>8571 >>8634 >>8716 >>8809 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Atmospheric Viricides Deployed Into Public Air Spaces and Public Schools: Is This “EPA Approved” Air Safe?


Did you know that atmospheric viricides are being deployed into the air we breathe? They are being used in public spaces and in public schools. These products claim to stop the spread of viruses and other airborne pathogens, but could they be making our air more toxic? The EPA doesn’t think so.


Grignard Pure has deployed their atmospheric viricide in St. Simons Presbyterian Church in Georgia. They claim it is making the air safer.


Grignard Pure’s viricide will also be deployed soon at a Major League Baseball stadium, Cincinnati’s Great American Ball Park. “The Cincinnati Reds have agreed to serve as a beta site for the viricide as the club looks forward to a shortened MLB season possibly beginning in July.”


How does Grignard Pure kill viruses, including COVID-19? According to their website:


How does Grignard Pure kill the Sars-CoV-2 virus?


Grignard Pure delivers what is called “continuous intervention,” which simply means that the air treatment solution is constantly working to fight against the virus. The Grignard Pure solution is aerosolized and forms a vapor in the air that actually condenses on virus particles and permeates into it, disrupting the protein and membrane structure of the virus with its amphiphilic properties. What this simply means is that Grignard Pure can kill the virus as the pathogenic particles leave the person from talking, coughing, sneezing – significantly reducing what is the primary cause of infection.


This vapor may kill the viruses as they “leave the person”, but what happens when this aerosolized vapor is inhaled, or comes into contact with our eyes or skin? Grignard Pure’s active viricide ingredient is Triethylene Glycol (TEG). TEG’s safety data sheet indicates it can be an eye, skin, and respiratory irritant. However, the EPA has approved its use under Section 18 of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).


According to the Grignard Pure’s website, “The EPA reviewed all available data on this product’s safety and concluded that it does not pose any health risks of concern. We have put Grignard Pure through rigorous safety testing. Government and other third party testing have shown the active ingredient in Grignard Pure to be safe.”

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:15 p.m. No.13918556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8599 >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Horowitz: Texas judge gives child rapist just 180 days, while forcing a father to get experimental vaccine before seeing his kids


Rape someone else's child? Just 180 days of jail time will suffice. You want to see your own child after divorcing your wife? You can never do that unless you take an experimental gene therapy sold as a vaccine, which according to one doctor may have killed as many as 50,000 people to date. That is essentially the ethos from a pair of court decisions made by Polk County District CourtJudge Travis Kitchensthis month. The biggest irony of all? The local Fox affiliate reporter who broke these two stories is the same woman who tried to report about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and claims she was muzzled by Fox Corp. in doing so.


KRIV-TV reporter Ivory Hecker, who has since been fired, reported last week that Eli Binnion, a child rapist, was sentenced to just 180 days in jail (not prison) for a 2018 rape of a 14-year-old girl in a Polk County, Texas, motel. According to the victim's father, Judge Travis Kitchens didn't even allow the parents to testify at the sentencing hearing. While Binnion was in jail for the rape, he brutally attacked a fellow inmate, breaking his jaw. According to Hecker, "Judge Kitchens gave Binnion a three-year sentence for the assault, and because he's been in jail since 2018, he'll be out in a matter of months."


Binnion also had a prior criminal history of assault and evading arrest prior to the rape. Yet this is someone who is considered "nonviolent, first-time, and low-level" by judges in this era of de-incarceration, even in red states. Polk County was carried by Trump by a net 54 points. During the last judicial election in 2018, there was no Democrat on the ballot. Yet these are the sorts of Republicans who are often serving as judges in the reddest of counties.


Just how liberal is this alleged Republican judge? While he lets child rapists off the hook, he treats fathers like criminals unless they get the mRNA gene therapy. In May, Hecker reported that Judge Kitchens ordered Chris Staley, a father of four going through a divorce, to get vaccinated for COVID before being able to visit his children, ages 6 through 11. The father is more likely to harm his children by infecting them with nearly any other respiratory virus or bacteria, yet Kitchens is making him take an experimental vaccine that is already very problematic.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:18 p.m. No.13918572   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Matt Gaetz Just Shared Threatening Texts from… REPORTERS.


So-called “reporters” have been sending threatening messages to people, demanding they invent fake stories about Congressman Matt Gaetz in exchange for their names being kept out of the news.


The office of Rep. Gaetz (FL-1) released the messages to John Solomon’s Just The News on Tuesday, appearing on the veteran reporter’s podcast on the same day.


“[T]ime and time again, what a reporter will do is contact someone that maybe I’ve had a relationship with, maybe I haven’t had any relationship with, maybe I’ve only been in the same room with one time,” Gaetz told the John Solomon Reports podcast. “But they’ll say to a person, ‘You know, look, we are going to write your name into a story that will have sex trafficking and Matt Gaetz in the headline, unless you provide us some bad information, some embarrassing conduct about Gaetz. And if you do that, well then your name will be protected, your reputation will be protected.'”


One stunning example is that of Mother Jones reporter Matthew Phelan, who has harassed a number of Gaetz-world figures demanding they invent narratives to keep themselves out of the news and out of trouble with law enforcement.


Phelan contacted a young woman from Gaetz’s district, who after their conversation sent Phelan an email reiterating how she had “never been harassed by Matt Gaetz… Any interaction with him or his office has always been respectful and kind. You stated someone told you I received some kind of death threat and that’s just a false accusation.”


But reporter Phelan wasn’t interested in that.


He snapped back: “To be frank, I don’t want to tip my hand too much here, but I think you’re going to want to revise this response, or maybe just spend some time jogging your memory a little bit more. But, there’s time to get that in order. I look forward to circling back with you closer to publication time.”

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:22 p.m. No.13918594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8605 >>8634 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids' Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here's What They Found


We've been told for well over a year that widespread forced public masking should be implemented because, even if only moderately to slightly to negligibly effective at curbing the spread of COVID-19, there are ZERO drawbacks.


"What's the harm?" they ask.


"It's only a minor inconvenience," they bleat.


"If it saves ONE LIFE, it's worth it!" they implore.


Meanwhile, we on Team Reality have not only continued to point to real-world data that shows masking to be entirely ineffective, we've also maintained that forced public masking, especially long-term, has negative societal and even health ramifications that the powers-that-be are all-too-happy to ignore in subservience to their newfound face mask god.


It only stands to reason that one of those health ramifications would be the fact that millions of people, particularly children, have been forced to wear and carry around pieces of cloth they've continually breathed through for hours on end. What lurking pathogens might be found on these disgusting contraptions being incessantly handled, stuck in pockets, and mindlessly tossed on books, tables, and desks? Well, one group of Florida parents sent a batch of masks worn by their children to a lab to find out. And yeah, you'll probably need to make sure you aren't eating dinner anytime soon before you digest THESE results.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:35 p.m. No.13918651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Magistrate who had relationship with young court clerk wins her super benefit


Magistrate Rodney Higgins, who created controversy in 2019 by embarking on a relationship with a court clerk 45 years his junior, has successfully claimed her $180,000 superannuation death benefit even though it was bequeathed to her struggling mother.


Mr Higgins, who earns $324,000 a year as a magistrate in Bendigo, made the successful claim on the death benefits of his late fiance Ashleigh Petrie after the fund, Rest Super, agreed with his argument that he was her de facto partner and therefore her “dependent”.


But the payout has been delayed because lawyers for Ms Petrie’s mother, whom The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald have chosen not to name to protect her privacy, have been fighting the decision for 15 months. They have appealed the super fund’s position to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.


The multi-decade age gap between Mr Higgins and court clerk Ms Petrie sparked frenzied media coverage in October 2019.Ms Petrie, 23, was hit by a car in the early hours of Monday, October 28, 2019, less than three weeks after the first story of her relationship was published in Melbourne’s Herald Sun.


Mr Higgins, then 68, and Ms Petrie were a couple for seven months and lived together for about four months prior to her death. They were engaged in September 2019. During her relationship with Mr Higgins, Ms Petrie nominated her mother as the beneficiary of her superannuation and life insurance.


But Mr Higgins has refused the mother’s pleas to share the money, citing his hurt that he was not given a portion of Ms Petrie’s ashes. Within months of the young woman’s death, Mr Higgins returned to his partner of 18 years, Lurline Le Neuf, whom he’d left earlier that year to be with Ms Petrie. They share a riverfront home in Shepparton.


Ms Petrie’s mother has not shared her daughter’s ashes with Mr Higgins because she worries what might happen to them now that the magistrate has returned to his former partner.


Superannuation fund members can make a binding or non-binding nomination of who they wish to inherit their benefits when they die, but a fund can override a member’s nomination if it does not comply with the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act, the federal legislation governing superannuation.


Under the Act, a nominated beneficiary must be a “dependent”. This includes a spouse. A de facto partner qualifies as a spouse but the Act does not specify how long a couple must co-habit to be considered de facto.


In deciding such matters, super funds can consider, among other things, shared property ownership, the mutual commitment to a shared life, the care and support of children and the degree of financial dependence.


The mother’s lawyer Kimble Stynes has argued that four months of cohabitation may not meet the Family Court’s criteria on de facto relationships.

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:43 p.m. No.13918682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8753 >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Wellington Man Sentenced to Nine Years for Transportation, Possession and Distribution of Child Pornography


William Schaffer amassed more than 2,000 images and videos of child pornography

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:44 p.m. No.13918688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Citizen of Estonia Admits Operating "Crypting" Service to Conceal Kelihos Botnet from Anti-Virus Software

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:45 p.m. No.13918696   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Gang Members Charged in Connection with Murder and Attempted Murder as Part of RICO Conspiracy

Anonymous ID: 950b8d June 16, 2021, 1:46 p.m. No.13918703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8887 >>9096 >>9244

Six Defendants Charged in a 15-Count Racketeering Indictment Against OTB Criminal Street Gang