Anonymous ID: a50a87 June 16, 2021, 2:11 p.m. No.13918832   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8944 >>9115 >>9244

Truth from a former GOP legal staffer


Prisoner Someone Else@SomeoneElse__38

2:21 PM · Jun 12, 2021


It's amazing really. Before I had been to Washington, DC as a legal staffer, I was much like everyone else. I was a lawyer that believed in the system and that actually thought that the government was there to protect and defend. Imagine, if you will, that your whole world is suddenly ripped away and you are confronted rudely & suddenly with the realization that every one of your presumptions & assumptions were completely false & that the whole thing was a gross, distorted, and ugly lie? You would either lose your sanity altogether or be plunged into a very deep and dark depression. But, what would you do with such abrupt, certain knowledge? Keep it to yourself and try to hold onto your own little world knowing what they had planned for you? Or would you tell others, be attacked, & thought to be so insane conspiracy theorist? You now know what I decided. But, I have come to the inescapable revelation that no matter what you tell others about what you discovered, they either won't believe it or accept it. That is when you realize how sinister & insidious that the programming & indoctrination in this society has pervaded every aspect of life. People are much more comfortable with lies & cognitive dissonance. To do otherwise demands action & and exit from their own comfort bubble because such evils as I describe MUST be confronted & put down, otherwise, everything that you know and love will be destroyed. I get it. I really do.



Prisoner Someone Else@SomeoneElse__38

1:18 PM · Jun 15, 2021


Okay, for my new followers who may not know who I am. I was a GOP congressional legal staffer for 9 and a half years. My last year in DC was Trump's first year. I was privy to many closed door hearings & intel briefings. I reviewed & checked secret documents between various divisions and committees. I became aware of horrendous outright treason, activities of blatant treason, fraud, graft, and I was run out of DC on a rail by a GOP that demanded my resignation for: "Being too hostile and adversarial to Democrat staffers." There!



Prisoner Someone Else@SomeoneElse__38

12:26 PM · Jun 15, 2021


Go back over my past tweets over the past couple of years. My last account was Truther Ron R.


I told everyone from the very first day of the mask mandate and lockdown madness that they would not see a single powerful Democrat or Hollywood celebrity that pushed "Wokeism" die, and that that would reveal what a total and utter scam that it was. If Pelosi, Schumer, Jimmy Kimmel, Colbert, Swalwell, Schiff, or any other reprobate bites it, it really is a deadly pandemic that is real. Well…

Anonymous ID: a50a87 June 16, 2021, 2:37 p.m. No.13918944   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9096 >>9244



Expansion of second tweet's thread:


Prisoner Someone Else@SomeoneElse__38

Jun 15


Okay, for my new followers who may not know who I am. I was a GOP congressional legal staffer for 9 and a half years. My last year in DC was Trump's first year. I was privy to many closed door hearings & intel briefings. I reviewed & checked secret documents between various divisions and committees. I became aware of horrendous outright treason, activities of blatant treason, fraud, graft, and I was run out of DC on a rail by a GOP that demanded my resignation for: "Being too hostile and adversarial to Democrat staffers." There!


So, I witnessed many crimes, which would be felonies, by both Democrats & other sitting members of This Corrupt Government, saw horrific, treasonous documents that would make your hair stand up and your eyes bug out, which would crush your very soul in the depths of their evil. I have viewed documents and have heard testimony behind closed doors of such horrific plotting against the American people that you would probably stroke out and literally die from if you heard the horrors that they are planning against you. It is worse than any dystopian horror movie, but it is real. And it has been going on for a very long time. They are conspiring against you, your family, your friends, and your fellow countrymen. Without conscience. Morality. Or compassion. They don't call them "Reptilians" for nothing.


So, as I lay out certain things and tell you certain things, that on their face seem totally unbelievable and preposterous, don't ask me how I know about the stuff.