Just hath to make doth with what one hath, anon.
If I could meme I would put Bannon's head on the guy in the back (from this meme I stole).
>What if flood is coming should be connected to an actual flood?
Or maybe it was a flood of information (declas, etc.) that was done behind closed doors to force the blackhats to do as they are told (so as to minimize civilian casualties).
Interesting to think about but I doubt Q is referencing a biblical type flood but regardless I can't wait to see what happens.
I stopped checking awhile back because it was offline for several days. Figured it was down for good.
When was the last time you were on it?
>The country is being destroyed…and the best answer is a pointless Trump rally? Seems about right.
Yeah some nigger said almost the exact same sentence earlier. Nice try niggers.
It makes perfect sense for Trump to hold a rally. Turns out it's a long game and not a short game.
Sorry it didn't fit your timeline.
Now go kill yourself.
>almost like you want people to just scroll by them
Your whole writing style has changed. Weird.
>I'm sure you're right. THAT is the thing that makes the most sense. It's definitely helpful having a rally…bitching about how shitty everything is, and then that'll be it.
>That's all it ever is. 2 sides bitching about how shitty the others are, and then nothing changes. Nothing happens.
>"Oh, but shit is happening…you're just too stupid to see it"…right?
>Bunch of R-Tards that set the "habbenings" bar so fucking low, that Trump takes a piss, and everyone screams "Watch the Water".