It went to shit once we told too many boomers with big mouths.
Back when it was just /pol/ frens enjoying themselves and back when the real autists were here digging hard and doing their wizardry shit like the clock and mapping strings, this place was a hotbed of gratifying entertainment.
Sending everyone to Reddit helped for a little while, but it turned to shit quickly once the confinement zone got nuked.
Then we had Voat. That worked wonders for a while, probably longer than the Reddit hangout. Unfortunately, "Justin" let things go (at a peculiar time, mind you) and Voat folded.
Now we're stuck with shit tier infestations that add nothing. Hell, at this point, [they] don't even need to pay people to gatekeep or spin shit here. Most of the normalfags do that well enough on their own with their sensitivities, short attention spans and short memories.