Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:19 p.m. No.13920274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0285 >>0288 >>0320 >>0344 >>0456

Arizona Audit Update — Paper Ballot Evaluation Process Will FINISH IN 10 DAYS OR LESS


The hand counting of 2,089,563 ballots in Maricopa County concluded on Monday, ending the first part of this historic Arizona audit.


The remaining paper evaluation process will be finished in the next 10 days or less.


@ArizonaAudit Tweeted an earth-shattering update on Wednesday afternoon.



“At our current rate of examining over 100k ballots per day, we will complete the paper examination phase of the audit by Saturday, June 26.”


This is another HUGE update.


In just 10 DAYS, we will have the truth about November 3rd in Maricopa County. This audit is almost in the history books.


In the far corral, which can be seen at, on Camera 7, ballot boxes are awaiting paper evaluation. They are cruising through more than 100 THOUSAND ballots per day with this process.


The close corral holds ballot boxes that have been counted, examined, and resealed. The completed ballots will continue to grow at this rapid pace and we can expect the paper evaluation to finish in 10 days.


While this process is concluding this month, more audits are expected to begin very soon.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:26 p.m. No.13920332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0519 >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Texas Gov. Abbott says $250M allocated for border wall; state sets up donation website


Texas is providing initial $250 million “down payment” for border wall, Gov. says


Texas Governor Greg Abbott today held a press conference in Austin where he announced several key components of the State of Texas’ plan to build a border wall.


“The Biden Administration has abandoned its responsibilities to secure the border and Texans are suffering as a result,” said Governor Abbott. “The problems along the border are only getting worse due to President Biden’s inaction. Property is being destroyed, deadly drugs and illegal weapons are being smuggled into communities throughout the state, law enforcement is having to redirect their resources, and county judges and mayors are facing skyrocketing expenses. Texas is doing more than any state has ever done to protect the border, but it is clear that more is needed. In the Biden Administration’s absence, Texas is stepping up to get the job done by building the border wall. Through this comprehensive public safety effort, we will secure the border, slow the influx of unlawful immigrants, and restore order in our border communities.”


During the press conference, the Governor signed a letter to the Texas Facilities Commission directing them to hire a project manager to oversee construction of the Texas border wall. This program manager will lead the process of planning and executing the project, and will hire the contractors and subcontractors needed to build the wall. Once hired, the program manager and contractors will identify state land and land that private landowners and local governments can volunteer for the wall.


Additionally, the Governor, Lieutenant Governor Patrick, Speaker Phelan, and Senator Nelson, and Representative Bonnen signed a letter during the press conference authorizing the transfer for $250 million as a down payment to launch the construction of the border wall and hire a program manager and contractors. Governor Abbott also noted that the state budget allocates 1.1 billion dollars towards border security — a record for the State of Texas.


The Governor also signed a letter to President Joe Biden demanding the immediate return of any land taken by the federal government to build the border wall. Once returned, Texas will talk to those property owners about the possibility of Texas using that land to build the wall.


Governor Abbott also announced a donation page,, where anyone can voluntarily donate to the construction of the border wall. The fund will be maintained by the Texas Division of Emergency Management.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:33 p.m. No.13920407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0519 >>0642 >>0654 >>0702 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Buyers of Hunter Biden’s Art Will Remain Anonymous, Sparking Pay-for-Play Concerns


Buyers of Hunter Biden’s artwork, which will be featured in an exhibition in New York later this year, will remain anonymous, furthering concerns of the potential for Biden family corruption, as the problem of money laundering in the art world remains an issue of concern.


Georges Bergès, a Soho art dealer who reportedly has some ties to China, is working with the 51-year-old Biden and is expected to hold a private viewing for Hunter in Los Angeles, followed by an exhibition in New York this fall. Biden’s art is expected to sell for $75,000 to half a million dollars, according to Artnet, and the sales will remain confidential.


“As with every artist, sales are always confidential to protect the privacy of the collector,” the Townsend Group, an agency representing Bergès, told Fox Business.


“Pricing fine art in his experiences as a Gallerist is based on the demand of the work as well and the intrinsic value of it,” the group continued. “His feeling is that within each piece – as with every artist, sales are always confidential to protect the privacy of the collector, this is standard practice for transactions in galleries as well as auction houses.”


However, some already doubt the assertion that the price points for his work will truly be based on the demand or traditional value.


Alex Acevedo, owner of the Alexander Gallery in Midtown Manhattan, told the New York Post that anybody who buys Hunter’s art “would be guaranteed instant profit” and admitted Hunter’s art will sell significantly over its actual value due to the weight of his family name alone.


“He’s the president’s son. Everybody would want a piece of that. The provenance is impeccable,” he said, suggesting the Biden family name will stand as a major factor, prompting further concerns for the potential of corruption.


Members of what Breitbart News senior contributor and Profiles in Corruption author Peter Schweizer identified as the “Biden Five” have been accused of trading on the Biden family name.


Hunter, specifically, has remained in the spotlight after years of endeavors in the world of international finance where he has been criticized for engaging in business ventures with countries at a time when his then-vice president father was negotiating U.S. foreign policy with those countries. His work on the board of the Ukrainian oligarch-owned energy company Burisma remains one of the primary examples of alleged corruption, as Breitbart News reported:

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:35 p.m. No.13920428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0519 >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Koch Network: Congress Must ‘Immediately Prioritize’ Amnesty for DACA Illegal Aliens


The Koch brothers’ network of donor class organizations is lobbying Congress to “immediately prioritize” amnesty for millions of illegal aliens enrolled and eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.


In a statement marking the anniversary of former President Barack Obama’s DACA program — allowing hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to remain in the United States — the Kochs’ Libre Initiative released a statement asking lawmakers to immediately pass an amnesty.


“The time for Congress to act is now, full stop,” the statement reads:


And the only way to ensure that another ten years don’t pass us by without action on this critical issue is for lawmakers to work together on a permanent legislative solution for Dreamers. Policymakers should not look to the Courts or to the executive branch for relief, but should instead immediately prioritize this issue that has broad bipartisan support from the American people.

[Emphasis added]


In May, the Koch network joined former President George W. Bush’s coalition to lobby lawmakers to pass amnesty for illegal aliens along with other corporate interests like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the Bloomberg-funded New American Economy, the Texas Association of Business, and taxpayer-funded refugee contractors.


The amnesty plan touted by the Koch network aligns the organization with President Joe Biden’s priorities on immigration.


In an address to Congress months ago, Biden touted his amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States while also urging Congress to pass two other amnesties: One for potentially 4.4 million illegal aliens and another for 2.1 million illegal aliens working on farms.


A DACA amnesty would put more U.S.-born children of illegal aliens — commonly referred to as “anchor babies” — on federal welfare, as Breitbart News reported, while American taxpayers would be left potentially with a $26 billion bill.


Additionally, about one-in-five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one-in-seven would go on Medicaid.


At the southern border, a DACA amnesty has the potential to trigger a border surge that could triple the number of illegal aliens pouring through the border. Since DACA’s inception, more than 2,100 recipients of the program have been kicked off because they were found to either be criminals or gang members.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:38 p.m. No.13920466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0519 >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Trump Wanted Supreme Court To Order New Election In Key Swing States, Emails Show


Former President Donald Trump through a lawyer and White House officials placed pressure on Department of Justice (DOJ) officials to probe the 2020 election results and wanted the Supreme Court to authorize a new election in key swing states, according to newly released emails.


Kurt Olsen, a Trump lawyer, was shown in one of the emails asking DOJ officials to connect him to then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen. He said that he represented Texas in the Supreme Court lawsuit against Pennsylvania and other states and that Trump “directed” him to meet with Rosen “to discuss a similar action to be brought by the United States.”


A draft document attached to Olsen’s December 2020 message alleges elections in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada violated the U.S. Constitution. It asks the Supreme Court to stop the states from using their election results to appoint presidential electors to the Electoral College and to authorize them “to conduct a special election” to appoint electors.


The document was never filed.


The Texas lawsuit noted that non-legislative officials in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin put into place election measures without the approval of their legislatures. Texas asked the Supreme Court to declare the election in the states unconstitutional. At least one judge said the arguments had merit, blocking certification of the election results in Pennsylvania in a separate case until her order was overturned and the case was dismissed.


The Supreme Court ultimately rejected Texas’s lawsuit.


Molly Michael, an assistant to Trump, also directly sent Rosen and other DOJ officials the draft complaint Trump wanted the United States to file.


In another set of emails, Mark Meadows, who was Trump’s chief of staff at the time, asked Rosen to have the DOJ investigate fraud allegations.


In one message to Rosen, Meadows sent a petition contesting the election that was submitted to Fulton County Superior Court by Trump and David Shafer, the Georgia Republican Party chairman.


“Can you have your team look into these allegations of wrongdoing. Only the alleged fraudulent activity. Thanks Mark,” the email stated.


The petitioners on Jan. 7 voluntarily withdrew the petition.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:41 p.m. No.13920484   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0509 >>0513 >>0519 >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Queensland introduces new border pass system


Queensland has introduced a new border travel declaration pass that will have to be completed by any travellers entering the state.


The state government has also declared that anyone who enters the state from any New South Wales exposure site from 1am tomorrow will be required to go into hotel quarantine for 14 days. The current restrictions on Greater Melbourne will also remain in place for another week.


Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said the new online declaration system, which comes into effect from 1am on Saturday, would make contract tracing "so much easier".


"Travellers arriving in Queensland will have to complete this online declaration that will make the job of contract tracing so much easier," Ms Palaszczuk said.


"This step is a sensible measure to keep Queenslanders safe."


BREAKING: Anyone travelling to Queensland from 1am on Saturday, 19 June must complete a Queensland Travel Declaration before entering the state. #covid19

— Annastacia Palaszczuk (@AnnastaciaMP) June 16, 2021


Health Minister Yvette D'Ath advised anyone who has been to a listed exposure site in NSW and is currently in Queensland to isolate and get tested immediately.


"Individuals who have been to a New South Wales exposure site and plan to travel to Queensland should cancel their plans immediately," she said.


"Anyone who enters Queensland from 1am tomorrow from an exposure site will be required to go into hotel quarantine for 14 days."


QLD Jewish leader has gone full NAZI

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:44 p.m. No.13920513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0525 >>0748 >>0788


NSW coronavirus: State records one new case as exposure site list grows


New South Wales’ coronavirus outbreak is kicking off again, with the state recording a new case after an aircrew driver and his wife tested positive.


New South Wales’ coronavirus battle is kicking off again, with the state recording another case, a day after an aircrew driver and his wife tested positive.


Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the new case was a woman aged in her 70s, who had attended a cafe in Sydney’s east at the same time as the original couple.


Ms Berejiklian said it was important anyone who who was at the Belle Cafe, 103 New South Head Road in Vaucluse on June 13 between 10.20am to 11.45am to isolate for 14 days and get tested ASAP.


The aircrew driver has been diagnosed with the highly infectious Delta strain and the genomic sequencing on his virus matches one from the US.


Chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant said it was “concerning” the driver had transmitted in a cafe.


Another possible case — a man from Baulkam Hills in Sydney’s west — was also found however authorities are investigating if it is a false positive.


The cases were found among more than 23,000 tests.


Ms Berejiklian said the government was holding off on imposing any restrictions but urged Sydneysiders, especially those from the east, to refrain from engaging in big gatherings.


“If you’re catching public transport, we recommend people wear a mask. At this stage, we’re all on high alert,” she said.


“We’re asking people to modify their activity, to consider where they’ve been, what their movements have been and what their movements may be until we go through the next few days as the situation is evolving.”


Police investigate movements of aircrew driver


NSW Police have been tasked with investigating if the aircrew worker, who drives a limousine to transport flight crew, had complied with all his necessary infection controls.


“There is no room for complacency. Being slack about what the health authorities ask you to do is just inexcusable. We have to make sure that we all follow the rules,” Health Minister Brad Hazzard said.


“Now, the police are obviously investigating the particular circumstances surrounding the limousine-driver and I won’t be commenting specifically on that limousine driver or those investigations, but what I will remind all drivers who pick people up from the airport more broadly is that you have obligations and your obligations are legal and they are to get saliva-tested every day and to make sure you wear appropriate PPE.


“If you don’t do that, you’re breaching the orders and the police will investigate you.”


NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Gary Worboys said police would continue their investigation “until we finish with an outcome that we can actually draw some conclusions, and take some action if we have to”.


Mr Worboys said police were already looking into any potential issues they can rectify.


Police are also investigating if the driver was vaccinated and if he was wearing a mask.


Not to be out NAZI'D by QLD the Jew running NSW just did this over 1 case

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:52 p.m. No.13920592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0605 >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

ORWELLIAN: Biden DOE Redefines 'Sex' to Force Transgenderism on Schools


The Department of Education (DOE) under President Joe Biden announced that it would reverse the Trump administration policy on Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The Biden DOE will effectively flip the meaning of “sex” on its head, determining that “discrimination on the basis of sex” includes discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. This means the DOE sanctions transgender invasions of women’s private spaces and women’s sports in schools, which arguably violate Title IX.


Education Secretary Miguel Cardona defended the new policy by referencing the Supreme Court case Bostock v. Clayton County (2020), in which the Court ruled that discrimination on the basis of “sex” in a 1964 civil rights law included discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Justice Samuel Alito condemned this notion — which Congress and the president could not have even conceived in 1964 — as “preposterous.”


“The Supreme Court has upheld the right for LGBTQ+ people to live and work without fear of harassment, exclusion, and discrimination – and our LGBTQ+ students have the same rights and deserve the same protections,” Cardona said in a statement on Wednesday. “I’m proud to have directed the Office for Civil Rights to enforce Title IX to protect all students from all forms of sex discrimination. Today, the Department makes clear that all students—including LGBTQ+ students—deserve the opportunity to learn and thrive in schools that are free from discrimination.”


Contrary to Cardona’s rhetoric, however, extending this protection from alleged discrimination to transgender students does not come without a cost. The move merely shifts the burden away from one group and toward another.


Christiana Holcomb, legal counsel for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the law firm that is representing three high school girls who sued Connecticut for violating Title IX by allowing biological males to defeat them in women’s sports, condemned the Biden DOE’s move.


“Today, the U.S. Department of Education took its next step in forcing radical gender identity ideology on everyday Americans. The Biden administration’s politically motivated change is inconsistent with Title IX, and the physical differences between males and females,” Holcomb argued. “It misconstrues U.S. Supreme Court precedent, and is yet another example of government overreach.”


“Title IX exists precisely to ensure that women and girls have equal opportunities in education, including in sports. Girls and women deserve better than having their opportunities stripped away in service of harmful ideology,” the ADF lawyer explained.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:54 p.m. No.13920607   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0631 >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Eleven Mass Shootings in Four Days, Who Is Responsible? Surprise, Mr. President!


Shoot ’em Up


The U.S. had a staggering 11 mass shootings in the last four days and 35 shootings from June 1 to June 15, 11:59 p.m. Shootings are up almost 40% from 2020, which saw a record-breaking 600+ shootings, up roughly 33% from 2019. Let’s see what happens when the summer heat kicks in. Suggestion: lock and load.



Lefty news would have us believing that mass shooters are typically white, Trump-loving, tobaccy chawin’ good ole boys, driving around in pick-ups and flyin’ Dixie. Gropey Joe Biden and Merrick Garland keep warning us that the nation’s biggest threat comes from the roughly 5,000 white supremacists, though news reports of their supposed crimes is such intriguingly scarce. Weird, right?


Here is a look at the last 11 mass shootings in the U.S.




Of the last 11 mass shootings, three were confirmed to have been committed by black males, one in Albertville, Ala., on June 15, one in Cincinnati on June 12, and two black shooters in Austin on June 12, where 14 people got shot.


Of the remaining shootings, four took place in neighborhoods that are at least 90.1% black. I don’t know any white supremacists but I believe it’s safe to say they would likely avoid black neighborhoods. Also, if a white guy in a MAGA hat shot 10 people in a black Chicago neighborhood, the media, reluctant to release a description of a black shooter, would trip over themselves to report a white shooter. So I think it’s safe to say the shooters were definitely not white, and most likely black.


Of the four remaining shootings, one — at a drag strip in Ohio — likely involved an Hispanic shooter, since all the people involved in the fight are arguing in Spanish. The cops know who the suspect is but oddly won’t release his name.


That leaves three shootings, one in Lansing, Mich., one in Louisville, Ky., and one in Boynton Beach, Fla., where too little info is given to even have a clue as to who was doing the shootings, though the media LOVES to report a white guy committing a mass shooting, so… extrapolate what you will.


Of the 11 shootings, none are linked to white people. Sorry, Mr. President. It isn’t cops and white supremacists that are shooting unarmed black men.



As per Gun violence archive, which has compiled data on the shootings mentioned here, a mass shooting involves four or more people getting shot, not including the shooter, in a fluid situation.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 6:55 p.m. No.13920621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0654 >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Lois Lerner is BAAACCCKKKK!!! New IRS Targeting Scandal Erupts in Texas


You remember Lois Lerner, she of the incredible IRS Tea Party targeting scandal that roiled Congress and the nation in 2013 and exposed how Democratic activists in the federal bureaucracy were overtly using their positions against those they perceived as their political enemies.


But this time, the Lois Lerner character in the erupting scandal is being played by Stephen A. Martin, Director of the federal tax agency’s Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements, in Cincinnati. That’s the same office Lerner tried to make the scapegoat for the arcane political manipulation perpetrated by her and other higher-ups in Washington, D.C.


When Christians Engaged of Texas applied for tax exemption, they explained that their purpose is to encourage Christians to pray for state and national leaders in a non-partisan way, to get out and vote in every election as good citizens should, and to study the Bible to understand its values and how they relate to public policy.


Here’s how Martin responded in a letter denying the group’s application and I promise you I am not making this up:


“You do not qualify as an organization described in IRS Section 501(c)(3). You engage in prohibited political campaign intervention … You are also not operated exclusively for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 50l (c)(3), because you operate for a substantial non-exempt private purpose and for the private interests of the D party …


“… you educate believers on national issues that are central to their belief in the Bible as the inerrant Word of God. Specifically, you educate Christians on what the Bible says in areas where they can be instrumental including the areas of sanctity of life, the definition of marriage, biblical justice, freedom of speech, defense, and borders and immigration, U.S. and Israel relations. The Bible teachings are typically affiliated with the D party and candidates. This disqualifies you from exemption under lRC Section 50I(c)(3).”


In case you aren’t familiar with IRS Legend lingo, “D” refers to the Republican Party. Just in case in comes in handy in a future dealing with the tax agency, you should know that “G” stands for Promise Keepers and “M” stands for the Word of God, according to Martin.


Christians Engaged is appealing Martin’s decision and is represented by First Liberty Institute, the Plano, Texas-based public interest law firm that specializes in religious freedom litigation.


“The IRS states in an official letter that Biblical values are exclusively Republican. That might be news to President Biden, who is often described as basing his political ideology on his religious beliefs,” said Lea Patterson, Counsel for First Liberty Institute. “Only a politicized IRS could see Americans who pray for their nation, vote in every election, and work to engage others in the political process as a threat. The IRS violated its own regulations in denying tax exempt status because Christians Engaged teaches biblical values.”

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 7:02 p.m. No.13920689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0714 >>0760 >>0796 >>0902



Researchers say they have unmasked a major QAnon influencer



Researchers at the intelligence firm Logically said Tuesday that they have identified an influential figure in the QAnon conspiracy community who pushed dangerous narratives about coronavirus and child trafficking.


In a new report, researchers linked the Twitter handle “qthewakeup” to Jeremy “J.J.” Sicotte, a documentary filmmaker.


The account amassed over 140,000 followers on Twitter before being banned during one of the platform’s sweeps of QAnon-related accounts last year.


Sicotte denied taking part in the account when reached for comment by Logically. The Hill was unable to reach Sicotte.


Qthewakeup played an influential role in spreading the false theory that Wayfair was selling trafficked children along with expensive furniture and was identified among a key cluster of accounts pushing the “Plandemic” conspiracy that coronavirus is a creation of governments aiming to complete authoritarian takeovers.


Accounts associated with qthewakeup also developed significant followings on Instagram and YouTube before being removed over the last year.


A qthewakeup channel that uses similar branding to the former Twitter account is active on the messaging service Telegram, but has less than 1,500 subscribers.


Researchers at Logically said they hope that unmasking qthewakeup will reduce the account's influence and dissuade it from boosting dangerous theories.


In cases where accounts evade deplatforming or rebrand, there’s “value in taking away that anonymity, especially when it's being weaponized to push harmful information,” lead investigator Nick Backovic told The Hill.


“In some cases [anonymity] means they straight-up can lie about their identity,” he continued. “In other cases, because they are shielded from accountability … it allows them to post stuff that is more daring, more extremist and that makes the harmful content more dangerous.”


Researchers said they initially were investigating the Twitter account because of inconsistencies in the type of content it was posting but quickly found links to prominent QAnon figure Jordan Sather, who said in posts that the person running qthewakeup was a male friend who helped him film "Above Majestic," a 2018 documentary with heavy conspiracy themes.


Logically found that the account’s handle was “jjfromjupiter” when it was created in 2009, which researchers said appears to be a reference to Sicotte’s band at the time. Sicotte is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 7:05 p.m. No.13920717   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ron DeSantis Is Sending Florida Law Enforcement To The Southern Border


Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Wednesday that Florida will send law enforcement to secure the southern border.


DeSantis made the announcement at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office in Pensacola, Florida, WFLA reported.


“Today, we’re here to announce that the state of Florida is answering the call,” DeSantis said. “Florida is going to support Texas and Arizona. We believe that securing the Southern Border is important for our country, but specifically we believe it will benefit the people of Florida to be able to get this under control. Where the federal government has failed, the states are stepping up and doing our best to fill the void.”


Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced Thursday that Texas would be building its own border wall.


In April, Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, sued the Biden administration, alleging that its border policies violate environmental regulations.


Vice President Kamala Harris has refused to go to the border, despite a 21-year record of the amount of migrants crossing the border illegally. US Customs and Border Patrol reported that over 180,000 migrants crossed the southern border in May of 2021.


On Tuesday, former President Donald Trump released a statement saying that he would visit the southern border later this month.


Last Wednesday, the former President said, “Millions of people are pouring through our Border, including many criminals being released from jails, for such crimes as murder, drug smuggling, and human trafficking.”

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 7:07 p.m. No.13920728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0736 >>0804 >>0843

Berthoud teacher accused of sexually assaulting student


The teacher faces charges for sexual assault of a child, enticement of a child and internet luring.



BERTHOUD, Colo. — A 24-year-old teacher at Turner Middle School was arrested Wednesday and now faces multiple charges for allegedly sexually assaulting a 13-year-old student.


The Larimer County Sheriff’s Office said the investigation into Kyle Faust began on June 9 when deputies received a Safe2Tell report alleging an inappropriate relationship between a teacher and a student.


According to a news release, investigators believe the alleged crimes began in March and occurred both at and away from school.


A search warrant was executed at Faust’s home in Thornton on Wednesday. He now faces charges for:


Enticement of a child

Sexual assault of a child by one in a position of trust

Internet luring of a child


Bond has not yet been set. As of this writing, Faust was being held at the Adams County jail.


Anyone with information about this incident and others involving Faust are asked to call the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office at 970-498-5162.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13920734   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0804 >>0843

LCSO arrests Murrieta man on charges of having sex with local minor

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 7:08 p.m. No.13920738   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0785 >>0804 >>0843

Virginia Prosecutor Reportedly Receives $200k Donation From Soros For His Attorney Campaign


Earlier in the week, a candidate for New York City mayor, Maya Wiley, reportedly received a donation from billionaire George Soros - a development seen by many observers as ironic, as Wiley warned city residents that the Big Apple might soon become a city built by and for billionaires.


Left-wing billionaire George Soros has "quietly" funded the Virginia Norfolk commonwealth attorney campaign of a liberal candidate for the position, Ramin Fatehi, donating $200,000, Fox News reported on Wednesday.


According to the report, which refers to data provided by non-profit organization The Virginia Public Access Project, Fatehi's campaign received $157,000 from Soros' Justice & Public Safety PAC and $41,500 from his Democracy PAC.


In his campaign for commonwealth attorney, Fatehi stands for the complete legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational use, the abolition of the death penalty in the state and cash bail, while also voicing opposition to systemic racism and particularly intending to "reduce the effects of overpolicing" while underlining a commitment to "diversity and inclusion".


According to Fatehi, crime is a "symptom of structural racism", and the traditional view of the system of public safety "was not taking into account externalities".


"Where I part ways is in recognizing that crime is a symptom", he told The Appeal. "It's a symptom of structural racism, of systematic community disinvestment, of redlining, unequal school policy, the lack of jobs, lack of transportation, a lack of opportunities, intergenerational barriers to wealth building, the disinvestment in the treatment of the mentally ill – all of these things are really what produced the symptoms, but then we as prosecutors are charged with essentially trying to deal with it, and then are blamed also when they perhaps increase or decrease."


Fox News said that the donations to Fatehi's campaign are only the latest gestures of financial support by Soros, who is claimed by some to be seeking to "reshape the Virginia criminal justice system". According to Fox News, Soros has previously funneled cash to such left-wing prosecutorial candidates as Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Kim Foxx in Chicago, and Kim Gardner in St. Louis.


The New York Post, earlier in the week, wrote about another donation from Soros for Maya Wiley, a mayoral candidate for the city of New York. Neither the contribution or the amount, according to the story, was mentioned on Soros' website or by Wiley's campaign. Many observers raised eyebrows at the donation, recalling how Wiley previously warned NYC residents that the Big Apple was turning into a city built by and for billionaires.


Soros' Open Society Foundation - an organization financially supporting civil society groups around the world - has received some backlash for backing initiatives to abolish police, along with previous criticism in regard with the network allegedly promoting "color revolutions", destabilizing governments and shaping the political discourse in countries where Open Society operates.

Anonymous ID: ea2e89 June 16, 2021, 7:10 p.m. No.13920750   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0804 >>0843

Shahmaan Ahmed jailed for planning to rape two children


A man who travelled to a town intent on raping a toddler has been jailed for eight years.


Shahmaan Ahmed, 29, from London, was caught in Reading by police who invented two fictitious children to lure him into a sting in August.


When they arrested him police officers found Ahmed had brought sweets to give to his intended victims.


Passing sentence Judge Kirsty Real said she had no doubt he would have abused the children if they had been real.


The court heard Ahmed had been talking with an undercover officer to arrange sex with two fictitious children, aged eight and three.


Thames Valley Police said when they seized his mobile phone they found evidence of highly-sexualised chat logs involving other children.


A jury found him guilty of four counts of the arrangement of child sex offences in February.


Ahmed, of Roman Road, Newham, London, pleaded not guilty to the offences.


In mitigation, the court was told he felt "a real sense of revulsion over what he wrote" in the messages.


Judge Real, who described the messages as "extensive and abhorrent" also made him subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order.


Online paedophile investigator Det Con Nick Hook said: "Despite the deterrent sentences like this provide, sadly there will always be people out there willing to take the risk.


"We're watching them. You can't be on the internet committing this kind of crime and not expect the police to be involved, and we'll do what we can to prevent this thing happening."


There were 176 arrests relating to online grooming and sexual communication with children across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire last year.