Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 7:39 p.m. No.13920956   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1001 >>1172 >>1393 >>1515 >>1632 >>1862

Failed Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Financed and Controlled Staffing for Fulton County Georgia’s 2020 Election


Evidence unearthed in a court case in Georgia today shows that failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams oversaw the staffing for the 2020 Election in Georgia.


CD Media reported on a court case this morning that unearthed who was really running the 2020 election in Fulton County Georgia:


Evidence presented at this morning’s public meeting of the Fulton County Commission shows former Democrat gubernatorial candidate and State Rep Stacey Abrams controlled and financed the main contractor used in Fulton County elections during the Nov 3rd poll and the Jan 5th U.S. Senate runoff.


Evidence showed direct financial underwriting of the staffing service Happy Faces Personnel Group, by groups controlled by Abrams. In other words, a highly partisan Democrat political operative controlled the elections in Fulton County, which also involved a Nigerian national.


The meeting is being broadcast live on Fulton County, GA Government TV.


Fulton County residents testified Stacey Abrams owns 16% of ‘Now Account’, and that Now Account financed and recruited employees for Happy Faces.


It will be interesting to know if the characters who worked overtime on Election night shoving Biden ballots into tabulation machines two and three times were some of the individuals hired through Abrams-backed staffing services.


We learned a couple of days ago that a judge had postponed the depositions for two individuals who allegedly committed crimes running ballots through machines more than once and recorded on video:


Note to America – If you’re using individuals hired from a Stacey Abrams staffing services-related entity you better keep a good eye on them.

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 7:44 p.m. No.13920993   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'Unsafe' child secure unit is shut down: Detention centre for young people gets closed over safety concerns after Ofsted branded life for inmates 'bleak'


The Rainsbrook Secure Training Unit near Rugby, Warwickshire, was shut down

Justice Secretary Robert Buckland ordered all 33 child offenders to be moved

Watchdog Ofsted described life at the centre as 'bleak' and raised concerns about violence and management failings


A child detention centre was shut down over safety concerns last night.


Justice Secretary Robert Buckland ordered all 33 child offenders to be moved out of Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre 'with immediate effect'. It is run by private operator MTC.


He said the unit, near Rugby, Warwickshire, for boys and girls aged 12 to 17, could be taken back under public sector control.


Watchdog Ofsted described life at the centre as 'bleak' and raised concerns about violence and management failings in December last year.


'Six months ago, I demanded that MTC take immediate action to fix the very serious failings at Rainsbrook,' said Mr Buckland. 'They failed to deliver and I have been left with no choice but to ask that all children are moved elsewhere.'


An MTC spokesman said the operator had 'worked hard' to address Ofsted's recommendations. He said MTC would 'vigorously challenge' the conclusions of Ofsted's latest inspection.


It follows a host of scandals involving private firms with criminal justice contracts.


Another secure training centre run by G4S in Medway, Kent, was converted to an adult jail after secret filming by the BBC’s Panorama showed staff using excessive force on children, including choking them.


G4S and another private firm, Serco, were both fined huge sums after it emerged they had been overcharging the taxpayer for electronic tagging schemes.


A series of privately-run jails for adult prisoners which were run by private firms have also been taken back into public sector control.


Watchdog Ofsted rated Rainsbrook as ‘inadequate’ in a report published in December.


It said some children were ‘being locked in their rooms for 23.5 hours a day for days or even weeks’, adding: ‘Children’s daily experiences are bleak.’


Is this comms????

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 7:46 p.m. No.13921004   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1018 >>1026 >>1051 >>1057 >>1276 >>1291

Women of childbearing age should be BANNED from drinking alcohol over possible links to foetal disorders, WHO says


Alcohol Action Plan calls on countries to raise awareness of alcohol-related harm

It warns of drinking in children, pregnant women and women of childbearing age

Last night the drinks industry described the proposal as paternalistic and sexist

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 7:53 p.m. No.13921035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1046 >>1172 >>1202 >>1229 >>1334 >>1393 >>1515 >>1632

High Priest of ‘The Science’ Whitty Decrees: ‘Children Need Covid Jabs to Avoid More School Closures’


Not a day goes by that the UK government’s team of experts isn’t announcing some new pivot on ‘The Science’ of COVID-19. Increasingly, their decrees are becoming more arbitrary, and rather conspicuously geared towards leveraging even more restrictions, and driving record sales of corporate vaccines.


Earlier this week, the government’s Chief Medical Officer and self-styled vaccinologist, Chris Whitty (pictured above), boldly stated that the nation’s youth may need to get vaccinated – in order to ensure their education ‘can continue without disruption.’


His statement is incredibly misleading because it wrongly infers that there’s a COVID pandemic among children, and that the only solution to this alleged crisis is to vaccinate them, all of them. The only problem is that neither idea is true, according to almost all available data and peer reviewed studies. But for some reason, these facts do not seem to deter politicians from pushing the current break-neck agenda.


So if the current political obsession to vaccinate children with the experimental COVID jab is not based on any science, then what is it based on?


Not surprising, Whitty and his cohort routinely omits the real science: that children are statistically at near zero risk of ever getting ill from the dreaded COVID-19. This is well known by many, and should be a central consideration in any qualified health professional’s calculus on whether children need to be jabbed en mass with what is effectively an unlicensed experimental gene therapy-based injection. Unfortunately, it’s always pushed to the back of the docket.


Moreover, it’s hard to call it a vaccine in any traditional sense of the word. Both the manufacturers and the government openly admit that their new range of COVID jabs do not provide recipients with immunity, nor do they stop people from transmitting the virus after they are infected. The only consistent claim by manufacturers is that their products “reduce symptoms.” Not much of a vaccine.


More crucially though is the fact that an entirely new risk is being introduced into childrens’ health situation – the very real risk of severe adverse reactions, injuries and even death, from completely unproven pharmaceutical products. Why would anyone wish to do that, especially those who have taken a Hippocratic oath “to do no harm”?


It’s incredible how this fundamental point hardly factors into the analysis of those in high places pushing these jabs, especially with respect to administering them to children.


Ironically (or not), the one group who has been the most militant in pushing for school closures and jabbing the children has been the teachers unions and those referred to as ‘school leaders.’

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 7:59 p.m. No.13921079   🗄️.is 🔗kun


could it be we are fighting the cabal AI

they deploy it cause drama then pull it out and adjust it then attack again


Real Anon's get banned but a simple ip hop and their back


seems to have no access to the core


idk just spit balling but Kerry Cassidy has claimed for years that we were fighting the rouge AI

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 8:03 p.m. No.13921097   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1194

Gov. Abbott Signs HB1927: Makes Texas 21st Constitutional Carry State


Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed HB 1927 into law Wednesday, making Texas the 21st constitutional carry state in the union.


The Texas Tribune reported the constitutional carry law will go into effect September 1, 2021, allowing law-abiding residents 21-years-old and older to carry a handgun for self-defense, without first getting a permit from the government.


U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-El Paso) spoke out against constitutional carry after Abbott signed the bill:


The permitless carry bill will cause more violence and loss. Despite overwhelming support for common-sense gun violence prevention legislation like universal background checks, Texas Republicans, led by a cowardly governor, are more interested in groveling for the gun lobby’s attention than they are in preventing gun violence and honoring victims and survivors in El Paso and across Texas.


On April 28, 2021, Breitbart News reported Abbott’s pledge to sign constitutional carry if it reached his desk.


The Tribune notes that the Texas House passed HB 1927 on March 21, 2021, and the Texas Senate passed it on March 22.


This makes Texas the 21st constitutional carry state. The other 20 states are: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 8:05 p.m. No.13921105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1112 >>1140 >>1158

Yale Professor Compares GOP Critical Race Theory Opposition to German Neo-Nazi Aim to End Holocaust Education


The Republican Party’s fight against the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in schools is akin to neo-Nazis in Germany seeking to revise history and put an end to Holocaust education, according to Jason Stanley, a professor of philosophy at Yale University.


Appearing on MSNBC’s The Mehdi Hasan Show on Tuesday night, the professor blasted Republican opposition to Critical Race Theory.


After the show’s host, Mehdi Hasan, discussed Republican “fear” of Critical Race Theory and a socialist take-over of America, he suggested it was all part of “fascist propaganda,” to which the professor agreed.


“Absolutely,” Stanley replied.


“What if Germany, what if AfD — the neo-fascist party in Germany that advocates ending Holocaust education — came to power and ended Holocaust education?” he asked, adding that, “We’d all be horrified; everyone in America would be horrified by that.”


Furthering the comparison, the Yale professor claimed that both the GOP and German neo-Nazis share talking points.


“They say the same talking points there … ‘We don’t want Germans to feel guilty about our past; we want people to not feel guilty about things their ancestors did,’” he said of the groups.


He then referred to the fight against Critical Race Theory as an “American version” of a similar international strategy.


“This tactic is the American version of an international tactic,” he said.


“In other countries it’s gender ideology,” he added, “so in Germany they’re targeting Holocaust education, in Hungary [and] Brazil they’re targeting gender ideology [and] cultural Marxism, and it’s the same strategy.”


Stanley also made a comparison to Turkey’s Islamist and increasingly authoritarian president, before associating criticism of the theory with autocracy.


“Everywhere you have these attacks on democratic institutions, the education system, people fomenting [and] pushing patriotic education as Erdoğan has in Turkey, it always goes with autocracy, and that needs to be borne in mind,” he said.


“I don’t know a single country where they’re attacking education systems in this way and not also destroying the electoral system,” he added.


Hassan replied by stating that such ideas have “gripped the minds of millions of Republicans and yes it is part and parcel of an autocratic attempt to change the way we think about history and education.”


The lecture comes as the battle over Critical Race Theory in schools has resulted in nationwide tension.


The theory, which is promoted by many on the left, claims that American institutions — the government, economy, and culture — are based on racial hierarchy, with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom, and even that which appears race-neutral is, on closer inspection, rooted in racism. As a result, it urges reform in virtually all of its institutions.


In an essay published in the Economist last month, Stanley claimed that the “Republican attack” on the theory’s aims is a “broadside against truth and history in education.”

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 8:08 p.m. No.13921113   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NBC News Hit Piece on Grassroots Parents Battling K-12 Critical Race Theory Draws Fire


An NBC News hit piece on grassroots parents’ groups battling Critical Race Theory (CRT) and woke education in K-12 schools has drawn a flood of criticism.


The piece, published Tuesday, titled “Critical Race Theory Battle Invades School Boards – with Help from Conservative Groups,” was written by Tyler Kingkade, Brandy Zadrozny, and Ben Collins, and starts out by defining CRT as “the academic study of racism’s pervasive impact.”


The writers present as an innocent bystander in the push to teach the tenets of CRT in his Cumberland-North Yarmouth, Maine, school district, superintendent Jeff Porter, who referred, on the record, to vocal, anti-woke education parent Shawn McBreairty as “vile,” and presented him with “conditions” he would need to meet before being permitted to attend his daughters’ graduation:


To Porter, the issue was straightforward: The district had denounced white supremacy in the wake of George Floyd’s murder by police, but did not teach critical race theory, the academic study of racism’s pervasive impact.


Porter’s school district hired Community Change Inc., a Boston-based company that self-describes on Twitter as “a non-profit that challenges systemic racism with a special focus on white people.”


“Can’t dismantle white supremacy without dismantling capitalism,” CCI states.


The district’s “Equity Leadership Steering Committee” sent a statement out to the community that asserted:


We echo the words of the Women’s Foundation of Minnesota: “In a culture that continually reinforces white supremacy, justice can only be achieved when we confront and repair the anti-blackness woven through every aspect of society—in our homes, schools, workplaces, communities, places of worship, and government.”



We are continuing to partner with Community Change Inc. to guide us on this journey. We are actively learning that the supposed truths we’ve been socialized to believe about blackness are violent and untrue. We will work to assess our curriculum, educate our community within and outside of our school campus, dismantle the anti-blackness all of us have internalized by living in a society built on white supremacy, and provide tools to interrupt anti-black racism.


The NBC News authors appear unable to wrap their heads around the fact that K-12 parents across the country are filling their school board meetings, ousting school administrators and board members peddling woke education, and urging their state lawmakers to take action:



Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 8:09 p.m. No.13921120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1172 >>1393 >>1515 >>1632

Gauteng teenager rescued from human and sex trafficking syndicate


Stepmother and step-grandmother allegedly planned to sell 13-year-old for R40m


The Hawks rescued a 13-year-old Gauteng girl who was allegedly kidnapped and about to be sold to a human and sex trafficking syndicate by her stepmother and step-grandmother for R40m.


The rescue occurred in Heidelberg after detectives raided a house in the Vaal, arresting two women, aged 36 and 57, said Hawks spokesperson Lt-Col Philani Nkwalase.


The women, he said, were the teenager’s stepmother and step-grandmother.


Nkwalase said Organised Crime and Serious Corruption unit detectives, along with officers from the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit, were following up on information about the activities of a human trafficking syndicate when they made the arrests.


“Two women were arrested for trafficking in persons, conspiracy to sell a minor for sexual exploitation, abduction and theft of a child. They were allegedly conspiring to sell the 13-year-old girl to a human trafficking syndicate for R40m.”


He said during the rescue operation police seized R30,000 in cash which had been used by police as part of the operation.


Nkwalase said detectives also seized electronic gadgets which would be sent for forensic analysis.


He said the teenager had been taken to a place of safety.


The suspects will appear in the Heidelberg magistrate's court on Thursday.


Gauteng Hawks head Maj-Gen Ebrahim Kadwa said: “What is disturbing with this situation is that family members were found to be involved in the alleged crime committed against their own.


“We applaud the investigation team for executing the operation without anyone being harmed and the child was rescued safely.


“In the past few months we have made a major breakthrough in successfully dismantling illegal brothels in the Vaal Rand, where police officers were arrested for allegations related to human trafficking .”

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 8:15 p.m. No.13921149   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1316 >>1393 >>1515 >>1632

Manhattan Doctor Sentenced To Nearly 5 Years In Prison For Accepting Bribes And Kickbacks In Exchange For Prescribing Fentanyl Drug

Anonymous ID: a286f5 June 16, 2021, 8:16 p.m. No.13921156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1316 >>1393 >>1515 >>1632

Six Defendants Charged in a 15-Count Racketeering Indictment Against OTB Criminal Street Gang