Anonymous ID: e54ddb June 16, 2021, 10:21 p.m. No.13921684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>13920089 pb

‘This Is About Power’: Black Theologian Voddie T. Baucham Exposes ‘Demonic Ideology’ Behind CRT, BLM, Anti-Racism




As someone who traces his ancestry to slaves in North Carolina, Alabama, Virginia, and Texas, Baucham himself had to personally come to terms with what he believes is the only answer to historic injustice. “The most powerful weapon in our arsenal is not calling for reparations: it is forgiveness,” he writes. “Antiracism knows nothing of forgiveness because it knows nothing of the Gospel. Instead, antiracism offers endless penance, judgment, and fear.”


“This Present Darkness”


Because it has the trappings of Christianity, Baucham believes many Christians have “fallen prey” to the social justice movement. “What Christian does not want to be for justice, right? What Christian does not want to empathize with people if they are oppressed? What Christian doesn’t want unity and reconciliation and everything else? So I think there’s a sinister aspect to the religious nature of this movement in that it’s those religious terms and that religious ideology that it tapped into that has really led people astray.”


Apart from what it co-opts from Christianity, Baucham also discerns a darker element in the rites of these pseudo-religious ideologies and the movements that spring from them, such as BLM. Referencing the verse in Ephesians that teaches that mankind contends with invisible forces of evil, Baucham writes in his concluding pages: “I see Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, Critical Social Justice, and their antecedents — Marxism, Conflict Theory, and Critical Theory — as ‘cosmic powers over this present darkness.’”


“The organization is Marxist, revolutionary, feminist, misandrous, pro-LGBTQIA+, pro-abortion, and anti-family, with roots in the occult,” Bachaum writes of BLM. “It is unacceptable for Christians to partner with, celebrate, identify with or promote this organization.”


He notes how, in addition to being self-described “trained Marxists,” Patrisse Cullors and her BLM co-founders are also open practitioners of witchcraft, whose rituals to invoke the dead feature prominently in the organization’s protests for slain people of color.