Anonymous ID: eace32 June 16, 2021, 8:39 p.m. No.13921267   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1316 >>1393 >>1515 >>1632

GirlsDoPorn Recruiter Sentenced To 20 Years For Sex Trafficking


San Diego schemer for porn website GirlsDoPorn was sentenced Monday to 20 years behind bars for human trafficking.

Thirty-one-year-old Ruben Garcia, who pleaded guilty in December, forced young women to film pornographic videos and lied to them about their distribution.

“Garcia and the company’s co-owners, Michael Pratt and Matthew Wolfe, tricked young women into filming the videos by posting modeling ads and then coercing their victims into filming porn, the Justice Department said in a press release,” the New York Daily News reported. “Wolfe is still awaiting trial, Pratt fled and is on the FBI’s Most Wanted list.”

“Garcia, Pratt and Wolfe clearly knew their scheme was illegal because they forced victims to sign lengthy contracts and required them to film videos saying they weren’t coerced into making porn, according to the feds,” the report added. “They also convinced the women that the videos would never appear online, but always intended to post them and spread them wildly, the feds said.”

Activist and #TraffickingHub movement founder Laila Mickelwait celebrated the sentencing on Monday.

“JUSTICE SERVED: Today Ruben Garcia of the Pornhub sex trafficking partner channel ‘GirlsDoPorn’ was sentenced to 20 years in prison. #Traffickinghub,” she posted to Twitter. 

In January 2020, Garcia, Pratt, and Wolfe were ordered to payout $13 million to 22 victims. The “civil court judge ordered GirlsDoPorn to remove the videos from its site and convince other sites, including, to do the same,” the NYDN report noted.

Mickelwait stood alongside one of the GirlsDoPorn survivors in October.

“This is a brave survivor of the Pornhub sex trafficking partner channel ‘Girls Do Porn’. Her story is heartbreaking. She is one of many women trafficked for Pornhub’s profit. Listen to survivors. #Traffickinghub,” the activist captioned the video post. 

The survivor said her predators profited off of every click from her videos as she fought off thoughts for years about wanting to die. Though 22 victims were legally recognized, she estimated about 100 victims in total from the traffickers.

“This defendant lured one victim after another with fake modeling ads, false promises and deceptive front companies, ultimately devolving to threats to coerce these women into making sex videos,” U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman said in a press release on the matter, which was issued in November. “Even when victims told Garcia how the scheme had devastated their lives, he showed no regard for their well-being. The crime was utterly callous in nature and there is no excuse or justification for his conduct, which was driven purely by greed. The harm inflicted by this defendant will last a lifetime for his victims. Hopefully today’s sentence will offer them a sense of justice.”

“Ruben Garcia chose to exploit and deceive these young women for his personal satisfaction and financial gain and today he was held accountable for those decisions,” FBI Special Agent in Charge Suzanne Turner added. “Today’s sentence is the first in this case, however it is definitely not the last. I hope this sentence serves as a start to the healing process and brings some sense of justice for these young women, each with their whole life ahead of them.”

Anonymous ID: eace32 June 16, 2021, 10:20 p.m. No.13921674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1693

Biden's DOJ goes against Trump and Barr by dropping their investigation into John Bolton's book


The Justice Department has abandoned its pursuit of John Bolton, 's national security adviser, dropping an investigation into his book that officials said revealed classified information and ending a law suit.

It marks a victory for Bolton who accused Trump of using the Justice Department under Attorney General Bill Barr for political purposes.    

Although the Biden administration has backed several Trump-era legal positions designed to protect the , on Wednesday it filed court documents ending a year-long legal battle to suppress the book. 

And Bolton's lawyer said prosecutors had also dropped a grand jury investigation.

'These actions represent a complete vindication for Ambassador Bolton, and a repudiation of former President Trump's attempt, under the pretext of protecting classified information, first to suppress the book's publication and when that failed in court, to penalize the ambassador,' said Bolton spokeswoman Sarah Tinsley.

The Trump administration sued last year to block the release of Bolton's book, 'The Room Where It Happened.'

It was still published in the lead-up to the 2020 president election delivering a deeply unflattering account of Trump and his foreign policy.

For example, it described how Trump asked Chinese premier Xi Jinping for help in his reelection and how the president pressured his Ukraine counterpart for politically charged investigations.  

Trump repeatedly abused his former foreign policy lieutenant. 

'John Bolton, one of the dumbest people I've met in government and sadly, I've met plenty, states often that I respected, and even trusted, Vladimir Putin of Russia more than those in our intelligence agencies,' he wrote on Twitter in August last year, shortly after the books release. 

A month later he told Fox News: 'I will say this, John Bolton was a very stupid person. If I listened to John Bolton, we'd be in World War 5 right now.'

'What he did I think was highly illegal, I mean his book is loaded up with confidential and classified information.'