Anonymous ID: ed7cb4 June 16, 2021, 10:24 p.m. No.13921709   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13919807 pb

>>13919816 pb

>Pfizer, Moderna May OWN You If You Get Jab


absolutely correct. i warned anons on this board about this months and months ago, before vaxxes were even released.

the mRNA jab is NOT a vaccine, it's in vivo gene editing technology called CRISPR, and thanks to our idiotic/comped SCOTUS,

a GMO (vax recipient) is the legal physical property of the corporation that modified the genome.

Anonymous ID: ed7cb4 June 16, 2021, 11:06 p.m. No.13921850   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>13918472 pb

>Atmospheric Viricides Deployed Into Public Air Spaces and Public Schools: Is This “EPA Approved” Air Safe?

>>13918716 pb

>Materials sheet - potential endoctine disruptor…but safe for kids.


chem prof anon here… this is an all too common case of technocrisy out of control. MSDS overstate the dangers of harmless substances even more frequently than they understate the dangers of truly toxic substances. pick up a bottle of laboratory sodium chloride (ordinary table salt) and read the warning label. (see image). if you didn't know better, you'd think it was high-level nuclear waste, based on the MSDS info.

in this particular case triethylene glycol IS safe. i daresay the smog in any major city is FAR more dangerous. TEG has been used and well studied for nearly a century. the are NO known instances of anyone being harmed by exposure.