Oy vey!!
Oy vey!!
Would you kindly remove my ban from main IP hash from last night?
I'd like to do some light shitposting and not have to worry about lag in my vidya due to VPN.
Why you so mean to me now?
We used to fight the kikes together and put JQ into notables.
Just remove my ban and I'll slowly warm up to you.
Trust is hard to rebuild after the ban hammer abuse.
It makes sense doesn't it?
I'll be SO good.
I already appealed it, it was something autistic and rebellious like, err mur gurd you are not a chan you cannot handle my bantz i am a special snowflake and everyone needs to hear my opinions on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
Cannot appeal a second time.
Okay boomer, you're retarded and only read comments and replies that confirm your bias.
Stay retarded, it suits you.
You're unironically running the "Oy vey Trump is a kike" narrative?
Imagine being so disgusting and vile that your best defense is to conflate others with yourself.
Try harder, moshe
jews are literal garbage.
Wow you sound so fucking wise and introspective, holy shit.
Never have I heard that mundane ass fucking musing before.
Do you make up your shit as you go along or just parrot the dumbass boomer wisdom that was forced down your throat without any understanding that WE THE PEOPLE create history and therefore societal and cultural norms?
You can drink from the teet of whatever you want faggot, and tride and true is just that, but don't go around half chewing fucking bullshit and spewing it out - thinking you sound profound.
Fucking basic tier normalfaggot.
Kek, the same nigger tier thinking from night before compiled with reddit spacing to top it off.
What fucking fame am I getting you stupid half kike?
Are you seriously saying that my vulgarity and fucking calling out kikes is fame?
What fucking shekels are my niggertits making from this so called fame?
You're a fucking idiot and have no idea what a famefaggot is.
If anything I'm just an annoying faggot and with that I could agree.
So try harder to fit in and use some shit tier formality that you THINK is chan lingo.
Try harder.
Kek you had nothing to say, so you resorted to some kind of ironic meme?
Look who is the one bitching about a literal poster.
You're garbage and guess what nigger?
You're locked in though control.
All you can think about is a fucking SINGULAR POSTER.
Imagine, being so lost in the wonder of amazement that you can't see beyond your own limit perspective and capacity.
Such a basic left brained moran.
Chase the dragon.
I'm triggered.
Self loathing is half the battle.
Holy shit, I found this post critical of definition and application to be highly judaic in nature.
So tell me how and why his saying is not 'DULL; WITHOUT EXCITEMENT'
The fucker is just parroting and spitting out half eaten bullshit and calling it profound.
Imagine being this profane.
Ye O little light.
Freemasons can kiss it.
I think that is enough shitboasting for today.
Have a comfy shift, Anon.
fades back into the shadows