call senators
biden went overseas and fell on his face, yeesh
Countries, please don't take advantage of our weak fake president haha
why don't we have the correct President(s)?
fake elections?
cnn calls it 'the big lie'; AZ audit is about to SHOW the real liars, as if WE did not already know
fauci emails SHOWs his lies
house of cards built on cards, fauci card trembling in the wind
fake news support, fake leader support but the People are too strong w correct information and news.
thank you Anons for your precious Time
Parents, dem leaders are going after your Children k-12 re brain washing imo
eyes open
hi fox are you watching now?
play some Tim MacDonald if you dare kek
i like how Parents are taking over their school boards
fauci of diamonds
audit of diamonds
does fake news know how powerful those cards are?
of course, now the psyop is to make the People overlook it
if Anons are loud, is that possible
if moar Newbies joins, what happens to odds
>monitor results
wake up Normies, i know you are peeking thru your lids
we got covfefe for (You)
join us in exposing tyrants b4 they drive us to hunger and war
water the trees during the hottest days in America
water rights for the People in Cali, not stalled by fake leaders like nancy
that was not the final kek
fauci of diamonds
audit of diamonds
does fake news know how powerful those cards are?
of course, now the psyop is to make the People overlook it
if Anons are loud, is that possible
if moar Newbies joins, what happens to odds
>monitor results
wake up Normies, i know you are peeking thru your lids
we got covfefe for (You)
join us in exposing tyrants b4 they drive us to hunger and war
water the trees during the hottest days in America
water rights for the People in Cali, not stalled by fake leaders like nancy
research History to know their playbooks on repeat toward their power and OUR demise
if the Free People of America disappear, what will happen to the World
shields up, Faith b4 us; Light all around, ALL know
push forward together
the 300 had to die, but we may not have to if the People come to SEE what we SHOW
i don't envy those in the way of Justice for ALL
treason exposed is not a happy ending for any1; 2day is one of those hot days
fly together in the cool night; conserve energy
Neo went w only 1 other
we get to take ALL and who knows the Future?
all the World is a stage
biden and camela are great villains
movies make you think thas cool
ask the trafficked if that is cool
sometimes villains graduate to treason
how does America handle treason?
'let's see what happens'
is the fbi fake?
is the doj fake?
is the news fake?
does twtr censot?
the last things talked about is the People who pay for it all
sad hot days in America where fake leaders embarrass the People overseas
what's the fastest peaceful way to remove biden?
if it works, will things get better?
so what to do next?
dang they rock out tho
fbi set up Trump?
fbi let hrc go?
now fbi is trying to set up a group or Researchers; who believes them?
fbi is fake af like fake news
jus my edges Anon, not the edges
disinfo is nec; edges are nec i suppose
if go to far, some can't follow
if no followers, no power
the People have the power United
strange and tricky game
nice tunes tho
yeah i know, it was a good observation kek
>We can convert all the empty strip malls into temporay insane asylums.
mayb not insane asylums but information centers and research training that SHOWs all the diRRty ways of ds swamp
gb fauci