Anonymous ID: 2015a1 June 17, 2021, 6:04 a.m. No.13923111   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Something that has been nagging me here lately. This "infiltration instead of invasion" by muhchyna. This has been going on for a very long time mostly under the guise of exchange students, business etc………Let's assume the shoe is on the other foot. How many anons think that the US could insert without detection, foreign exchange students, professors, business entities, CEOs IT's etc…… into china by the same means they did US and their MI be none the wiser to it? Could that happen in muhchyna? NIs there even a slither of a chance that this could happen?


Feinstein's chauffer had been with her for over 20 years before he was outed. Eric Swallwell and Fang Bang. SoS Pompeo addressing the Gov. Assoc. etc…………Is it any way possible that our NSA, MI, DIA, DHS, FBI, CIA, DOJ etal………were so careless and incompetent that the Chinese Infiltration slowly but surely worked it's way into our country from the local level all the way to the fucking white house and no one noticed this?


THAT…………………. is an astounding and shocking beyond comprehension, realization. How is it possible that NO ONE was paying attention to this obvious, communist threat? All these chinese nationals coming to America and………………… one is paying attention in ANY of our defence agencies? And here we are now, today, with a POTUS so compromised and corrupted beyond any shadow of a doubt that in a sane reality wouldn't even be able to hold a ssecurity clearence to get in the fucking parking lot of the White House much less occupy the Oval Office. National Security concerns that boggle the fucking mind this illiterate fuck who's sitting in the most powerful chair on the planet.


I'm 50/50 on this. If incompetence is the answer then we are moar fucked than we have been at any, single moment in this country's history. Or, "How do you trap a dangerous animal"? Well, you set a trap. One that you know will be irresisstable and lure this dangerous animal in, SLAM the trap door shut. Trapping that dangerous animal with no escape possible. I pray it is the latter because if it is the former, we are in real, big trouble.

Anonymous ID: 2015a1 June 17, 2021, 6:15 a.m. No.13923162   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Art truer than life. I'm curioius. With the depopulation of the earth whithering human existence down to less than 500 million people, are the people who subscribe to such a evil plot really cutting their own throats? Can they generate and continue to generate the kind of wealth they have and need without a populace who works, earns, spends?