Anonymous ID: 9c3574 June 17, 2021, 12:44 p.m. No.13925283   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5386 >>5617 >>5678 >>5832 >>5862

November 2019, the little fauci piece 1 of 5



hands waving



31 minute marker, Maria is Emphatic


3 Wuhan Lab scientists

GOT SICK… … … her words

she implies, we assume, the PLAGUE, birth of Pandemic, CCP VIRUS

suspicion cast: Lab leak, accident


I say GIANT RED-HERRING, and significant MISDIRECT, likely far from intentional by Maria or Rudy, but it is bound to be out there because it is in there, in the clip.


Dr Ryan focus was on what reaction world renowned Infectious Disease Experts should have given, what they should have done, November 2019. Her focus is what Experts should have known and done then and there, all having contact with Wuhan, PARTICULALRLY FAUCI, at his post since 1984. She is/was not addressing: how Virus started, when Virus stared, or even where Virus started. She is saying 3 Wuhan Lab people got SICK and should have been checked out IN-HOUSE and quickly and assuredly got diagnosed accurately with CCP Virus, their thing, Their Big Bug Escapee, SUT IT ALL DOWN. Alarm should have been sounded world wide, then and there. All we got is darkness. And that is what I addressed on by last lines, How Fauci stayed silent.


If you interpret How, When or Where for start-up of Virus, I think you read more into clip than intended. It really is not there. Focus was on bioweapon, Rudy's question… essentially, a deadly sneak attack… a thing done in darkness. I wonder if Ryan even realized the full implication of her phraseology, her strings, her empathic conclusion pouring out to us all, freeing heart and mind, arms waving. Alarm was silent to the world, darkness ruled, the mark of many deadly weapons, like wicked knife across babe throat. Ryan is implying BIOWEAPON. Yet, silence RULED among the most significant medical CABAL in free world, which is obviously not that free, certainly not free of such idiots. She got excited, spooked, unnerved. Rudy acknowledged but moved on, he did not camp on the monumental, groundbreaking hilltop she had reached. He moved on to CCP villains and Fauci being one with them. Certainly a worthy point to reach. Rudy in his interviewing style is building a case. Establishing Fauci is as evil as CCP, that too is good and needed ground to cover.

Anonymous ID: 9c3574 June 17, 2021, 12:45 p.m. No.13925287   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5386 >>5678 >>5832 >>5862

November 2019, the little fauci piece 2 of 5


The fact that we now know, 3 Lab scientist got sick in November, 2019, is because CCP wants us to know it. In all likelihood that was true, unlike wet-market lie, and 'sick' meant of their own plague/virus, their own concoction. Why do they want us to know that, now? Because freak of nature at wet-market is destroyed. Their first Narrative got killed. Now they start selling Wuhan accident story, a fail-safe, back-up plan/story, second narrative… CCP RED HERRING. When and How, November and Accident, those are the critical implied elements they want world to now consume… WHEN and HOW. This is not a Ryan story, she is just reporting the CCP story eventually told, now revealed… but no place to be found when Trump pointed to Lab in May of 2020. How convenient for all the liars and inconvenient for the Truth Teller. Virus started in November. Smoke screen continues/enlarges. We can hear their new excuse, 'We were all so wrapped up getting ready for our New Years celebrations… like your Christmas… well this thing just sort of slipped through cracks." Smoke Screen, Smoke Screen, Smoke Screen, now suggesting start as Nov, 19, please be a good little dolt and assume accident… its nothing more than CCP Red Herring, Narrative 2.


Need to pause here and go back to Narrative 1, NATURE, NATURE, NATURE, they shouted. Kind of like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, consider the similarities, coming from the same crowd, MSM/DEMS/RINOS, no less. Both now utter HOAXES start to end, all from the same loons. See a pattern? YAN in previous cast shared how China suspected dogs, racoons, other beasts but snickers at bat conspiracy theory coming out of American top notch (supposedly) scientists. People of Wuhan do not eat bats, everyone know that, snicker, snicker, snicker. Wuhan actually considers things that do get sold at their local wet-market. They do not suspect things that do not get sold there. So where did 'bat' come from. Here in America, most of world, all we heard was BAT, BAT, BAT, fully akin to NATURE, NATURE, NATURE. Butt drove us all batty. BAT came immediately and swiftly from scientists who knew truth about VIRUS origin at the time when nobody knew truth, so they all claimed. I see dif dates on closing of Wuhan wet-market, from mid Dec of 2019 into early Jan of 20. Well beyond November 2019. To world, CCP says they closed a market not the Lab, FALSE FLAG now known. They yelled Nature, Nature, Nature, more known False Flagging. Butt likely in all darkness they purged Lab at same time. At some point they put a Cancelled Culture on their own Lab plunging it into total darkness, making sure nothing more escaped, not approved by CCP. Nature, Nature, Nature is the only explanation escaping China starting maybe December of 2019, definitely January of 2020, until long past May of 2020. The incriminating report about Lab, eleventh month of 2019, which can only get outed by CCP sanction, no place to be found, how profound … a non sequitur, It Does Not Follow, COMMON SENSE VIOLATION. Whatever happened to 3 scientist in Lab, the only place in the world they could confirm it to be their own Virus, in-house creation, CCP kept that under lock and key until their Nature, Nature, Nature HOAX fell apart. Like Impeach45 followed on heel of RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, so too the Red Herring of 3 scientist of Lab 'sick' in Nov 2019 follows demise/debunking of Nature, Nature, Nature, AKA Bat, Bat, Bat, HOAX.

Anonymous ID: 9c3574 June 17, 2021, 12:47 p.m. No.13925295   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5386 >>5678 >>5832 >>5862

November 2019, the little fauci piece 3 of 5


You see, start of 2020 China was yelling Nature, Nature, Nature, Narrative One. America never really hears any of that. All we here is BAT, BAT, BAT, by our scientists, more lie madly corrupt political monsters. NATURE/BAT means Virus is freak of nature, natural ACCIDENT, meaning not Lab related, definitely not intentional, give CCP free pass. At that point they totally covered up the November 2019, Lab story, Narrative 2. Indeed, American Scientist were quick to be spot on correct, it is bat origin (tricked out by science engineering full truth). EAST AND WEST sort of got wires crossed. CCP said 'wet-market' our scientists, we are talking earliest days of 2020, ASSumed 'bat' sold at wet-market fully ignorant, bats not sold at wet-market and Wuhan does not eat bat. I'd love to hear the call where they figure out they are screwing each other up the creek with no paddle under bad moon, total breakdown of comms. We have a gigantic disconnect with fate of whole world in the balance. American top scientists could not be more wrong, more moronic, when they were spot-on correct because of their stupid bat ASSumption. No 'official' voices was saying Wuhan Lab back then, yes it got heard on this platform knowing the Fauci connections. But May of 2020 Trump got officially BOOed (understand MSM and crowd) because he said Wuhan Lab. Never mislay major markers. Here a piece, there a piece, everywhere a piece. Even then only Narrative 1 held focus, NATURE, NATURE, NATURE, BAT, BAT, BAT. Wuhan Lab November of 19 no place to be heard, officially, May of 20.


I do not know when Nov/19, Wuhan Lab trotted out, or by whom, but that is insider info only CCP could make available/creditable, admitted to, birth of Narrative 2, in official regards. MSM is now permitted to say such. They only did it because Narrative One was failing in scientific circles who were not willing to carry CCP water, to lie for them, instead they blew whistles. As I said before, Red Herring and smoke screen to cover true Virus origin. Narrative 2 is just more HOAX. We know it because it trots out as first Narrative fails, conveniently ready but overloaded with too much ambiguity. It fails to smack us with convincing confirmable details… like child telling second fib to cover first. Every parent gets that.

Anonymous ID: 9c3574 June 17, 2021, 12:48 p.m. No.13925306   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5386 >>5678 >>5832 >>5862

November 2019, the little fauci piece 4 of 5


My guess is 3 Lab workers did get sick in November… not from a Lab accident… but because they lived in Wuhan and Virus was reaching full steam about then, city-wide. Maybe even some tested positive in Oct and/or even Sep, not from Lab accident but from city. The 2018 report on Lab protocol/safety violations is likely as phony as all the other CCP/FAUCI lies. I smell a plant and likely among first markers when CCP/DEMS decided to use undercover Virus to assist steal of 2020, their ultimate TDS secret weapon. They simply filed a bad safety report so they could fool us into thinking it was accident, 2 years latter, burying the intentional release plan… is that not what innocent babe world wishes to believe, eager to have throat slit by accident. Feed a little fake and watch the poor little dears blindly follow. So, CCP with world-wide medical-Cabal, they do up and bury a bad report and low and behold, it gets trotted out right on cue, but not on Q, as if to force the ASSumption of accident, here and now… CHEAP TRICK. Here a lie, there a lie, everyplace a lie… LAUGH IN THEIR CORRUPT FACES… like YAN. Common Sense holds us in disbelief.


hell, Hell, HELL, it is a lot more sinister than that. When did CCP/DEMS first plot to VIRUS us all? BARRY, BARRY, BARRY, he ain't ever saint and if he is looking altruistic he reaches for zenith of EVIL. His ban on 'gain-of-function' is nothing more than shut down of engineered virus, all but in one place, that never cared rat's-ass (Barry's heart and mind) to come up with easy-peasy vaxes, He wanted Virus grown a few more generations, improved, more deadly, beyond the rescue of any considered cure or vax. He wanted it done by those who could and would keep it secret, live in darkness, care less about caring for any, and damn-well not work on vax/cure of any sort, infamous Wuhan Lab, the 12/7 of this generation, death delivered to America by commercial plane, like 9/11. 12/7, 9/11, they were no accident. Remember, Creep himself, evil old slow-joe-snow-blow, he was all over China in those days and Hunter too. Trump got handed the brink of WWIII from Barry, 2017, knowing damn-well he had Tricked-up Virus up his hip pocket and Fauci was sure to be there to make sure no Vax/Cure ever arrived, writing off HCQ, along with his mad-slave-dogs AMA. This is common sense obvious logic on the march just picking up some major pieces asking how does this plugs into that. Barry cornered the market on Virus and thus Vax/Cure too, with his decree, in CCP dark corner. DO NOT BE BLIND AND STUPID. Let us no longer be Pollyanna. Proof is in the pudding of obvious history. They kept the darkness flowing and spreading by blasting Virus knowingly through their airports into our innocent faces AND, AND, AND, giving us Narrative One, Nature, Nature, Nature, all the while, while they buried science engineered Virus in Wuhan Lab, Nov of 2019. It can well be imagined, in China, November of 2019, medical community could only diagnose 'novel' Virus. Only Wuhan Lab could ID it as one of their pets, novel to world but not to them, their privately bred, DEATH CHILD. Barry made sure, out-of-gate, his Virus had no rival, cure, vax.

Anonymous ID: 9c3574 June 17, 2021, 12:50 p.m. No.13925326   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5361 >>5386 >>5678 >>5832 >>5862

November 2019, the little fauci piece 5 of 5


Currently we have 2 levels of CCP Narrative, lies, will there be more, truth still missing from one and two..

Level 1: Nature, Nature, Nature, in China, rest of world, because of top Infectious Disease Experts, an evil CABAL, we only hear Bat, Bat, Bat. Everyone hears wet-market, nobody hears Lab, Jan through May of 2020

Level 2: sort of where we are now at, November 2019, Wuhan Lab, ASSume accident please my little pets, point to bad safety report, but not to Barry's ban leading to exclusive development of Virus with no Cure/Remedy/Vax in one well hidden Lab attached at hip to Fauci, an evil idiot who has already done more harm to the whole world than any thought possible. ADD IT ALL UP, how many did not wear mask, live in fear, lose work, get tested, repeatedly. We all marched to Fauci LUNACY or got harassed… and too, his ongoing race to die early.

Level 3: will it be only truth, INTENTIONAL RELEAE, or will it be more stonewalling? Nov of 19, current start of CCP knowledge. Jan of 2020 CCP airport release makes intent obvious. 10T begins the billing. WORLD MUST FULLY BILL CCP. Czar Fauci, walking free in America, is the most evil man on planet.


Silent airport, intentional release says it all, NOT AN ACCIDENT. All the rest is red-herring, misdirect, smoke and mirrors. Never miss/forget the big obvious markers. World wide decimation started then and there, from airport, we all know it. No warning ever sounded, came, only infected people arrived, unannounced. Dems/RINOS provided CCP cover long past May of 2020. Fauci, to this day, covers for them. CCP, I see big buttocks and bladder full of Pee, all coming down on us, CCP. Likely Fauci was in it from the beginning along with Hilly, Barry and Creep around time Trump rode down escalator. Before Trump, why did EVIL need, want, plan PanDEMic? What was their first intent? Is PanDEMic brainchild of Fauci, champion of 'gain-of-function'? Hilly was not supposed to lose the RIGGED SYSTEM, 2016. Notice on DAY ONE of steal, 1/20/21, Fauci became Creep's medical, thick as thieves those two, covering for each other. Joe's competency has become another pile of Fauci fluff, buff and bluff, COUNT IT ALL UP. Yea, they stick together because they all know, anyone who does not tell the same tale will swiftly get suicided, so of course they stick like glue, predatory birds of a feather, even on each other should any divert form flight plan. Blow off the smoke, smash all the mirrors, make your GOD GIVEN common sense buzz straight through them. When ya hit the nails on the head you ain't tripping or Pollyanna. Maria is right, November in Wuhan Lab should have shut it all down, yet that is their second story, never their first. THAT IS THERE SECOND STORY, NOT THEIR FIRST… they just hope you are too dumb and stupid to realize they backdated it all by pulling out facts they held tight up there SUN-DON'T-SHINE. Go ahead, ASSume, be a perfect fit, big Buttocks and bladder full of Pee, Fauci wee.


I cannot back engineer a Virus, I'll leave that work to YAN and Ryan. But I can back engineer simple organizational plotting and scheming when made big and obvious on world stage. WHEN MORE FACTS COME OUT NOT ADDING UP, BUTT TO MAKE MORE CCP AND FAUCI LIE.


In truth Fauci is not even separate from CCP… he is just tiny wee below Big Bladder, raping world with death, silent November of 2019, silent 2015, silent 2021, real whiz kid, that one.