>When the civil suits are settled anons that have been unmasked will be rich.
>When the civil suits are settled anons that have been unmasked will be rich.
None of us are one single person; consider us more of an amalgamation. As far as being 'rich' is concerned, some people are so poor all they have is money. Richness in quantified in the wealth that which one is surrounded with/by. Who cares if you're filthy with cash, but have not a soul to spend it on, or share it with?
Fucking pointless to pursue wealth in money. Want to be really rich?
Keep one person in your life without the entire planet working against (You) to circumvent your contact, and your ability to maintain comms open.
Safety is of no importance if life is not present within the confines of that secure bosom; being upheld.
Treat others with love, respect, honesty, and unconditional love, and you can tell MONEY to go fuck it's mother, MATERIALISM.