it is odd seeing a democrat dressed in such a way; would he have still worked for the DNC now?
yeah, but you said "lady" so….
a classic bike pic of whom they will eventually name President's Day after. Cinco de Mayonnaise will be a holiday thrown to the Hispanix and Columbus Day was given to 'indigenous peoples' already… make New Year's the same as Tet and the only thing left will be a day for the queers, etc….Maybe that can be another Obama Day; Big Mike Day.
my apologies ; will this be better?
or frame them when they can't kill them, like Flynn.
like George Floyd and Ashli Babbitt?
i'd like to see some soy boy call him uncle tom….
has anyone screamed yet that only blacks should have off on this new holiday?
i didn't think it through….for instance, for someone like Obama, would he only get to take a half day off?
saw some recent poll that showed 30% of democrats think they cheated
yea, really….if Trump's three were worth a shit, and the other two old ones stuck together they could have gotten rid of obamacare….chicken shits
what a great way to cull real soldiers from the ranks at the source. kudos to them on their treachery
men are not going to buy from them if the catalog shows how their wife will really look in the garments….bad move
>ex-Military is the only way?
until the media is turned back into a free press nothing will change