Qresearch (The term 'Qanon' is an intel agency/Mainstream Media/Government created fiction)
What is Qresearch?
It is a dedicated political research board.
What is done there?
Information is collected from around the world where it is vetted,
verified and if worthy further disseminated.
Who works there?
Anonymous contributors (Anon's), Q clearance Patriot (Q), all 3 letter agencies,
activist groups, bots and suspected big tec AI.
What else?
Qresearch is a digital war zone. Those opposed to the truth flood the
board with all kinds of disgusting filth, psyops and spam.
Highly organized actors have infiltrated all areas in their attempts to
stop the Anon's digging and sharing truth.
Sophisticated cyber-attacks have been deployed to stop the board
but they have failed to stop it despite several successful takedowns.
Why do Governments, Corporations and elites fear/attack Qresearch?
Because Qresearch exposes corruption at all levels of Government/Business and have
shown that a solid majority of those in power are part of the corrupt system that
enriches themselves at the expense of the people; while using their
mainstream media associates to generate a false perception of them being
righteous and honest . Ultimately, they fear the people of the world waking up to
the FACT that they have been deceived by those in power.
What is the goal of Qresearch?