Anonymous ID: 7f83a1 June 17, 2021, 7:10 p.m. No.13927871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7890 >>7921 >>8224 >>8470

NSA Reveals in FOIA Response that the FBI Involved in “Improper Surveillance” of 16,000 Americans


Some Background


Throughout 2020 the Black Lives Matter terrorist group was linked to conservatively 91% of the riots that resulted in the most expensive property damage in US insurance history


There were zero Trump rallies that turned violent during that same time period.


Then on January 6, after one million Trump supporters rallied with President Trump at the Ellipse outside the White House, some 900 individuals went inside the US Capitol. Over 400 have since been arrested, including those who were waved into the US Capitol by the police standing at the exits.


Since January, the Deep State and Democrats will not release videotapes to Republican lawmakers from January 6th inside or outside the US Capitol.


Earlier this week Revolver News published an important piece on the “unindicted co-conspirators” in the Jan. 6 attack who were never charged by the DOJ or FBI for their part in the violence on Jan. 6.


The “unindicted co-conspirators” were frequently the most violent and leaders of the assault on the US Capitol. They are also likely FBI informants.


We also reported earlier this week that we have proof that the FBI was actively recruiting military members to infiltrate and spy on the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys before the Jan. 6 protests.


On March 23rd, The Gateway Pundit posted this article on former Green Beret Jeremy Brown – in this report, Brown provides evidence that he was recruited by the FBI:


This started this morning with our post related to Ty Clevenger and how the FBI responded to his FOIA request and basically said that they would only provide the documents Clevenger requested at a certain pace and based on Clevenger’s calculation based on the number of documents, this exercise will take decades for the FBI to provide him all the documents he requested:


After we posted this, this afternoon Clevenger received a letter from the National Security Agency (NSA). In the letter the NSA promised to provide records related to the FBI’s illegal spying on Americans:


Buckle up, kids. The National Security Agency has agreed to produce records about the FBI’s illegal snooping on 16,000 Americans, according to a letter that I received from the NSA this afternoon, and that suggests a political fight between the two agencies.

Anonymous ID: 7f83a1 June 17, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.13927906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7921 >>8224 >>8470

Top Doctor Issues Warning: COVID Vaccine ‘Spike Protein Shedding’ Damages Placenta, ‘We Are Being Experimented On’


Powerful interests are invested in compromising our immune systems and human fertility with coercion and mandates of experimental vaccines that are only in investigative states.


Even those who refrain from getting vaccinated are in peril, warns the medical director of a team of physicians under fire for exposing propaganda surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.


Recipients of the vaccines, which have yet to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration, are shedding the vaccine’s transmissible and dangerous spike protein.


Dr. Shelley Cole, a board-certified OBGYN and Medical Director for America’s Front Line Doctors explained in an exclusive interview with The Gateway Pundit, “Concern started when we saw that individuals who were not vaccinated, who were around vaccinated individuals started having abnormal bleeding. Their periods would be disrupted, or they had a passage of large clots or heavy bleeding or pre-term deliveries, miscarriages even.”


Thousands of women have reported disrupted menstrual cycles, hemorrhaging, miscarriages and stillbirth after receiving injections of the vaccines.


These effects are attributed to receptors in the contagious spike proteins that attach to the placenta and uterus and “cross the blood, brain barrier within 15 minutes of the vaccine injection,” Cole explains.


“There are similarities to one of the receptors in the spike protein to a protein that is in placentas [which] allows the placenta to stick to the wall of the uterus,” Cole said. “These are highly specialized proteins that humans make. The spike protein – the ‘syncytio protein,’ is very similar to the syncytiotrophoblastic cells in the placenta. So, yes, we are very concerned.


“I had one woman come up to me and she said that she had actually just touched the arm of someone –of course we don’t know 100 percent sure if she got the spike proteins from this individual – but she kind of rubbed the arm and patted the individual and subsequently she begins bleeding. She had not had periods for 25 years, but now she’s bleeding,” she continued. “It’s ironic that the vaccinated tend to be more fearful of the unvaccinated, but in truth, it really is unvaccinated that are at greater risk from being exposed from the vaccinated.”