Anonymous ID: f18a91 May 12, 2018, 10:45 p.m. No.1393343   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What did all of the people from Obama's administration do after Hussein left office? They created their own subversive tyrannical organization. (funny how the acronym is NSA)


Q and company, is THIS what you wanted us to find?


Notice Penny Pritzker (LOOP CAPITAL), Samantha Powers, Susan Rice, and co-chair Ben Rhodes..what a coinkydink huh?

This is Hussein's little 'shadow government' at work.


From their website…






National Security Action is dedicated to advancing American global leadership and opposing the reckless policies of the Trump administration that endanger our national security and undermine U.S. strength in the world.




Bringing together and mobilizing an unparalleled network of former senior officials and policy experts, academics, and civil society leaders who are dedicated to a progressive vision of American global leadership.


Shining a bright light on the Trump administration’s reckless policies, underscoring their dangerous consequences, and equipping Americans with the arguments to counter them.


Developing compelling messaging and communications strategies—serving as a bridge between the policy and political worlds—to shape the national security debates taking place in Washington and around the country.


Serving as a resource for allies in Congress, grassroots organizations, and emerging leaders in Washington and across the country who share our vision, values, and sense of purpose.


Building a strong, unified, progressive opposition to the Trump administration’s dangerous policies, which are making the United States less safe and diminishing our standing and influence in the world.



And THERE is Q's "bridge"! "Serving as a bridge between the policy and political worlds…"

STAFF – Ned Price-Director of Policy and Communications


Ned served as Special Assistant t…

httpo President Obama for National Security Affairs and as the National Security Council Spokesperson. He previously was a senior analyst at the CIA and currently is an NBC News Analyst and Contributor and Lecturer at George Washington University.


The PR Guy. Could he be coordinating the material for the 4a.m. drops for VJ?




PP = PENNY PRITZKER – 38th US Secretary of Commerce under Obama, net worth 2.8-billion, sister of JAY ROBERT PRITZKER


SR = SUSAN RICE - 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017, net worth 20-million

Anonymous ID: f18a91 May 12, 2018, 10:51 p.m. No.1393434   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3454 >>3459



Make Congress Work Again


GOP Senators to McConnell: Address 271 Trump Nominees, Get Budget Done or Skip Summer Break


Conservative senators have sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) demanding that lawmakers confirm President Donald Trump’s 271 outstanding nominations and pass a spending bill before the August recess or skip the break altogether.


“We continue to witness historic obstruction by the minority party when it comes to funding the federal government and confirming the president’s nominees,” the letter said. “If we are complicit we are on the track for another last-minute spending battle come September.”


“However, if we take action now, we can break the cycle of continuing resolutions and omnibus spending deals,” the letter said. “Therefore, we want to offer our full support to expedite floor consideration, even if we must work nights and weekends and forgo the August recess to get it done.”


Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) spearheaded the letter, which was also signed by Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Steve Daines (R-MT), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Deb Fischer (R-NE), Dean Heller (R-NV), Ron Johnson (R-WI), John Kennedy (R-LA), James Lankford (R-OK), Mike Lee (R-UT), Mike Rounds (R-SD), Ben Sasse (R-NE), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), Thom Tillis (R-NC), and Roger Wicker (R-MS).