No, anons here find it to be nothing more than a candy covered pile of shit. You chose to be on qrb, fuck on back to it and tell squankfux that they can do a flip as well.
No, anons here find it to be nothing more than a candy covered pile of shit. You chose to be on qrb, fuck on back to it and tell squankfux that they can do a flip as well.
>Insulting the poster because the post appears on another Q board is stupid
But its not another Q board. So grow up and put your big boy panties on backwards and yank. You have only attempted to subvert this board, I am protecting it. Lets by all means discuss what each of us has done FOR this board.
>Great weโre back to newsbot that collects headlines and links without any info from the article! Why collect them, when 10+ others anons have go there and read some content.
They should be ignored and NEVER notabled. That would cause a change in newsbot. It wont be done ofc because those who largely bake are comped and likely get a kickback.
>>You have only attempted to subvert this board, I am protecting it
>Still nuffin brainlet
Your one single solitary post is so convincing gerbil, perhaps if you also called me a jew or something like that, you would get moar traction?
>That is a LIE.
Not at all. You are promoting a board that is into this one. You are advertising. I on the other hand was identifying for all of the 'normies' you asshats let in here, that your board was comped and paid for. So go on with what you were doing for here again?
>>They should be ignored and NEVER notabled
>Initially ignored with a note to say grab moar sauce details and put it all together for the Baker in one post.
>Either a Baker or an Anon could make that request.
>That way there's still a chance for the OP to get a Notable if sauced better.
>Or, Anon could take and run with it to get the Notable if OP blows it off.
>That's the proactive way to improve newsbot based info dissemination here.
This si how we have allowed every camel into the tent. Well, lets do this and just this, oh and maybe that, perhaps just another.
Nuke it from orbit and never have to worry.
>It's common for phonefags to post just the headlines. Other anons can flesh stuff out, how i started as a newfag. Didn't know how to do much, but i could do that, at least.
Perfectly reasonable if those who oppose you are following any rule except making sure you follow yours. All you do is allow the camel in to the tent.
>post your fuggen work faggit
>or be quiet.
I did, twice. Gosh it must frustrate you to have to jump IP's like a madman here. All of you, by name and further by reputation have shit all over anything you have touched. I will ensure all of the 'normies' know it. It was after all, your idea to try and dilute anons here with them.
>The issue is link/cap copypasta newsbot getting into the Notables.
No, the real issue is the baker is a cunt. Baker should know better.
>wrong again breh
>you do that enuf bro
What a clever post for your second one. Perhaps post you could use words that contain more than two syllables. Lets boost the level of discord here to that above a kindergarten.
>It's GB, not Gerbil, Anon.
Its all the same. One brush coats them all. But you may be right, I may need to start saying babyfister againโฆ.
>stop fucking around - post your work
So anxious. Did you wait for your prom date with such antici.....pation?
>why would I bother with such a low IQ POS as yourself.
Good on you to have responded with your IP hopping account to someone other than me! Very proud of you.
>post your work
I have been. Ill do it again, EVERYTHING you touch is shit. Now all of the normies can know in even clearer words.
>running out of excuses
I need none. I have only had to disclose the truth of your devious nature and plans. You and all of your fisterteers (yeah not a fan of that one, will work on it) get all sorts of hot nd bothered when you are called out. I enjoy it greatly.
I just cant keep track of all of your IP's. Perhaps you could point out your hash?
>[TSCGfPSy] Willow - Used to go by CEE/Genesis
>[vhMkoxlW] Tranime until next IP Hop
>[X8ZmZbfm] Fake Q #4
>[4hOhC7ja] Gerbil/Doodle/GB from COMMS <- Same post 2 UID/forgot IP hop #1
>[AmgrWRM.] Gerbil/Doodle/GB from COMMS <- Same post 2 UID/forgot IP Hop #2
>Ya like hash browns? <- Q team would ask me if I like hash browns.. right?
>[AmgrWRM.] Gerbil/Doodle/GB from COMMS 2
>[phCm1EUO] IP hops and within 4 posts
[4kpXyqXC] Gerbil/Doodle/GB from COMMS #2
[iiCKF3zG] Vatican/Kike shill
X8ZmZbfm] Fake Q #5
[ZbLAbTH6] Fake Q #1
>Do stand-up too?
Just did, stopped you in your tracks.
>cause dat's all you have
All I need is to stop you. Did you believe your router would blow up? Perhaps your actual IP posted to a pedophile signup sheet? Nah, I know you are just low level cunts. So stopping your shit from flowing freely here is all I am required to do. OH and to post your rodents very words....I doz code.
>Do you write this yourself?
>Nuffin bro
>Never did and never will
Hop hop bunny. The babies are lined up for ya in the hole.
>I was thinking about a VPN service that takes Monero, but given that I wouldn't know who was operating it, the risk outweigh the reward, which is literally just being able to post without worry of my thoughts being tied to my person in a court. With TOR you have plausible deniability and the fact that they would have to turn over the records from several different countries servers. It's more than can be expected to go through for someone who likes to LARP online and say weird shit.
How horrible that you should be held responsible for what you say. Awful.
>its even worse that you don't appreciate the value of being able to speak without worry of condemnation.
Goodness yes. Condemnation, pushback, correction. Cant have those things being possible.
>because Pigs are anti Muslim
>because Pigs are cops
>because Pigs are evil government authority
Pork chops are good, bacon is goodโฆ..
>It's really not that hard a concept.
>Post diggs from other places in their entirety here.
>That's a traffic diversion technique no different than newsbot and his linkage only copypasta.
Im allergic to camels
>the duplicity of this board, the anons, the patriots is getting pretty stupid.
Really, you think its just happened or is somehow at any higher pitch than ever before? How new are you?
>Can rumors be notable?
Are they facts? OH wait, those would have been the measure from a couple years ago. Sure anon! Why not! Fart scents of anons are why not just any old thing.