turning japanese
i think im turning japanese
i really think so
its the vapidity that does it
b et al think Q posts are about stringers and mil jargon and forget to add actual content to it
its a simple mistake, for simple shills
front row seat to the internecine ayyy war
these hash posts are invaluable
oh, i use the one with the lion when i ebake…
i didnt know that was a thing
can you post it
i was using the lion one because im a shit tier anon apparently
all i can find now is the blank one in the catalog unless thats the one you mean
youre asking why it would be notable that someone that spams 50 copypasta clickbait articles per bread is also baking and notabling said bread?
welp, tracy's mad
if you gotta kill time by watching tv then just do what i do and root for the villains
easier than trying to find a legit philosophy in a show, its a show, its going to be written by shit people, but, pay attention to the attributes that those shit people hate and write into the villain
i agree, which is why Valheim is amazing btw
but sometimes i just need to turn off as well
the problem is thinking you should be educated by tv, thats a fallacy, its the lowest form of entertainment possible other than maybe vigorous masturbation
accepting that is fine, but looking for something else within it is gonna lead to problems
literally the m.o. of the fbi