We Wait for the Narrative
Then We Align it with the Truth
If it can be Destroyed by the Truth
It Should be Destroyed
We Wait for the Narrative
Then We Align it with the Truth
If it can be Destroyed by the Truth
It Should be Destroyed
[F] (DEMS) [[F]alse]
Cyber Ninjas
Maintain Situational Awareness
Remain Vigilant
Ramen Clam
(ABC) Active
S4 Protocols
BElieve in the BEST in your Fellow man
For a Spark of Kindness can lead to the Greatest of LIGHT
For God
For Humanity
For the Children
Pleased to let you all know
It's not the Jews.
[Vatican] + [China] + [ ]
[Next Week]
Something Big.
Positive Energy is Rising
Ride the Waves
It's Quiet, Too Quiet.
Meme Theft Intensifying
It's a Cover for The Connection to Epstein
1 Man, Tried to stop them from Burning a Building full of LEO's
So I Hear.
He Didn't follow an Unlawful Command
Good man, but more input required
Coincides with what that Canadian Politician was saying the other day.
Forgot his name
He lost his job over standing up for the Truth