If the so called Dong has been feeding the DIA information for a while now I'm guessing if all the information he has leaked could be coroborated it would tie in to Q Drops on Deltas or Posts within that timeframe.
True but if the plan is going as it sdhould be as Q laid out the Q Team and people on Trumps side have friends in all of these agencies. Not everyone but enough to make it count.
These are the 3 Q Drops that mention this phrase. If we presume Dong has been in the US for 10 months then that would be August. Which may correlate with the middle Q Post.
The others would need more explaining 12 months would be June which would fit a Delta for the other post.
The thing is if Q and team as a whole are real then within the rogue elements of the agencies they are already "public" enemies, they wouldn't have to make it known becuase that wouldn't help people in the FBI, CIA or any others who are out to kill or harm them.
I'm discussing stuff with other anons, as opposed to trying to "heard" a consensus. Or am I not allowed to reply more than once to any particular anon?
This is where it gets to real extreme speculation. In answer to your question I cna only say that the reason they've escaped "justice" is that the Q Team haven't been identified and captured yet. That's the only thing between Q and the agencies.
Just make sure you do it in the litter tray this time.
Lets hope its true, all we can do at this point.
Yes that would be the other option, it is either one or t'other. I wonder if Q knew Trump wouldn't win the election. If this is all being orchestrated is it all a plan or is this a big spanner into th eplan?