Gee, they took away one Presidents birthday to make room for MLK day, who do you suppose will get the shaft to make room for juneteenth???
I have even money on July 4th and Christmas but it will probably be Labor Day…
Gee, they took away one Presidents birthday to make room for MLK day, who do you suppose will get the shaft to make room for juneteenth???
I have even money on July 4th and Christmas but it will probably be Labor Day…
Shit, its probably already in the Cares Act…
Its already paying me hourly to tutor college students so they wont fail…
Dumb people are not in short supply that is for sure, but I see plenty of dumb caucasians too. Most of them seem like they had Mountain Dew in their bottles instead of milk. You'll never see a more coddled group of people in your life, these college students. Basically we have been told, you can't fail anyone.