Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:08 p.m. No.13932514   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2614 >>3072

Atheist activist group wants Bible removed from POW-MIA table at naval facility: 'Not every sailor is a white, straight Anglo-Saxon Christian male'


An atheist activist group is ordering a naval facility to remove a Bible from a POW-MIA table as its presence goes against the military's core values and hurts unity, morale, and diversity, Stars and Stripes reported.


The Military Religious Freedom Foundation last week sent a letter to Capt. John Montagnet — commander of Naval Air Facility Atsugi in Japan — after receiving 15 complaints about the Bible from personnel at the installation, MRFF founder Michael Weinstein told the paper.


The MRFF also sent the letter to Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as well as acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Harker, Stars and Stripes said.


POW-MIA tables — which honor missing and captured service members — often are set up in military dining facilities, the paper said, adding that official instructions concerning such tables say they must be round and include a white tablecloth, an empty chair, a black napkin, a single red rose, a yellow candle and ribbon, lemon slices, salt, and an overturned wine glass.


Stars and Stripes added that the regulation also says the displays include a Bible to represent "faith in a higher power and the pledge to our country, founded as one nation under God."


Weinstein, an Air Force veteran, told the paper "this is not a move against Christianity, but one toward inclusivity. Not every sailor is a white, straight Anglo-Saxon Christian male."


Weinstein noted to Stars and Stripes that he hadn't received a response from NAF Atsugi as of Monday.

What did the naval facility have to say?


Base spokesman Sam Samuelson told paper Monday he wasn't aware of the letter.


"The POW-MIA table here is a significant legacy display intended to memorialize and honor American POWs and MIAs among a varied military demographic and is certainly greater than the sum of its parts," Samuelson told Stars and Stripes. "We can absolutely balance the larger meaning of the table with appropriate policies and the interests of our diverse base culture."


More from the paper:


Over the past five years, the MRFF's petitions resulted in the removal of Bibles from POW-MIA tables at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; four Veterans' Administration offices in Pennsylvania, Texas and Ohio; and an allergy clinic at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.


In 2018, the MRFF filed an inspector general complaint against the Navy over a Bible that was included in a POW-MIA table display at U.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa.


In May of 2019, the MRFF backed a federal lawsuit filed against the Manchester Veterans Administration Medical Center in New Hampshire for including a Bible on its POW-MIA table following complaints relayed through the foundation.


Weinstein said the goal of the MRFF is not to eliminate Bibles, but to promote religious diversity.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:09 p.m. No.13932525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli Police Arrested Thousands Following Gaza War. Four of Them Tell Their Stories


With the ratio of Arab-to-Jewish indictees at nine to one, a civil rights group is calling the action ‘a militarized war against Palestinian citizens of Israel.’ The police deny any accusations of discrimination


In the weeks since the fighting between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, which also featured grave violence in Israel’s mixed cities home to both Jews and Arabs, the Israeli police have conducted a major arrest operation throughout the country.


According to the police, more than 2,100 people have been arrested, and at least 280 have been indicted. Of these, 91 percent are Arab citizens of Israel, a group that makes up about 20 percent of the population.


This ratio has drawn strong criticism from civil rights groups and Arab Israeli lawmakers, who accuse the police of discriminating against Arab citizens, even though both Jews and Arabs rioted during the fighting with Gaza.


Haaretz spoke to three Arab Israeli teenagers and one community activist who were all arrested at or near protests. They described harsh treatment by the police and said they were arrested despite not doing anything illegal or violent. The police told Haaretz that these arrests were made at places where violent rioting occurred.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:10 p.m. No.13932529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Little Eagle Man Indicted for Aggravated Sexual Abuse of Child

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:10 p.m. No.13932534   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rapid City Man Indicted on Child Pornography Charges

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:11 p.m. No.13932538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2606 >>2788 >>2843 >>3215

Justin Trudeau Posturing for Israel


On June 13, 2021, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau put out a statement welcoming the new Israeli government and outlining Canada’s support for all things Israeli.


The full statement is available on the government website and contains many simplistic platitudes that conceal too many ugly realities. Without deconstructing all of it there are some salient points that do stand out.


The first is that “Canada and Israel are close friends bound together by shared democratic values”, in actuality a true statement, as neither country is truly democratic.


Both are colonial settler establishments.


Both are apartheid societies.


Both use militarized force to maintain control of indigenous populations.


Both are members/participants in the U.S. empire, although for Israel it is more of a manipulated convenience, and for Canada it is simple sycophancy and a pretence at global greatness.


Both attempt to overthrow other legally established governments, with Canada doing so more expansively around the empire (Venezuela, Haiti, Ukraine, Libya, Syria et al) while Israel stays with neighbouring states (sort of – to wit Iran).


Both kill Arabs: Israel quite directly with Naftali Bennett bragging about it, while Canada does it more discreetly through military trade with Saudi Arabia and support of the U.S. empire in general.


Neither country has a truly democratic electoral system, with the power residing in the corporations and political managers rather than the demos, the people.


Both take indigenous children from their families: Canada formerly through the churches and school system, now through the foster care system; Israel does it through militarized abductions, imprisonment, and torture (which is sort of like Canada’s church schools were like, with the verified dimension of murder).


Chances are I could go on, but the significant lack of truly “democratic” actions is obvious and common to both countries.


Trudeau goes on to say Canada has joined efforts in “combatting anti-semitism in all its forms”. Well and good but that includes support for the vaguely worded and poor exemplar of what antisemitism actually is within the IHRA definition (and it is not criticism of actions against international law and humanitarian law as practiced by Israel). Canada has a formal policy statement – though not a law – supporting the IHRA definition in the House of Commons. What Canada’s politicians ignore comes from recent polls showing that a large majority of Canadian citizens do not support Israeli actions and do not support the government’s positions on Israel/Palestine. Canada’s government also opposes the BDS movement, a peaceful resistance idea that acknowledges the apartheid nature of the state. Ironically, Canada is all for BDS when it comes to its U.S. partner’s great dislikes.


Next, “Canada remains steadfast in its commitment to a two-state solution, with Israelis and Palestinians living in peace, security, and dignity”. Sounds great, but it is an impossibility and Trudeau and his cohorts wilful ignorance on this topic simply demonstrates how little he cares for Palestine and peace, security, and dignity. The Oslo Accords, the Roadmap to Peace, the two state solution is dead.


Israel is quite happy to play along as it has given and will give them plenty of time to build and expand settlements that already prevent any contiguous viable Palestinian state. Trudeau is not alone in this as all political parties officially support the two state solution, although the NDP have shifted to a position of criticism of Israel’s most recent actions and attacks on Sheikh Jarrah, the al-Aqsa mosque, and Gaza.


With a final thank you to Netanyahu Trudeau ends with “Canada and Israel achieved a great deal together.” Wow, oh so true, this implicates Canada in Israel’s war crimes and humanitarian crimes, while providing the linguistic obfuscation to make it sound all so wonderful. Not such strange bedfellows.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:13 p.m. No.13932547   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why Doesn’t Soros and Clinton Connected Colorado Secretary of State Griswold Want a Forensic Audit In Her State? Because There’s Likely Lots of Fraud


Colorado’s Secretary of State is connected to Soros and Hillary Clinton money so it’s no surprise she doesn’t want a legitimate audit performed in her state.


Yesterday, Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold released a statement that claimed she would not allow outside auditors to come into Colorado and perform an election audit of the 2020 results in Colorado.


Maybe Griswold doesn’t want an audit in Colorado because then the citizens there would wake up and see their state’s election process is totally corrupt. One very quick statistic tells us this. In the 2020 Election, there were half a million more votes for Joe Biden than there were for Obama, Hillary, and President Trump. Simply put, there is no way Biden had half a million more votes than Hillary. No way.


Griswold might not like an audit in Colorado which is why she was caught deleting the state’s Dominion Voting Machine’s 2015 Proposal of work off the Internet before she certified her state’s election results.


Maybe Griswald doesn’t want a legitimate audit because she was handpicked by the Soros/Hillary connected iVote Democrat nonprofit?


Griswald was picked along with the corrupt Secretary of States in Arizona (Hobbs) and Michigan (Benson). All three of these picks were promoted by iVote:


Griswold comes across like an angel but like Hobbs and Benson, they will do anything to steal an election.


It’s time to hold the demons related to Soros, Hillary, and iVote accountable. Let’s see how much they cherish voter rights. Let’s perform forensic audits in their states.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:14 p.m. No.13932554   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2637

UN Experts “Extremely Alarmed” by Alleged Organ Harvesting in China


Human rights experts from the United Nations expressed Monday their “extreme alarm” over alleged organ harvesting in China, targeting minorities like Falun Gong practitioners, Uyghurs, Tibetans, Muslims and Christians while they were held in detention, according to a press release.


This marks the most significant acknowledgement of these alleged atrocities since the China Tribunal, an independent people’s tribunal, released its final judgement in March of 2020.


The Tribunal was established to inquire into forced organ harvesting from, amongst others, prisoners of conscience in China and to investigate what criminal offences, if any, have been committed by state or state-approved bodies, organizations or individuals in China that may have engaged in forced organ harvesting.


The tribunal’s full judgement detailed evidence from over 50 witnesses and determined that based on the number of organ transplants performed and the “impossibility” of accessing enough donors, there was “direct and indirect evidence of forced organ harvesting.”


These minorities were allegedly forced into blood tests, ultrasounds and X-rays to examine their organs after being arrested, many times without explanation.


“According to the allegations received, the most common organs removed from the prisoners are reportedly hearts, kidneys, livers, corneas and, less commonly, parts of livers,” the experts said. “This form of trafficking with a medical nature allegedly involves health sector professionals, including surgeons, anaesthetists and other medical specialists.”


U.N. experts called on China to answer these allegations and asked that the country allow “independent monitoring by international human rights mechanisms.”


The China Tribunal took a tougher stance on the allegations.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:17 p.m. No.13932566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3089

“That’s a Private Matter” – Biden Looks Like a Deer in Headlights When Asked About Catholic Bishops Taking Steps to Prevent Him From Receiving Communion


Joe Biden looked spooked on Friday when a reporter asked him about Catholic Bishops taking steps to prevent him from receiving Holy Communion.


U.S. Catholic bishops have approved the drafting of a “teaching document” that will prevent Joe Biden and other pro-abortion politicians from receiving Communion for their support for the practice.


The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of the move, with 168 in favor and 55 against. It was announced on Friday at the end of the three-day meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, following their vote on Thursday.


Blood drained from Joe Biden’s face on Friday when a reporter asked him about his impending doom during a presser on Covid.


“That’s a private matter. I don’t think it’s going to happen,” Biden said.


That look on Biden’s face says it all!

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:24 p.m. No.13932601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3172

Lubec Man Pleads Guilty to Possessing Child Pornography

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:33 p.m. No.13932685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2758

Former Chinese general owns 200 square miles in Texas next to Air Force Base


A Chinese firm run by a former officer in the People’s Liberation Army has purchased 130,000 acres of land in Texas which is situated near one of the busiest Air Force pilot training bases in the nation, an analyst said.


If this seems like it might be an issue for U.S. national security, read on.


Sun Guangxin, who has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party, purchased the land allegedly to build wind farms, Kyle Bass, founder and principal of Hayman Capital Management and a founding member of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, told Epoch TV in a recent interview.


The wind farm project, known as the Blue Hills Wind development, is being managed by GH America Energy, the U.S. subsidiary of Sun Guangxin’s Guanghui Energy Company.


The land area, 130,000 acres, is 200 square miles. It is near Laughlin Air Force Base.


“Just think about that for a second, 200 square miles of property. We have a Chinese general who owns two-thirds of the real estate in the capital of Xinjiang where the concentration camps are for the ethnic Uyghurs. And he now owns 200 square miles of Texas land between one of our most active Air Force bases and the border of the U.S. and Mexico,” Bass noted.


“You’ve got a former People’s Liberation Army general billionaire who has bought over 130,000 acres of Texan land, including a giant wind farm in an area where there isn’t particularly a lot of wind but happens to be right beside a very sensitive U.S. military installation,” Bass said.


Bass said he had visited the Devil’s River area of Texas where the land purchased by Sun Guangxin is located.


“When you think about the Texas map, it’s the southern region of Texas where the bend is essentially, just south of where that bend is and it’s right on the U.S. border with Mexico which also is actually functionally relevant or germane to this conversation.”


Bass said there is a “4,000 or 5,000-foot runway there where the Chinese general is expanding it to, we think, 10,000 feet. This is happening inside the United States, and this general is actually interfacing directly with the critical infrastructure of the United States. My view and this is my view only, not our country view yet, but my view is the reason that he bought the wind farm and wants to put up 700-foot turbines is he plugs directly into our electric grid.”


Bass continued: “Plugging directly into our electric grid is something that should never happen. Whether you’re a Chinese general or a North Korean general or an Iranian general or a Russian general, you should be precluded from buying property next to our busiest Air Force training base and plugging directly into our grid.”


The name of the property purchased by the Chinese firm is called the Morning Star Ranch.


“And if you remember in the Bible, the devil’s name is Lucifer Morning Star. And you should see the obtuse star that denotes the landmark of this ranch. Again, it’s almost made for TV fiction. You couldn’t make this up if you try,” Bass said.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:44 p.m. No.13932771   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Investigation Into the Origins of COVID-19 Is Dead in the Water


NPR reports that the investigation into the origins of the pandemic is at an “impasse.” In fact, the investigation is dead in the water. The World Health Organization (WHO) isn’t saying what the next phase of its investigation will be. American and other researchers outside of China are stuck in place largely because new information that could shed light on the origins — either natural or manmade — is being blocked by the Chinese Communists.


In fact, the investigation into the possibility that the virus occurred naturally has hit a wall as well. More than 80,000 animals have been tested for the coronavirus and none have tested positive. This, in itself, is not unusual. It took 15 years to discover the origins of the original SARS virus — a disease in bats that crossed over to civets and then to humans. We still don’t know the origins of the ebola virus.


And what the naturally occurring argument has going for it that the lab-leak theory does not is thousands of years of history. The link between diseases in animals and humans is well-established science and almost every dangerous virus can be traced to a naturally occurring disease in an animal that made the leap across species to humans.


Still, the lab-leak theory is well worth the time and effort to thoroughly investigate. At the time the WHO investigative team issued a final report in March, the lab-leak theory was deemed “extremely unlikely.”


In a rare move, the WHO’s director-general, Tedros, even called out China for not being more transparent and raised concerns that scientists were unable to get unfettered access to “biological samples” and “raw data” that was relevant to the investigation.


“Although the team has concluded that a laboratory leak is the least likely hypothesis, this requires further investigation,” he said.


“It’s just not plausible in my mind that [China] just hasn’t looked enough,” says Dr. Daniel Lucey, who teaches at Georgetown University and the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine. “They would have done it immediately because it was in their medical, public health, and national security interests.”


But was it in the interests of the Communist Party in China? When the state is the party, strange things have been known to happen. Prominent people disappear. History books are changed without warning.


And people are allowed to die if telling the truth would hurt the party. Just ask the Russian people about Chernobyl.


The problem, as many researchers see it, is that China will never allow an impartial investigation or full and complete access to the labs or lab records. “Transparency” is not a word in the Chinese Communist vocabulary.


“I just don’t see any reason China would ever allow a forensic lab investigation,” says Lucey. “Even then, if you want to hide something, you can hide it.”


Dr. Adalja at Johns Hopkins isn’t expecting another on-the-ground investigation will yield much, either — unless China suddenly grants full access to data and samples that could be relevant to the first cases and to personnel who worked at the Wuhan Virology Institute.


Says Adalja: “I’m becoming less and less inclined to think that the traditional epidemiology is going to give us the answer this late in the game.”


The pandemic is still raging in many places around the world. It’s going to keep killing for years to come. China may be covering up a mistake at the lab, incompetence of their scientists and government, or both. The chances of finding out what happened are fading as more time elapses between the first cases of COVID-19 and today.

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:48 p.m. No.13932794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2863

Facebook Decides That It Will Allow Some Satire — But It Must Be ‘Layered, Complex, or Subversive’


Facebook has announced that they are finally working on allowing satire on the site, as long as it is not hateful and “layered, complex, or subversive.”


The announcement came in response to a decision from the Oversight Board regarding a meme depicting the nation of Turkey having to choose between “The Armenian Genocide is a lie” and “The Armenians were terrorists who deserved it.”



“The Facebook company took down this content for violating our policy on hate speech, as laid out in the Facebook Community Standards. We do not allow hate speech on Facebook, even in the context of satire, because it creates an environment of intimidation and exclusion, and in some cases, may promote real-world violence,” Facebook said in a statement at the time of the ban.


The meme has now been reinstated in response to the Board’s decision that it was unjust censorship. Facebook said that it will now “add information to the Community Standards that makes it clear where we consider satire as part of our assessment of context-specific decisions.”


However, the whole thing may be no laughing matter as Facebook still decides what is funny, or not.


The Big Tech giant specified: “[I]f content is simply derogatory, not layered, complex, or subversive, it is not satire. Indeed, humor can be an effective mode of communicating hateful ideas.”

Anonymous ID: b04dea June 18, 2021, 1:59 p.m. No.13932860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2920


Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron


Matthew 6:24


24 “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.


Who owns the money printing?