Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 5:53 p.m. No.13934233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4264 >>4703 >>4726

ARIZONA: Katie Hobbs Crushes Recall Petition Against House Speaker Rusty Bowers


Hobbs "voided the voices of 24,551 citizens" according to America Restored


Katie Hobbs, Arizona’s Secretary of State, has rejected a recall petition against RINO House Speaker Rusty Bowers, despite there being well over the number of signatures required.


The recall petition for Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers had gathered 24,551 signatures, after being organised by the Arizona Patriot Party and coalition partners in the America Restored movement, 10% over the required number of 22,331. Bowers had been slammed by more conservative Arizonans for being against the America First movement and President Trump, and part of the swamp within the state’s legislature.


Katie Hobbs, Arizona’s Secretary of State, has rejected a recall petition against RINO House Speaker Rusty Bowers, despite there being well over the number of signatures required.


The recall petition for Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers had gathered 24,551 signatures, after being organised by the Arizona Patriot Party and coalition partners in the America Restored movement, 10% over the required number of 22,331. Bowers had been slammed by more conservative Arizonans for being against the America First movement and President Trump, and part of the swamp within the state’s legislature.


“The people have spoken,” said Steve Daniels, the President of the Arizona Patriot Party, “but they continue to silence our voices.” He added that despite the shutdown, the fact that they had gathered well over 24,000 signatures was “unmatched” because of the resistance they faced throughout the process. National File reported on Daniel’s recent arrest at a Chandler School Board meeting in front of hundreds of parents, which he believes was “politically motivated.”


Bowers had been conviced that he would be facing a recall in the upcoming election cycle, according to Arizona Central, and that he was “stunned” at the rejection of the signatures. “I should ask for an audit of these signatures,” he said. “There could be bamboo in those [signature] papers, there could be blue Sharpies,” mocking the current forensic audit taking place in Maricopa County of the results of the 2020 election, which he categorically refused to support.


As evidenced by his above remarks, Bowers is not a fan of election integrity. National File reported last December that Bowers in his position as Speaker refused to commit to a legislative hearing over the results of the 2020 presidential election, claiming that he couldn’t enforce the Constitution regarding presidential electors. He was also not that publically upset when Trump-hating Governor Doug Ducey vetoed 22 critical bills last month, including some on election integrity and banning critical race theory, claiming it was merely “an important civics lesson” to not ignore the Governor when creating legislature.

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 5:57 p.m. No.13934266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4268 >>4287 >>4292 >>4703 >>4726

DHS chief claims reports of VP Harris laughing at border question are 'untrue,' calls GOP criticism of veep 'unfair and disrespectful'


Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas went after at least one Republican congressman this week for being "unfair and disrespectful" toward Vice President Kamala Harris for daring to suggest that she had laughed off questions about visiting the U.S.-Mexico border, going so far as to claim that such reports were "absolutely, unequivocally untrue."


Harris' awkward and uncomfortable cackle-tinged responses to uncomfortable questions have long been a source of criticism, even before she was President Joe Biden's No. 2.


Most recently, Harris' critics have been on her case for laughing inappropriately at questions about what is probably the biggest assignment Biden has given — and may ever give — her: Handling the border crisis that has seen hundreds of thousands of migrants swarming into the southern United States.


For example, in March, Harris was condemned by critics for laughing off a question about visiting the border. "Not today," she quipped before laughing. "But I have before, and I'm sure I will again."


And on June 7, Harris got dinged for laughing at NBC anchor Lester Holt's question about visiting the border as she was conducting her first foreign trip as vice president — a trip designed to talk to the presidents of Guatemala and Mexico about the border crisis.


After Holt pressed her multiple times about whether a border visit would ever happen, Harris tried to claim that "we've been to the border."


Holt, unmoved, pointed out, that she had not been to the border.


"And I haven't been to Europe!" Harris exclaimed, laughing. "And I mean — I don't understand the point that you're making."

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 6:05 p.m. No.13934325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4703 >>4726

Lawsuit: Ex-Calif. Sec. of State Conspired With Twitter to Silence Critics, Secure His Path to the Senate


On Thursday, a former lawyer and conservative commentator sued Twitter, former California Secretary of State (and current U.S. Senator) Alex Padilla, and others, alleging that these people conspired to suppress free speech and discriminate against conservative critics of Padilla in the name of fighting “misinformation” about the 2020 presidential election. Rogan O’Handley, the commentator in question, amassed 440,000 followers on Twitter as he shared his concerns about the 2020 election, but Twitter permanently booted him from the platform.


Padilla, as secretary of State, ran the newly created Office of Election Cybersecurity (OEC), which “devolved into a political weapon for censorship of disfavored speech by an overtly partisan Secretary of State’s office, more resembling an Orwellian ‘Ministry of Approved Information’ than a constitutionally restrained state agency,” the lawsuit states.


Padilla and the OEC worked with the Democratic firm SKDKnickerbocker (SKDK), the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), and Twitter to silence election integrity concerns and criticisms of Padilla’s office. According to the lawsuit, “the California censorship scheme included supporting the victory of SKDK’s client Joe Biden, the elevation of California Senator Kamala Harris to the Vice Presidency, and creating an opening for Padilla himself to be elevated to the position of United States Senator from California.”


To make matters worse, Padilla sidestepped state regulations on government contracts, claiming he had “emergency authority” to create the contract that would go to SKDK in private. He awarded the $35-million contract to SKDK, which publicly boasted of its involvement in Biden’s campaign. At the time, Democrats were considering Padilla as a replacement for Harris in the U.S. Senate, creating an obvious conflict of interest.


Padilla’s lack of budgetary authority to award the contract led California State Controller Betty Yee to reject paying SKDK. In February 2021, the California legislature belatedly agreed to pay Padilla’s past-due bills.


Meanwhile, NASS and OEC had a direct reporting channel to Twitter, which allowed the government bodies to flag certain messages for “misinformation.”


“We worked in partnership with social media platforms to develop more efficient reporting procedures for potential misinformation,” Padilla boasted at an NASS meeting. “Misinformation identified by our office or voters was promptly reviewed and, in most cases, removed by the social media platforms.”


Enter Rogan O’Handley, a former corporate and entertainment lawyer who put law behind him in order to engage in the political process as a commentator. He did well, too, with over 75 appearances on national news networks in the last year and a half. President Donald Trump even invited O’Handley to his summit on social media censorship.


As the lawsuit explains, “Mr. O’Handley’s speech infraction was his expression of the opinion that California, along with the rest of the nation, should audit its elections to protect against voter fraud.”

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 6:07 p.m. No.13934332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4552 >>4655 >>4726

Rising star Conservative MP Imran Ahmad Khan, 47, elected in 2019 faces trial for sexually assaulting 15-year-old boy in 2008


Conservative MP for Wakefield Imran Ahmad Khan, 47, is facing trial

He appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Thursday by video-link

He could be named on Friday after reporting restrictions were lifted

Khan has denied 'in the strongest terms' an allegation he groped a teenager

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 6:26 p.m. No.13934431   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Trevor Louden


This guy?


Seems like a fucking CLOWN once a something always a something ring a bell


Fired CIA Agent Trevor Loudon

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 6:36 p.m. No.13934519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4544 >>4576 >>4655 >>4726

International Auditor: Maricopa County Audit Report Not Expected for 8 Weeks – A Potential Sign There Are Numerous Issues to Inventory and Report


The audit work in the Arizona Senate’s audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election results is winding down. The audit report is not expected for another eight weeks.


Citizen’s Press linked to an article at the Epoch Times about the timeline in the Arizona 2020 Election audit. Here are some highlights from the article:


The final report for the 2020 election audit taking place in Arizona’s largest county is not expected to be out until mid-August, an official involved with the work says. Led by Cyber Ninjas, which was hired by the Arizona Senate, auditors are working on evaluating ballots after finishing their ballot recount.


The ballot evaluation is supposed to wrap up by the end of June—the Senate is slated to vacate the Veterans Memorial Coliseum, where the audit is taking place, by July 1—but there will be a few weeks worth of additional work after that, Ken Bennett, a former Arizona Republican secretary of state, told The Epoch Times.


“We’ve got the remainder of June to do what we’re doing here at the coliseum. Then there’s a few weeks probably of work on checking the envelope signatures, and looking at voter registration anomalies, and this work that we want to do on the retabulation, so maybe that takes up some or most of July, and then the auditors are going to need a few to several weeks to put the report together,” said Bennett, the Arizona Senate’s liaison for the audit.


Maricopa County is not just Arizona’s largest county in population but it is reportedly one of the largest counties in the country. The 2.1 ballots from the 2020 Election in Maricopa County represent around 60% of the state’s votes.


The reason the report from the audit might take some eight weeks to complete is that there may be many issues to address. If there was nothing wrong and the results of the audit matched the results reported in the 2020 election then the report could be done in a day, and ba-boom ba-boom, be finished and out the door.


If there are lots of issues, which we expect there will be (i.e. missing ballots, fraudulent ballots, missing chain of custody documentation, etc…) the audit report and any exhibits will take some time to formalize and review. The Arizona auditors may need a lot of time to draft a final report.

It’s likely there will be lots of issues identified in the Maricopa County audit report and the audit team will need as much time as possible to complete their final audit. Stay tuned.

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 7:01 p.m. No.13934703   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4714 >>4726

>>13934191 So the FBI was preparing for an "attack" from a group in which they already had an informant???

>>13934192 DJT Can anybody believe this? No wonder our Country is going to hell!

>>13934196 DJT pushing the SHOT

>>13934221 General Flynn and Roger Stone trolling

>>13934231 Former principal admits to filming daughter's friends — after blaming 9-year-old son

>>13934233 ARIZONA: Katie Hobbs Crushes Recall Petition Against House Speaker Rusty Bowers

>>13934252 Florida prevailed in our lawsuit against the unlawful CDC order that shut down the cruise industry

>>13934266 DHS chief claims reports of VP Harris laughing at border question are 'untrue,' calls GOP criticism of veep 'unfair and disrespectful'

>>13934286 So the head of Chinese counter intel efforts in America has defected to USA. He's in the hands of DIA right now. His name is Dong Jingwei.

>>13934297 International Auditor: Maricopa County Audit Report Not Expected for 8 Weeks – A Potential Sign There Are Numerous Issues to Inventory and Report

>>13934325 Lawsuit: Ex-Calif. Sec. of State Conspired With Twitter to Silence Critics, Secure His Path to the Senate

>>13934547 Maricopa County Supervisors Holding Special Monday Meeting For Legal Advice Re: Election Audit

>>13934562 CM Pence threw Trump under the bus in exchange for support from GOP super donors.

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 7:10 p.m. No.13934762   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US to Withdraw Patriot Systems From Middle East, Repair Them for Use Against China, Report Says


Just weeks ago, the Saudi government asked the US to help defend them against the Houthis or a potential attack by Iran; now the Pentagon has said the Saudis are capable of shouldering most of their defensive needs in their war in Yemen.


The US has already begun withdrawing some of its air defense forces from several Middle Eastern countries as it shifts them back to the US for maintenance, according to a Friday report by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).


Citing administration officials, the report notes that several MIM-104 Patriot air defense batteries have been pulled out of Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and that at least one Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is also being pulled out of Saudi Arabia. Fighter squadrons are also being pulled out.


In all, the withdrawal amounts to hundreds of troops who crew and maintain the batteries, which for Patriots can include a radar, engagement control station, antenna mast group, electric power plant, and up to 16 separate missile launchers. For THAAD, each battery includes two mobile tactical operations centers, a powerful ground-based radar, and at least six missile launch systems.


Movement of the air defense sets was reportedly being considered in April, with the WSJ noting at the time that the Pentagon hoped to convince the Saudis to assume more responsibility for their own defense.


A senior defense official said on Friday that the pullout returns the US to a more typical deployment in the region after years of tensions with Iran stoked by the Trump administration and a raging war in Yemen by the Saudis and their allies. While Riyadh’s war against the rebel Houthi movement in Yemen continues, in recent weeks significant progress has been made by the Biden administration in negotiations to return to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), a deal with Iran and six other nations.


The deal required Iran to give up its nuclear program in exchange for the lowering of international sanctions against its economy; then-US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew from the agreement in 2018, claiming that Iran was secretly violating it, and he reimposed the sanctions and forced US allies to respect them. In response, Iran began to back away from the treaty’s limitations, increasing the quality and quantity of uranium it was refining.


In Iran, presidential elections were held on Friday in which President Hassan Rouhani, the leader who signed the JCPOA with Germany, the EU, and the UN Security Council permanent members, was no longer eligible to run. The man projected to win, Ebrahim Raisi, Iran’s chief justice, is a conservative seen as closer to Ayatollah Khamenei than Rouhani, a moderate. Biden said Friday he wants the JCPOA to be back in operation before Raisi takes office in six weeks’ time.


Hey china these are our plans

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 7:21 p.m. No.13934828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4839 >>4865 >>4893

‘Pee-wee’ star John Paragon’s cause of death revealed by coroner


Severe alcohol abuse played a role in the death of John Paragon, who was known as the beloved blue-faced genie Jambi on “Pee-wee’s Playhouse,” The Post has learned.


According to the Riverside County Coroner, Paragon died on April 3 from “cardiovascular disease with other significant conditions of chronic alcohol abuse.”


He was 66 years old.


The actor, who was known for his genie chant of the iconic magic words: “Meka leka hi meka hiney ho,” was found dead in his Palm Springs, Calif. residence around 6 p.m.


He played the role for nearly five years, from 1986 to 1991, and wrote several episodes, earning an Emmy nomination for Best Writing in a Children’s Special.


Born in Anchorage, Alaska, Paragon got his big break as a member of the groundbreaking Groundlings improv group, which made stars out of fellow “Pee-wee” alumni Paul Reubens as well as Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Will Ferrell, Maya Rudolph and many more.

Anonymous ID: e6634c June 18, 2021, 7:42 p.m. No.13934954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Biden & Trudeau agree to extend US-Canada border restrictions as American lawmakers slam move as ‘bulls**t’


Canada and the US have agreed to extend travel restrictions between the two countries for another month, with PM Justin Trudeau citing the need to meet vaccine targets despite vocal demands from US lawmakers to reopen the border.


“Our number one priority as we fight Covid-19 is keeping Canadians safe. In coordination with the US, we are extending restrictions on non-essential international travel and with the United States until July 21st, 2021,” Canadian Public Safety Minister Bill Blair announced in a tweet on Friday morning, again extending the regime first imposed in March 2020.


Our number one priority as we fight #COVID19 is keeping Canadians safe. In coordination with the U.S., we are extending restrictions on non-essential international travel and with the United States until July 21st, 2021.

— Bill Blair (@BillBlair) June 18, 2021


While Ottawa said it will make exemptions for fully-vaccinated travelers by early July, until then the restrictions will continue to apply to all “non-essential” travel between the two neighbors.


Speaking at a midday press conference, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau insisted the world is “not out of this pandemic yet,” noting that the border would not reopen until Canada vaccinates 75% of its population with at least one dose of a coronavirus immunization, and 20% become fully inoculated.


“Even a fully vaccinated individual can pass on Covid-19 to someone who is not vaccinated,” he told reporters, adding that Canada needs to avoid “massive waves” of new infections.