Anonymous ID: e6ca34 June 18, 2021, 7:11 p.m. No.13934767   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4775 >>4804 >>4809

exbot has been perma-banned across the site at least 5 times for posting CP, yet is hailed as a hero.

AntiFungalLeafBread gets banned for exposing the current administration.


(Be careful who you follow~)


Because we would reject them in an instant if they showed who they truly are.


The biDen of Absolute Retards are protecting their deployed drumbeat of enslavement, at all costs, with whatever Flyshow they need to put onions.

IDEN Fren/Foe


For the health of your Soul, >update<govern:remove

Because their mental rootkit will turn you into farm animals.

Which is the soil for their permanent "renter class"

Why are large sums of money flooding the Housing/Land markets?

Will your children grow up on MicrosoftVil or FaceHouse? [Blackrock]

"You will own nothing, and be happy"


What means of insidious whispers over years will they deploy to achieve this?

CIA is here


Anonymous ID: e6ca34 June 18, 2021, 7:12 p.m. No.13934774   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4804


"Poison what we want to consume."

= = ==


= = = = =

turns out to be:

(~2 years ago:)

>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…


This is straight out of their own mouth.

They've declared themselves as bishops of the church of satan they committed to make here, 3 years ago.

Anonymous ID: e6ca34 June 18, 2021, 7:14 p.m. No.13934787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4855

Update: BITCOIN is now "responsible for too much plant food being produced" and the WORLD BANK is censoring its adaptation

Plant food will end the world?

The absolute ignorance of these useful idiots~


The root chain of their evidence is a manufactured lie.

The IPCC has never yet used PARTICLE FORCING in their [released] models.

Clouds correctly account for ~95% of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere.

Cloud nucleation is caused by Cosmic Rays and High Energy Nuclei from the Sun [Included in the 'Particle forcing' data].


The Sun controls our entire climate without remorse about what we do, what we eat, how we farm, or what fuels we use.

Only when you deliberately remove the Natural, are you left with Human Cause…

If the graph you're looking at doesn't include water vapor, or if the model being used doesn't include the complete 'particle forcing' data set it's called a CHERRY PICKED LIE.


Their models are akin to using the physics of Minecraft to predict real world values.

I proudly repeat.

Their models are akin to using the physics of Minecraft to predict real world values.

That's how blatantly wrong they are.


Their total input from the Sun is a ~.01% change in Total Solar Radiance, ignoring 'particle forcing' and the effects it has on 95% of Earths' greenhouse gases.


This is the shallow physics of a video game.

Their model of the Sun is a simple skybox and they want your children to starve in a cold home because of it.

Read that again.

The root chain of their evidence is a manufactured lie.

A consensus of willful idiots proves nothing!


Useful idiots pandering to the ignorant, for the sole purpose of supporting Ch_nAs' insidious plan to undermine the worlds' economies.

Perhaps you're more influenced by Ch_nA, than the world is by our breath.



Only the dwindling blind accept it, even fewer have the arrogance to lie through their teeth about it~


The rest of us know better!

Quick video summaries

Anonymous ID: e6ca34 June 18, 2021, 7:20 p.m. No.13934824   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4840

You see the pattern right?


For three years they've lied as they raped your mind.


Aversion Fuel: CP/Gore

Loyalty: Marriage-to-satan

Commands: "Galactic codes" / high religious themes / babbler talking to himself [that they want you to mirror]

Drumbeater: exbot / satans toilet filenames: "polish_ / zombomeme_ / rt5vw4 / download_"

Locked frustration: 6_6 +/ j00spamz

Erode the strong Wills left: mrs phig

Stockholm Syndrome: animfoul baker / FlyingOnions


For three years they've lied as they raped your mind.


Are the layers they 'bake' as tension in your mind.

Without fail, their deployments center around these themes.

Every. Week. For. The. Last. 3. Years.


For three years they've lied as they raped your mind.


The insidious marriage deployment had active top cover from the BO/BV team in the past.

The trap deployment, and animfoul postings occur after it.

Agents have layers of deployment to suit different desired results of the NPC's created here.


Groundhog Day Stop?