Anonymous ID: 297e72 June 19, 2021, 6:29 a.m. No.13937281   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7299 >>7315 >>7536



Notice how when Trump touts the vaccine, he ALWAYS mentions time frame.


This is very important to note…If it wasn’t for Operation Warpspeed, then we would NOT be re-opening at the rate we are. We would be in an eternal lockdown. 5/10 years or more, that was the plan for The Great Reset. Not to mention, it would be ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE. We got ahead of their EVIL plans for MASSIVE death, and depopulation.


Operation Warpspeed made sure that it was an FDA Emergency use authorization WHILE Trump was still President, thus ensuring it would NOT be mandatory when he left. That’s why he says “We saved so many lives”…He HAS to continue to tow the vaccine line. Optics!


It’s actually pretty damn BRILLIANT…Think about it.



Anonymous ID: 297e72 June 19, 2021, 6:36 a.m. No.13937334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7343 >>7370 >>7371 >>7407 >>7416 >>7435 >>7436 >>7439 >>7479

>>13937199 found thid from an anon on qrb #269)


For the Anons, who struggle with Trump's endorsement of the vaccines:


We all remember Fauci declaring that it would take up to five years to develop a vaccine against CV.

Next we remember the Q posts about the takedown of the medical complex/ Big Pharma, the UN, the WHO and the MSM.

We can now see that Fauci, Bill Gates, the WHO, the hospitals, the pharmazeutical companies all worked in LOCKSTEP.

And the MSM did the propaganda work.


Q also told us that the Democratic Party would be destroyed.


As soon as people connect the dots and understand that they all worked together to end freedom and the free will of the people (ww!) and to implement a totalitarian One World Government, which actually would be dictatorship under the guise of "health" and "eco" issues, people will rise.

People will demand justice and measurements which will ensure that all these EVIL institutions will be held accountable.

I believe that we are watching The Plan unfold.

And Trump is always bragging that he did it in "warpspeed" time.

Their plan was to drag the scamdemic out for 5 long years.

We saw a document (I believe) from the WEF, saying that CV financial help would end on March, 31, 2025 (= 5 yrs from the beginning of the camdemic).


Their plan wasn't to vaccinate the people now.

Their plan was to have 5 years of lockdown, restrictions, masks to ruin the private economy.

They wanted to get citizens out of the economy and to centralise the economy into the hands of the big trusts like Amazon is a part of these big trusts/ cartels.

Then the people would have been fully dependent on the cartels/ the state.

The psychological damage of 5 years of lockdowns, economic shortages, inflation, masks wearing, social distancing and fear would have brought the citizens ww to the brink of screaming for an end of all this hardship.

After 5 long years the citizens ww would have screamed for some institution to help them in their plight.

In comes the UN and the One World Government.

People would accept this, after they were shown that their national government were "unable" (in reality planned) to get a grip on the ww "pandemic".

With the takeover of The UN would have come the vaccines.

AFTER these 5 years.


They needed these five years to ruin the ww economy and to bring down the spirit of the people.

This is the reason, why Trump insisted on bringing the vaccines NOW ("warpspeed").

These vaccines are experimental and therefore people cannot be forced by law to take them. They cannot make experimental vaccines mandatory.

Now the other side tries to drag out the pandemic:

by inventing "mutants" and vaccine "shortages".

Do people get hurt from the vaccines? We know that people have severe adverse effects and they sometimes die.

Q told us "This is war.".

In war sometimes you have to chose between two bad options,

ruining their timeline means risking the life of citizens by endorsing the vaccinations.

On the other hand you have only one option to end this scam, by having so many citizens vaccinated that they cannot longer convince the now mostly vaccinated citizens that lockdowns, masks, forbidding people to make a living is still okay.

This is why Trump has to endorse questionable vaccinations to end their satanic timeline.

Q said "The end won't be for everyone."


I wonder, if that really meant that Q knew that in a war people will die.


That innocent people will die because in this war not everybody can be saved.