Q said that at some point in time "they won't be able to walk down the street" and we already saw examples.
Does anybody believe that Trump can recover from bragging about the vaccines and still endosing them, after people found out all over the world, what these vaccines did to people?
Telling people that those vaccines are not mandatory is one thing.
But not warning people, although he must know by know, what we all know, is unforgivable, imo.
Q said: "This is war."
I get it.
War is dirty and people get killed.
But how come that all those people, who committed the CV scam and harmed people with the vax, should be trialed under the Nuremberg Code, but not Trump for knowing better and still not telling people the truth about these dangerous vaccines?
I don't get it.
Why is one side guilty of crimes against humanity, but not Trump who KNOWINGLY still endorses the vaccines?
Scavino just posted that everybody who gave up on Trump will regret it.
What kind of speech is that?
I still believe that there is a plan and that things are happening.
But even if this is war, as Q said, war crimes happen and war crimes must be brought before court.
Harming civil society in a war, in order to defeat the enemy, is a war crime.
Letting the CV scam playing out, in order to show that the enemy is making citizens sick and even kills them, is AIDING and ABETTING the enemy in Crimes against Humanity.
How can Scavino and Trump still look into the mirror?
And why wouldn't people give up on Trump, when they see him still endorsing harmful and sometimes even deadly vaccines?