OTD 2020 DJT tweeting about [D]ACA
"They "punted" much like in a football game (where hopefully they would stand for our Great American Flag)."
1 year -2 days SC decision on ACA
punt, punt, punt
Fitting tweet content…
Monday is the 32nd anniversary of SC legalizing burning of the American Flag
13:44 includes some pretty solid drops including:
My fellow Americans…
Renegade… They always knew.
Really Special Place for GS
How do you hide a message in clear sight?
Do anons know what is about to be unleashed? Mercer Puppy Pic
Are we coming full circle on Kraft?
Scalia was nominated to the court 35 years ago next week. https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/supreme-court-saved-obamacare-it-s-only-part-battle-n1271145