Anonymous ID: 59671f May 13, 2018, 12:34 a.m. No.1394534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What has to happen pre 11-11?


Midterms are 11/6 and before that we need something to bring in the red wave. Info is starting to get out now about how the FBI had a spy in the Trump campaign. This will continue to grow. Most of this isn't being covered by MSM, though WSJ surprised me by reporting on this first, maybe some are starting to come around.


Think of the process… the arrest, the lawyer, the judge, even the bailiff, the jails, the whole system. They all have to be locked down. Who can be trusted and who can't? If there are really 30k indictments, there's going to be a lot of crowded jails (I wonder if old ones are being refurbished or re-opened).


What needs to happen first? First, those that make the actual arrests have to be trustworthy. We need to know they will do their job and do it well. They have to handle the investigations well… all of these people will have high profile big shot attorneys that are good at their jobs. We must be sure to dot every I, cross every T, and have a solid case. So the DOJ/FBI needed to be cleansed, sounds like it is well underway, if not done already.


Next we need good prosecutors, since these will be federal cases, they will be tried in federal courts, hence one anons remarks about Sessions appointing prosecutors. Hubner can bring all the cases he wants, but he's only one man… this will be a team effort. We must have trustworthy prosecutors in the jurisdictions where the cases will be tried. I'd be curious of a list of those hired and fired in the last 15 months. Huber only represents Utah, but that doesn't mean he might not have a position change someday soon. Just think why the SDNY US attorney got outed. Who lives there and has business interests there? A TON of people on the lists I'm sure. Seems like this process has been going on behind the scenes without much attention.


As to the red wave this fall… We need a few, maybe the DOJ indictments to be unsealed. When Comey, McCabe, Clapper, ANY of these people get perp walked, and go to trial, MSM MUST cover it… too big not to cover. Think of it as a sacrificial lamb. We need one of them to go on trial, evidence to come out, and then the normies may start to wake up. Most people only have a memory/attention span of about 90 days… so action should be underway around Aug/Sept. IF something like this hits MSM, or even say a new OJ trial where MSM covers it from inside the courtroom, this will make a red wave impossible to stop. The who, what, where, and when are up in the air, but it would only take one big name to stop the presses and FORCE them to focus on it. By doing so, by airing out some dirty laundry, this WILL make a red wave happen. Once the red wave hits on 11/6, Congress can put in the judges we need for the start of the cleansing… and then the real work can begin come Jan/Feb 2019. Once good judges are put in place, this should set up the time for more perp walks… many that we have been waiting for. BIG arrests will be made spring/summer of 2019, and trials will take place for the next 9-12 months. And that leads you right up to Fall of 2020, before we Keep America Great!


Thats my 2 cents on it anyway. As someone who is not patient at all, and wants results now, as I type this, I get it, and I can see the plan. WWG1WGA!!!