Game theory.
Every choice and every influence changes the timeline.
Game theory.
Every choice and every influence changes the timeline.
HRC and BHO have gone to NZ to utilize 5eyes to counter and attack the Trump agenda and actions.
What did they find out?
What did they implement into action?
What countermeasures were taken by the Patriots?
What repercussions will NZ face by the USA?
Game Theory:
EU will fracture due to dispute over where their bread is buttered.
The top non elected will stay with Iran and push to stay in deal the elected will be caught in middle. Injection of information of corruption must be made to sway the public and elected officials to make them act for their people.
EU officials are not elected and thus have no one to answer to for deals made. Only a huge backlash for each member country will have any effect on those EU leaders.
Ok rephrase not elected by the people
Iran is following the expected timeline
Probability of more military attacks and bluster
Probability that the people, the Persians, will become more angry and organized and threaten the oppressive government.