Does Alaska have any slums that The Establishment can manufacture votes for Murkowski? if they can have a fair election in November, that hag will find out that trump wields the strongest endorsement since Charlemagne. If she manages to win somehow we will know the fix is still in, whether through algorithms, box stuffing or compromised election officials
>>13941898 (me)
apologies. that runoff for the republican primary is August 16, 2022, not november .
of course they did, since they never were in the thing!
this seeking of egalitarianism for the last 100 years is how The Establishment was able to slip the cuffs of excessive taxation, etc on the wrists of the hard working types; fairness is vastly overrated, and quite impossible to judge correctly
executed on Juneteenth. I guess 'they' got us back for that one today
the made me associate to this song
only The South deserves reparations from The War of Northern Aggression…especially after Sherman's folly.
ghettos + idiot woke office whites + dominion + corrupt election 'officials' + state media monopoly = (pic related)
you are correct….and one can add obese for the body-shaming dynamic…. and gap-toothed look helps to trigger the annoyance level to get one to call such a thing something derogatory ; and being a lesbian is a bonus for the Chicago lizard
9/11 Bush isn't Laura bush?
>time for me to go to bed.
me too.
….and laura did kill someone on her prom night, with her car
the wives all got together to bribe the husbands about what they know about 9/11?
this is probably it
Right!! Because Barbara went right along with everything, being the supreme hag spawn of anton , etc….and the rest were dragged along, being real type humans…..perhaps
and george floyd has a statue already? c'mon man…. what the actual fuck?
it is a hell of a thing, isn't it? and little known…. and she received no ramifications
Bruce Jenner would garner more votes in a primary than Pence; he is too stupid to see the writing on the wall apparently
is that Booger?
Sirhan Sirhan!
that meme cracked me up! thanx
still laughing,., thinking of my ex-wives….
Vlad called Jen Psake pretty
he said he was back and to meet at the top