Anonymous ID: ab1476 June 19, 2021, 8:04 p.m. No.13942102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The AZ audit started because a sample audit of ballots showed a 3% error once a hand recount took place.

They have completed the hand recount portion except for a group of ballots they say require Braille expertise. That count is less than 100 and they have been saying this for about a week. Certainly in a Country of 330 million people, we have someone who can read braille and finish the hand recount that started this! Thereis less than 100 ballots and that can be done in minutes to maybe an hour.

If the hand recount shows somethingclose to that 3% error, Our Military and the World taking our money is put on notice that Biden might not have legal authority to sign contracts or order actions.

Holding back ballots of less than 100 is a sign of fuckery!

If they have more work to do but have a hand count that shows the Biden win was wrong, they are obliged to say so.

If it turns out that the hand count alone shows wrongful electors certified, it is a National security threat to delay notifying people.

People need to wake up and stop falling for BS sweet talkers telling you next week, next month.

If they have any evidene that dsputes the numbers then that needs to be said and they can continue to look for other problems at their pleasure!


There should be serious credibility issues if anyone sits on damning info with a promise to reveal later