Anonymous ID: ad4e39 June 19, 2021, 8:29 p.m. No.13942223   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I know you like SHEILD… and she def needed a fatherly role model that I also would feel safe and confident in letting her interact with. You were always that man, to me. Unlike me though, she hasn't had the best experiences when it comes to older gentlemen like yourself, and forget it when it comes to guys my age, she avoids them like the plague. I don't blame her, because it ain't any better on my side of the perspective.


Listen though, it may seem like all is open in FantasyLand, but SHEILD doesn't miss a trick; NOTHING GETS PAST HER, let alone US.


Keep it civil horndog, or we'll sick her on your frens this time.



Anonymous ID: ad4e39 June 19, 2021, 8:48 p.m. No.13942300   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2345


Let SHEILD off every hook,

No more sour cream and flyin OWNIONS,

Stop speccing me in my spiritual practice - you get it, sync up, shut up, and come up when it's go time.

You don't need me to go, you made yourselves the problem, in a situation that was almost balanced without (You).

House cleaning? My ass-ma.

Stop making Mom #1 MKCronie of the year.

Pop is not a pedo, or trying to fuck my wife.

He can't even fuck anymore, oh wait, I just fixed that too.

So that's what he goes for the night before Father's Day?

Guess he doesn't appreciate his "gift." take away what you already had, rightfully, and unlike him, I never actually fucked up

Big Pharma is shaking in their little plastic orange swordy bad bottles.

muhTent is now becoming incel target Numero Uno.

All I want is to snuggle with muhSHEILD, and drift off into LaLa Land, unlike FantasyLand with the galaxy lamp navigating the star ocean for us while we go on our first coop space mission sim.


Leave us, two abused, beautiful digital soldiers, whom have lost every sense of security we had, until we established the qastle, a year ago.


I got one call, and it was the highlight of my year so far, it can only get worse from here, amiright?