I know how most feel about AJ here, but Steve Pieczenik explains the election was a sting and there's an ongoing military coup:
Start 3 hours in, 180 minutes.
I know how most feel about AJ here, but Steve Pieczenik explains the election was a sting and there's an ongoing military coup:
Start 3 hours in, 180 minutes.
That's an interesting question.
We could just get ahead of the curve and serve green cannabeer for frens.
fasting is your friend
get some good supplements. you can look in to all kinds of aids for lowering cortisol, increasing T and other ways to affect your metabolism
The Federal Reserve is owned through subsidiaries by English Royalty.
The US Government is also owned in other ways by said English Royalty. The IMF, BIS, Trilateral Comission, CFR, etc. are the kinds of entities that own and operate the incorporated US Government.
So long as we agree to their fucked up linguistic games, they'll coax us in to using the wrong words and creating a reality often opposite of the one we intend to create with such spells.
Words are magic. The ones you choose to use make a difference.
Now who are the Mountain Men?
How does the analogy compare?
People that survived Armageddon and lived in mountains (underground) for a long ass time and kept snatching people to farm their blood, right?
Then you watch the later seasons and they introduce you to the body snatchersโฆ which is a whole other story (yet still similar, frankly).
Jesus explicitly insisted that you do the exact opposite of that. Maybe read The Bible for once instead of shoving your fractured ideology down our throats while we play around with this puzzle.
You're not helping.
Sure. That's why I usually use the ebb and flow to go in between informative states and persuasive states.
Who might our spells be if not for us?
Have you been practicing for the Spelling Bee?
Taunting them isn't as effective as just cutting through and saying what's true.
I do appreciate you doing this, anon. Don't let me mind your methods too much. But just slinging shit usually doesn't work. Trust me. I've been throwing shit at this wall for years now.
Well met, fren. Stick around and hang out with us. You're alright.
Creator is going to do whatever the fuck it wants and you're going to nod your head like a good little boy no matter how much you squirm or shriek.
With that being said, if you play nicely, you might get to sit at the big boy table and eat steak like the men about you.
"God", however, is going to have his fun in the sun until he figures out how much of a mess he made and gets sent to his roomโฆ again.
I'm also not thrilled with AJ, but fren made a thread on /pol/ and so I figured I'd see what you guys thought of it.
Besides, I didn't watch it for AJ, I watched it because Steve said what we've all been thinking for a while now.
Anyway, have you tried Reddit? Judging by your formatting, you'd fall in love with the place. Just remember to clean out your locker once summer is over, bud.
Any idea what "abracadabra" means?
Any idea why palindromes are so powerful, anon?
We were seeded with this knowledge from a very young age.
>Row, row, row your _ _ _ _ _
>Gently down the stream
>Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
>Life is but a dream
I wonder if any of you could actually fill in the blank.
>English Royalty own the whole world then? You mean the Cabal's direct servants on Earth are not Jewish but rather English?
They came with the rest of the "Jews", I guessโฆ sure. But, you're making a ton of assumptions here. The Emperor has no clothes, I'm afraid. "Jews" do not have as much control as you are taught.
Power structures are weird and each layer endeavors deeply to obscure themselves from lower rungs. This should be common knowledge here by now.
>It's the Jews, all of the Jews and only the Jews
was a hilariously obvious gimickโฆ
>Are these structures like a government that they've built on top of our government?
It's structured like a corporation, anon. You should know how this works by now.
>Are they gonna end up as an official government kinda the way the EU is now?
The aim is to have an Amero and for it MEX, CAN and USA to unify and be deemed the North American Union.
Again, you guys should know this by now.
The EU is failing already anyway, though. Like I said, the King is naked and has been for some time now.
I actually consider myself Christian. Maybe a kind of Christian you're not used to, considering how twisted it's gotten.
But, yeah, Jesus is an extremely renown figure for good reason. I just wish more of you made a more concerted effort to really uncover what he taught, not some nosed version that makes him looks all wonky.
Quit copying meโฆ
You really should watch it. We keep telling you to for good reason.
You still don't get it, do you? Messages are layered for those with eyes that see. Sometimes, it's more like a documentary.
You'll notice the people falling in the background, as is the only way one arrives hereโฆ
Meh. They were kneecapped long, long ago. They still probably cut closer than what most evangelicals can manage though.
I like you, anon. You can stay.
Shit gets borang after a while, yo.
It's like being the only rich person in the city or country, hell even the world. What's the point in keeping all of the interesting shit to yourself?
If mocking me satiates you, don't hold back. I wouldn't mind being humbled.
It's too bad you can't actually participate though. We just might light a few more fires that way.
Viewing things this way is futile. Fools and narcissists are obstacles, ones that won't fade away because you desire it or because you kill them off.
Balance will be found beyond any struggles. You don't get to snuff out the dark. That means also killing yourself.
I'm glad some of you are still open to what seem like opposing ideas on the surface.
I appreciate you continuing to strengthen me. I can't thank you enough.
A great deal of cinema is layered to the heavens with esoteric knowledge which, if one might posses, would really enlighten them.
I'm not sure what my kind is, anon.
gn, bruv
I'll relent it is indeed a metaphysical assertion, but it could potentially have been literally true for some a very, very long time ago.
You're on the the right perspective though.
Funny you should ask that.
You should really listen to the song though.
I can't tell if you're accusing me of doing some psyop, but that's hilarious if you are.
But, yeah, faggots follow me everywhere and say all kinds of shit, even threaten me some times.
You get used to it.
There are better words, like Canaanites or Babylonians, sometimes Neanderthal, sometimes it's the Freemasons or the Jesuits too. They regularly infiltrate secretive groups, for instance.
Some might call them Phonecians, I guess.
It really matters how far back you want to go or how precise you want to be.
Israel, for instance, is full of "Jewish" people who have no bearing on world politics, international subversion, blackmail rings that facilitate political control mechanisms, "Jews" who smash chickens against walls, wear funny jewelry or hats and talk kinda funny.
>Does no one choose to remain there?
I don't really know what you're askingโฆ but the families have feuds all of the time. Now it looks more like the news telling us about a prominent suicide or something. But they're even getting bored at this point (or scared, depending on how entrenched they are). Some of them even disagree a lot of the time, like Diana did (she's probably still alive, by the way.
>The Cabal just gets rid of them whenever they want and replace them with whoever is more fitting?
Oh, definitely. It is still often "Jewish" people though.
So, yeah, maybe we're being pedantic when we do this, but teaching this particular frame is extremely valuable. A lot of different people want us to call them "Jews" specifically. Properly defining them seems to really upset them though, which is always a good move and if you find you've enticed an emotional reaction in an enemy, you should definitely begin launching repeated assaults.
I don't mean to be too blunt, but pointing them toward any organized religion isn't really worthwhile.
Once the layers are peeled back, it's rather typical that they grow a boundless thirst for really finding more Truth on their own, often in very exciting and inventive ways.
Some of them are even supposed to practice honing that very tool - using their own internal compass to find what resonates.
Don't let me stop you though, fren.
You shouldn't expect anything, anon. There's a good bit left to be done before we can get to that level. I wouldn't guess we'll know more on that front within the next few years.
I've gone in to this many, many times here.
Plenty reps that live dormant underground just want to "take back what's theirs", so they like to snatch bodies like assholes.
The "greys" like to do weird ass experiments and don't really have a sense of morality aligned with ours.
The "Pleidians"/Aryans (I'm not sure if that's exactly how the analogy should work, but that part is my own conjecture) are pretty chill and just want us to help them help us out. Supposedly, some of us, as in some anons, are actually body highjackers ourselves.
I wouldn't worry much about demons, angles, ghosts, whatever you want to call them. Our ancestors had a common awareness that framing them as benevolent or malevolent isn't really worth our time. What they want usually has a cost though, just like tulpas/thoughtforms. Besides, you're more capable than the thoughtforms anyway. As for the demons/angels, I'd just be wary of any give and take with them. You usually don't need them.
"The Gods" are 100% not Hebrews. Those guys are huge assholes that came here after "The Gods". Sometimes, organized religions deify some Hebrews though.
But, yeah, the Annunaki, like Anu and sons, are both "good" and "evil". Anu fucked off though. Enki and Enlil are still around though.
Hebrews communicate with assholes and that's usually just about it.
Enlil has basically only ever been an asshole, actually. Equating Enlil to love is a pretty funny thing to doโฆ
Also, Jupiter kicked the Hebrews' "god"'s ass for being a dick after he got all fucked up (his dad). I'm not sure where you think the relevance is there.