Been away for a while. Anything big habbening this past week? Just smoked a bowl and it looks like things are heating up in the world
captcha: xhzrds3p
Been away for a while. Anything big habbening this past week? Just smoked a bowl and it looks like things are heating up in the world
captcha: xhzrds3p
Lord please bless this thread and every god loving christian and patriot in it
please soften their hearts and sharpen their minds for whatever events that may transpire in the coming days
please Lord God also soften the hearts of those among us that may seek to detract our love and shake our faith, who work against you and the works of Jesus Christ
may you wash the sin clean off their souls and allow the love of Christ to enter their hearts, and may you bless each man and woman who replies to this post with an "amen" and a comfy pic
in Jesus name we pray,amen.
>>13942870 you just love denying others the appreciation of Jesus Christ. Stop being a stick in the mud and pray with us. Let's enjoy God. Together, like brothers you little shit. Love you
I pray that the love of the Lord Jesus touches each and every soul on Earth. What do you pray for?
you can do both, you know that right? just say you love Jesus.
I wanna see if you're afraid to.
i mean there's also Yeshua, which was probably his actual local name while alive.
Or am I wrong? Just say you love Jesus. That's all. Over text nonetheless, into the infinite void of archived Qresearch threads.
Oh like Gnostic Mysticism? I know that shit.
Hey, anyone know any beginner candle magic? I got a bundle of spell candles for cheap at the local place and have no clue how to use my intention
I just see a lot of pesticide related studies involving neonicotinoids.
Is this relevant? is this related to the bees dying?
rad. cool cool cool.
sorry for the obtuse first posts. its been a long journey for me. hope I didnt tread on any toes.
good to hear. i think we've conversed here before, a long while ago, i remember your style.
I dont keep up with nightshift like I should. any idea what to expect from the disclosure on the 25th?
which is a damn shame. i just want to know the lore so bad. reptilians from inside the earth? greys from outer space? pleiadians? are they demons or angels or a little bit of both or nothing at all?
did they seed us? when and why?
I think they mean from whats going on behind the scenes in Washington. Corona and Vaccines and riots.
But I dunno. Im a big believer in d u l c € and wouldnt be surprised if this is how we come to accept aliens living among us since forever
i dunno. these ideas have been around for so long, its nothing new age at all. aside from the fact that the New Age may, in fact, involve alien races.
and i believe there are some that just want the best for us. same reason some people legit care about nature.