fuk reagan.
Here’s Reagan’s October 23, 1947 testimony to the The House Un-American Activities Committee (now defunct. See #34 of the 45 Communist Goals, read into the Congressional Record of Jan. 10, 1963 archive.is/cgbDt )
Ronald Reagan and Albert Maltz, Testimony before HUAC, 1947 https://archive.is/BA8V6
Whether the Party should be outlawed, that is a matter for the Government to decide. As a citizen, I would hesitate to see any political party outlawed on the basis of its political ideology. We have spent a hundred and seventy years in this country on the basis that democracy is strong enough to stand up and fight against the inroads of any ideology. However, if it is proven that an organization is an agent of a foreign power, or in any way not a legitimate political party - and I think the Government is capable of proving that - then that is another matter. I happen to be very proud of the industry in which I work; I happen to be very proud of the way in which we conducted the fight. I do not believe the Communists have ever at any time been able to use the motion-picture screen as a sounding board for their philosophy or ideology. https://wps.prenhall.com/wps/media/objects/108/110880/ch26_a5_d1.pdf
https://youtu.be/lAurotFLpBs 2:08
“Mr Karrubi agreed in the second Madrid meeting to cooperate with the Reagan campaign about the timing of any hostage release. In return, he was promised that the Reagan Administration, once in office, would return Iran’s frozen assets and help them acquire badly needed military equipment…”
“During my research, I spoke to several of the former hostages. I was deeply moved by the response of one in particular. After listening to the evidence, he said simply: ‘I don’t want to believe it. It’s too painful to think about it.’ Painful it is. But the rest of us are obliged to think about it. Hard.” Gary Sick — Retired Naval Captain who served on Ford’s, Carter’s, and Reagan’s National Security Council
Sick’s credibility was boosted by the fact that he was a retired Naval Captain, served on Ford’s, Carter’s, and Reagan’s National Security Council, and held high positions with many prominent organizations; moreover, he had authored a book recently on US-Iran relations (All Fall Down).
Iran would delay the release of the American hostages until after the election and, in return for this, the United States would arrange for Israel to ship weapons to Iran. And of course, we know how that one turned out… It is called the “Iran-Contras Scandal”. https://archive.is/wip/yGJoN https://inteltoday.org/2018/02/16/one-year-ago-harvards-alan-dershowitz-just-confirmed-october-surprise-conspiracy-theory/