Gerbil is GB
This means my long help belief that Gerbil was a good cop / bad cop creation of the Comms gang has been vindicated.
This reminds me of Trump saying you're gonna get tired of so much #Winning.
It really is true sometimes.
Gerbil is GB
This means my long help belief that Gerbil was a good cop / bad cop creation of the Comms gang has been vindicated.
This reminds me of Trump saying you're gonna get tired of so much #Winning.
It really is true sometimes.
The only downside to this meme which is no fault of yours is the uncanny resemblance to pic related.
It has exposed your psychotic LARPing ass so many times now.
It must be doing something right.
Telegram must be considered F&G at this point.
Too many LARPS.
Needs other sauce via other means before I'll believe anything from someone is the real deal there.
Telegram is sketchy, tho.
If DeSantis supposedly said something there then there needs to be sauce of him confirming it's him.
Too much bs floating around in other people's names these days on there.
No Governor in office is gonna be hawking any private business's coins.
The FL Dims / Press would rip him a new one.
Outta office politicians, yeah sure, they do shit like that all the time.
>But on the good note.
>I rarely run into people who are not informed anymore.
Same here (mostly) - that is a good note.
Well, whatever is going on I can say for sure that all the LARPing Generals and Governors seem to love it there.
While I'm serious about other subjects when posting hereโฆ
Polly is just a fav shitposting one because I don't know why.
I know she has both pro/con Anon views here about her.
No clue whether or not she's compd tho.
Yeah, and the $.99 per decode wasn't that costly didn't hurt the budget too bad.
Oh, so Frank is one of those kinda fellas.
>What is a free speech board worth, if it always wants to shut down reasoned and civil criticism as "shilling".
>"Shill", or "shilling" have become terms to end debates, like the left does it by using other words.
You just have to plow forward, Anon.
You never know who is making that reply nor the intent behind it.
It's not always Anons and if you let that run you off then they win.
I wouldn't turn down a blow-up Polly doll to add to muh collection if ya catch my drift.
Well, it was another of those Telegram cap specials that immediately scream F&G these days.
Besides, utilities (I worked at one for 10 years) dgaf about night time when the fuckery allegedly took place.
Set your thermo to 60 they'd like that.
It's day time when peak A/C demand is highest where they'd like to turn yours up to 78 to help prevent brownouts.
Visit their About Us page and read what they have there.
Then make up your own mind, Devil Digits.
Pretty much.
I will say I can't tell much difference these days between MSM articles and ones from the Babylon Bee.
Ignore Telegram for notables.
Unless it has a secondary sauce confirming it.
Too much (proven now) F&G comes from Telegram.