Anonymous ID: 577057 June 20, 2021, 9:38 a.m. No.13945018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5037 >>5042 >>5069 >>5070 >>5124 >>5167 >>5169

To Q or not to Q?

That is the question I'm struggling with, perhaps one can provide some clarity.

Q, believes in, promotes, and drags this war out to preserve the government and it's authority.

Let's not debate Q's legitimacy, whether anything is happening, or just enough hints at something happening in order you do not stand.

Assume Q is working to save our Constitutional Republic, what does that look like post Military Tribunals? If we assume the delay and time passed was to save as many lives as possible (moves & countermoves), If our military is corrupt, our government officials' compromised and corrupt, RINOS fooling conservatives, the MSM legally propagandizing the citizenry, and Q relegates those who would have heard the call to stand, to stand down.

What government are we transitioning too? Why would we trust this government to be any different then the drunk on power and easily coaxed to do the wrong thing government we supposedly are dismantling?

A well informed citizenry is the proper way to police the government, how does the divided populace come together, when the side who now claims power through military might has been lying to them and not being transparent about everything, didn't do it for government power?

Say a low level, bribed to do wrong congressman was blackmailed, the family benefited from the payoff, they have money, jobs, estates, a soft place to land. The citizenry you finally come clean to wants blood, you keep most hidden for peace sake (and obviously government power and authority) how do we move forward?

Anonymous ID: 577057 June 20, 2021, 9:51 a.m. No.13945073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5082


That's the problem, I have no faith in Man, Government, or arguments that don't address the concern.

Your willingness to give away accountability, has me unsure of where we are headed, moving into even more dangerous.

Anonymous ID: 577057 June 20, 2021, 9:57 a.m. No.13945108   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5125


I've mostly sided with this line of thinking.

I dislike the ebb and flow of doubt.

Tiny little tidbits of something happening, seems so benign and juvenile, it is hard to accept them as markers of success and not calls to do as you have been doing in the face of mounting evidence of a speedy descent into the NWO.

Not one R or libertarian speaks the language of revolution, they are all complicit, even 45 did many cucked things.

I'm fine and probably shouldn't care, I have everything I need, except a populace worth fighting for.