>What happened to the 9/11truth movement?
>What happened to the tea party movement?
MSM, legalized propagandasomething Q did nothing about, is currently hurting the wake up pace, and still keeping good men from standing up.
>Is this movement different from those? if so, Y?
not so far, empty platitudes without accomplishment, because of to Q or not to Q division.
>What are you doing in your sphere of influence outside of kun to further the movement?
I have been speaking out about all this long before Q, hit it hard 2007, to inform public about 44, got hammered by government.
>What does a culture shift look like to you?
people working together, small communities, even smaller government, pre 1871 Constitution, removal of Maritime Admiralty law from our system, homesteading lifestyle, self accountability,………..
I have more answers than time and words will allow, term limits, line item veto, lawful quorum and representation, lifetime experience in leadership of individual industry, declaration of platform for elected officials any deviances in vote is grounds for imprisonment……