Why are you here?
I'm here because it feels like home to me.
Also for news.
But more and more I'm asking myself, what I'm doing here, when good info is so often torn apart, for whatever reasons.
I do not agree with everything Trump did, or does.
What is a free speech board worth, if it always wants to shut down reasoned and civil criticism as "shilling".
"Shill", or "shilling" have become terms to end debates, like the left does it by using other words.
The people, I admire, like Candace Owens, Robert Kennedy and so many others are not here.
Polly does a lot of deep research.
I think Beanz also.
Gen. Flynn endorses Beanz, but this doesn't count for some so-called "Anons".
Maybe it is time for me, to move on.
Thing is, I don't know, where to go.