anons is that near the precipice
wait till people who took the experimental death poison start to have major health complications and people start to realize they are losing all their family and loved ones over this hoax
the entire shit show is depressing and maddening
do you think those that consume this dish, suck it first
no I think anon is saying the have baby farms and there are no record of their births or any documentation that they exist so they rape them for awhile and then eat them or otherwise profit from their bodies expired use
I got ground meat once, the store I purchased it from had a huge sale. They had freezer cases full of this ground meat. I got three packages. I cooked one package and it tasted fooked, I don't know what the shit was, I couldn't eat it and threw it out. The other two packages are in my freezer still. I thought about having them tested. Maybe I don't want to know. I guess I will just leave them in my freezer. I am now trying to just eat more fresh raw foods and or things that are non processed.
Just said ground beef 80/20
processed or distribution by these guys
dude chasing a woman, that person does not want to Karen me
I felt sick to my stomach after eating it. Not because it hurt my stomach, it just tasted like shit ,but because mentally I was horrified of the worst possibility of it contents.
it prolly just fake test results, they maybe just make it up, kinda like the mango or whatever that tested positive for the fake virus.
DNA tests are like pet rocks, cabbage patch dolls, beanie babies, etc
is that TacoHell that last time I ate there was maybe 15 years ago or so. I got the worst fucking case of food positioning I had in my life.
I was so fucking sick, throwing up, fever, shits, never went back to one again.
oh thanks, guess they got a couple dimes off me.
couldn't BV just make shills blink or glow or something, I don't have a good shill detector.
way to go kill joy, I was just thinking I was a time traveler
upload it to an archive and just post the link without description
you click it
this gives me hopium
"The AZ audit results just flew over my squad"
are those "dick fish"