Link here . Plaintiff #1 up giving solid due process argument
Link here . Plaintiff #1 up giving solid due process argument
livestream conveniently shuts down as they discuss the conterfeit ballott methods.
UN-fucking real!
almost 2 hours of perfect stream to hear lawyers trying to shut down the unsealing of the ballots.
As soon as Plaintiff's start telling evidence , CBS kills the live stream
yes the Geeorgia hearing
New livestream GA hearing is working
Judge taking dismissal under advisement in GA.
The space where ballots are held is too small if the case survives and notice to an adaquate location needs to be given before the 28th.
Interesting exchange at the end of the GA hearing.
The Judge asked what recourse the plaitiff's had if not for the Court ( paraphrasing )
Opposing Counsel basically said the Open records Act.
The Judge asked if they would be able to enlarge the images to the size they are requesting to inspect for conterfeit under the Open Records Act.
The answer was carefully worded but NO. I think that was a significant point in any argument. It could in the end be the deciding point
>>13951412 The hearing is over now but here is a link to it. The Judge was very involved and asked plenty of uestions.