I've always thought the world's craziness was covering for an event that couldn't be stopped, so divide in an attempt to prevent discovery.. maybe this is why.. In a Zerohedge article today about climate change, a commenter writes;
Why was the Apollo mission named after the Sun god?
Why are all of our planets experiencing massive changes? Put the idea that we are heating up aside and look at the complete collapse our magnetic field is going through. Sure it is every 12,000 years, but they coincide with extinction events.
Sun God. Funny thing about that.
When NASA collected glassy rock on the sun facing side of the Moon. Rock with evidence of high energy events encapsulated at the center of the crystals. Glassy layers that measure 12,000 years apart. What do you think they were studying. Obviously they named it after the sun god… So they knew.
I actually know the answer, as the very few who were trained up in it at RPI, (NASA's first director came from our program for a reason) and yes it is classified so you cannot publish your thesis in my program.
Nova. It is caused by the galactic wave. Helium is building up and the local stars and those in line have already super flared or Nova. You can find it all right right in plain sight. They are not hiding it. We just are not connecting any dots for you.
2043, but the super flaring kill shot to our societies dependance on electricity will happen this year or one of the next two after. Then a series of flares will continue to keep us from recovery… if we ever have a chance when you can't get to work… but the big one will decouple a fragile magnetic boundary in our mantle and you won't likely have to worry for long.
I am positive this science will be come religious dogma and magic again to those descendants of the survivors. They just won't have the ability to understand the science story without a foundation of math and science as we do now.
sorry folks. Consider yourself informed. Maybe vote to spend our money and labor on something that can save us? Perhaps by telling the entire world the truth we can retain our advances this time?