>>>13951617 A court hearing is taking place today in Georgia this morning regarding the audit of the Fulton County absentee ballots
Trump will win GA when only these 145,000 absentee ballot are sorted out. That's all he'll need.
>>>13951617 A court hearing is taking place today in Georgia this morning regarding the audit of the Fulton County absentee ballots
Trump will win GA when only these 145,000 absentee ballot are sorted out. That's all he'll need.
>>>13951966 #AZAudit Reviewing Thousands of Ballots Where Machines Did Not Detect Vote for President
Must be all Trump votes with a computer program not to count them.
>>>13951893, >>13951984 Georgia Fulton County’s Richard Barron Reportedly Finds 1,500 Chain of Custody Forms After Reporting All Were Missing for Months
Obviously, these docs need to be audited.
It's the agenda itself that's evil, Zuck is just offering a big assist.
I was in Oregon recently. It has PLENTY of water it could divert to Cal if needed, PLENTY everywhere.
The latter, except that theyre so confused, they end up making up all kinds of weird shit and delusional theories.