I've manifested a lot of information and experimented on it for nearly a decade now. Suppressing your sexual energy is not healthy, it just leads you to hate women, and those urges always fight back with a vengeance. Read "The Multi-Orgasmic Man" by Mantak Chia. It's healthy to circulate sexual energy through orgasm, but avoiding the ejaculation. You basically work out the kegel muscle (imagine you're peeing and stopping the stream) and when you're about to bust you squeeze that muscle during the orgasm so you don't lose your seed but you get a really powerful orgasm. This way you don't lose your Chi or suffer from the refraction period. I can literally orgasm 10 times in a row without losing any energy. Plus you'll keep your woman happy and your dick will grow in size too. There are several level as well, I'm at the point where I can shoot the orgasmic energy up my spine and into my head. You get some crazy ass orgasms. Humans don't really come with an instruction manual when you're born but Traditional Chinese Medicine is really accurate and their scientists figured out so many things thousands of years ago.
Yep. I still watch porn and masturbate. I watch legal, passionate, and healthy/sane porn. None of that BDSM or worse bullshit. Keeps me sane too since I generally avoid women in real life atm, they are too draining and demanding. Mantak Chia teaches that stimulation is stimulation. You'll notice even when watching porn you'll feel energized. Just don't lose your seed! Traditional Chinese Medicine mentions that men only have about 7,000 ejaculations where after you'll start getting seriously ill. The Jews want you to lose your seed that's why they constantly post porn here and harass the world with it wherever they go. Do the experiment yourself. After you ejaculate you feel weak, tired and emasculated. Now watch porn, edge a little bit and stop. Notice how the energy will last for hours. Just read the book or e-book I mentioned, it will explain it way better than I can through here.
Haven't had any problems with that. Your body knows what it's doing. Unused sperm gets recycled and reabsorbed through the body. Sperm is highly nutrient dense so it would be stupid to constantly waste. Worse experience I had was blue balls for like a day but you jus massage your testicles until it goes away. It's healthy to massage your testicles daily or regularly anyways. Same with woman and their breasts. If you're a really young guy with really high sex drive your body will naturally release it during your sleep but if you keep strengthening the kegel muscle it won't happen so easily and your body will reabsorb the sperm. If it's not growing inside a uterus it grows inside of you. Goes up the spine like a vine and that energy/nutrients goes into your brain.
You should be doing yearly fasting or a week long detox protocol. Regular exercise and proper diet is mandatory for good health. My prostate is fine I've been practicing for nearly a decade now. Exercise and proper diet is cure for most disease. If you catch some rare disease (usually in times of great stress when the body is weakened from emotional shock) we have outstanding medication nowadays for it. That prostate excuse is no reason to throw away your seed or to teach this to younglings.
No shit. Notice how quickly men start aging once they find a girlfriend/wife.
If they're blowing their load constantly yeah lol. They use adrenochrome though so you'd see how they really look once they're off that shit for 2 weeks. Yang/yang and yin/yin energy is destructive I read somewhere. I mentioned getting a gf/wife accelerates aging but I should also mention that when done properly you can have sex with a girl for hours upon hours as long as you don't blow you seed. It's actually much more healthy with an actual opposite gendered being to do it with but again, if the person is draining in general or demanding it can affect your mental state. Also I don't want to risk catching any STDs right now, don't know what women are up to these days.
7,000 in a man's lifetime. Some men have more ancestral energy than others, 7k is average. With modern medicine and coming technological advancements it might break the game altogether and who knows we might be able to live forever with a single pill and never be low on energy.
Nope, I'm jacked AF, have had >70 partners before the age of 25, can fuck for hours. Thanks for letting my toot my horn.
Never really had much of a sex drive before I started my health journey. I'd say I'm at 3,000/7,000. I used to be an incel until I learned all this shit and got my act together. I was depressed and suicidal, slept 14 hours a day and could barely get out of bed. After implementing all of the things I learned, I can't believe what I transformed into sometimes when I look in the mirror. Literally like spider-man after he got bit and looked in the mirror the next day.
I'm sharing some life-shattering advice to you and you throw it away. This information is beneficial to all anons, it will help you in every way. Including how you concentrate on digging and memeing. You're such a downer.
Might as well go live in the woods with the wolves homie. Everything about your life including being on this board is 'unnatural'. Like I said, I've been on this journey for nearly a decade. I'm pretty well-balanced. Don't remember the verse but the bible even mentions to enjoy your wife's breasts. Sex is not the only aspect of one's life but a very important one amongst several others.
You're such a waste of space, 13 posts and nothing but retardation. At least I'm providing some information and life-experience with anons.
Ah so you're just spiteful then, I never claimed to be anything, I'm an anon - there is no glory here. Shitposting is an artform, you're just retarded.
Shitposting is not just about being a jackass and troll on the Internet, it's beyond that.
Of course you'd say that, I bet your closet is full of dildos.
I'm working on my Trump Dragon energy. Once we defeat the cabal I'm dunno helicopter dick over their gravestones until I take flight.
I don't let porn or anything else control me, I made it my bitch. Balance is key. If you're jerking off in a corner 12 hours a day I think that's obvious you got a problem.
Exactly. Good meme, I shall save.