back a couple of years ago there used to be one agreed upon, generic emblem
changing it birthed a point of contention
now shills and annoying faggots use it to divide
boy this is fun
back a couple of years ago there used to be one agreed upon, generic emblem
changing it birthed a point of contention
now shills and annoying faggots use it to divide
boy this is fun
ehh it feels like you're simplifying it, but I'm not sure how wrong I think this is
but Cicadia is deeper than you seem to think
how do you think we got here, anon?
you realize [they] had been tainting messages meant for us so as to elicit exactly this perception in you, right?
You're really going to make me spell it out, huh?
>anons like vidya
>post-deployment "anons" with nothing else to do
>wow clans, etc
You don't see this pattern? Seriously?
You're supposed to be special. Get it together.
Oh, I don't have it all figured out. Maybe you've misread. I was saying the Cicadia influence is clearly present.
>Shove your skull up your arse catholics, how do you think i made the connection 'stew' ? punisher on the phone p'haps?